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You Chose to Create Scene – Police Fire Back at Laide Bakare

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Lagos State police command has slammed actress, Laide Bakare.
The police said the popular Nollywood actress was stopped for violating traffic laws but chose to create a scene.
This is according to spokesperson for the command, SP Benjamin Hundeyin on X.
“You were stopped for contravening traffic laws by driving on the BRT lane.

“You chose to create a scene. You chose to remain out of your vehicle when it was being taken to the LAMATA office.

“And the officers were not going to succumb to your gimmick to hold them down at that spot.

“You paid the N70,000 fine for your offence into the government coffers. Not a finger was laid on you. You left with the receipt and your vehicle.”
Recall that the actress had in a now trending post accused the police of dragging her out of her car and drove away with her teenage daughter inside.