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Titli On Starlife, Thursday 27th June 2024 Update

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Titli On Starlife Thursday 27th June 2024 Update, Garv saying I m so proud of you, I love you, Dhrishti will be fine, don’t worry, just focus on the family and me. Titli says but we have to find out about the poisonous flowers. He says no need, just take care of the family, they got upset. She says its justified. He praises her. He says don’t worry, I will make everything fine. He hugs her. She says whoever did this with Dhrishti, I will not leave that person, he has to face me.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Wednesday 26th June 2024 Update

She goes to the flower shop and scolds the man for sending poisonous flowers. The man asks what, its not possible. He shows the order she gave. She says I didn’t order this, how did this come in my list. He asks Sunny about the order. Sunny says don’t know. Titli says you have added it. The man says I got an order, we didn’t give it for free, its costly flowers. Sunny says someone came in the car and asked for the list, I couldn’t see that person. She thinks who was he, I have to find out. Hiren asks Alpa not to throw food. Alpa says its poisoned food, Dhrishti was about to die because of Titli, I don’t trust Titli. He asks her to stop it.

Maina comes and asks is Hiren talking to Jaishri like he did that day. Alpa asks what. Maina says you don’t know about it, he called Jaishri and thanked her. She goes smiling. Alpa worries. Titli checks Garv’s hand writing. She says its Garv’s handwriting, but how can this happen. Garv comes and asks all okay? She says yes, I have gone to the flower shop, the guy said he has seen that person who ordered the flowers, he is coming here. Garv says that’s really great, it will get clear. She goes praying.

Garv goes to the flower shop and warns Sunny. Titli looks on. She says you were that person. He asks what, I came here to scold the guy and find the name of the culprit. She says stop, no more lies, I got to know the truth, you did this, why did you cheat me when you love me, you had no problem with my work, why, tell me. He pushes her. Maina comes and holds her. She says he is silent because of me, I have done this. She takes Titli home. She scolds her and says your stubbornness made me do this, I had burnt your shop.

Titli is shocked. Maina accepts Garv’s mistakes. Titli says you did this so that I don’t do my job. Maina says you made me do this, I did this to save your relation and family. Titli says our relation won’t break. Maina says it’s the truth, I don’t want the family to get ruined because of your work. Titli says Koel didn’t cheat me like you did.

Garv says watch your tongue, Maina is my mom. Maina says listen to me, forget your work now, do your duties first. She goes. Titli says if anything happened to Dhrishti then? Everyone blamed me, when it was not my fault, you said you are proud of me, did you lie to me, I didn’t expect this from you. Garv says yes, I couldn’t become a good husband, I should get punished. He hits his head on the wall. She stops him. He says I trusted Hiral, not you, last time I trusted the video, I should trust you, you also don’t trust me. He goes. She cries.

Titli surprises Garv on his birthday. Garv sees a pic and gets angry. She thinks to find out the secret of the pic. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.