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10 Most Expensive Coffee Worldwide

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Coffee seems to be one of the most often consumed products worldwide competing with alcohol. It was an alternative to alcohol in times when it was banned. Pleasant smell and caffeine in contents make this product a vital element of a fast-growing business. Some premium coffee brands cost a real fortune comparing with ordinary ones, let’s look.

10. Hawaiian Kona Coffee

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The extraordinary gentle flavor of the Kona Coffee is caused by almost rarest coffee beans. Small parties of this coffee force some people to mix Kona with cheaper alternatives. But if you are fond of coffee and want to taste something brand new buy 100% variant without any additives that cost $34 per pound.

9. Los Planes Coffee

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Los Planes Coffee is a familiar business of Sergio Ticas Yeyes from El Salvador. This brand almost succeeded in two Cups of Excellence in 2006 (second) and 2011 (sixth). Some flavors are exclusive, so fanatics wish to come for this rare coffee with new tastes with a price of $40 for pound.

8. Starbucks Quadriginoctuple Frap

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Do you know the most expensive coffee in Starbucks? Let us introduce Starbucks Quadriginoctuple Frap that costs $47 per cup. Limited most expensive coffee with chic components including, for instance, protein, pizza, bananas, and many others. It worth trying if you like to taste something outstanding.

7. Fazenda Santa Ines

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A sweet touch of fruits in Fazenda Santa Ines Brazilian coffee brings joy to coffee lovers for more than 100 years. A wide diversity of fruity options is an attraction for many people from all corners of the world ready to pay $50 per pound.

6. Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee

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 Jamaica is a land where mountain air and fulfilling rain masses are supposed to be best environments for cultivation of another exclusive drink. As it has a special flavor absolutely without bitterness, it’s sent to many other countries. Japan is a leader among them buying it for 50+ per pack.

5. Saint Helena Coffee

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A bit high price and name of this coffee are related to French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte who loved to drink and cultivate this sort while being on the homonymous territory. Prospering till now, the coffee growing far away from Africa in Atlantic, costs $79 for a pound of it because logistic solutions rates are higher than usual. Anyway, it has its own fan base because of caramel and orange flavor.

4. Kopi Luwak

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 Kopi Luwak coffee has a unique method of production. It’s also named civet coffee in the name of Indonesian mammals called civets that take part in making this coffee so great. They eat the coffee beans and thanks to their digestion give them unique properties and flavor. Despite the fact that coffee beans are collected straight from excrements of the animal, the civet coffee is very popular and costs $160 per pound.

3. Hacienda La Esmeralda

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We reached a sort constantly booking first places in world coffee competitions. Rare and classy this coffee is grown on Panama’s Mount Baru under the protection of guava tree. Price is $350 but coffee lovers must try this drink at least once in life.

2. Finca El Injerto Coffee

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Rich tiny grains are the raw material for Finca El Injerto Coffee that causes a high rate (half thousand $ per pound). Washed by one channel and broken two times this most expensive coffee has great popularity worldwide.

1. Black Ivory Coffee

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Did you think that Ivory can be black? Thai coffee company used it almost literally for its cult coffee. It has the same glory as civet coffee but produced by elephants who ate coffee beans and gave them useful ferments from their stomachs. At this moment the coffee is rare and very small supplies take part usually but the most expensive coffee on the planet is aim number one for coffee fanatics.