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This is Fate on zee world, Monday 5th September 2022 update

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Sarla says she has warned her a lot of times to never take the name of the luthra’s because they have all forgot them and even Preeta has, Bi Jee questions Sarla why is she scolding Janki because she must not look at her outer appearance but listen to her heart as she still yearns for them, Sarla replies it is not the case as she has forgotten them, Preeta spent two years away from this city to forgot, she desires that Preeta should even forget the road which leads to their house.

This is Fate Drama Series
This is Fate Drama Series

The auto of Preeta stops in front of the Luthra Mansion, Preeta seeing the house recalls the day when karan exclaimed that Preeta and Karan will never be together ever again, he then kicked her out of the house, she manages to step out of the auto, while walking towards the house she recalls how once Karan would not even feel like leaving her side, she sees the name plate of the Luthra Mansion, then recalls how Mahesh papa explained Prithvi has taken control over everything, he requested her to save everything, she also remembers the promise which karan made that he will never leave her hand, he explained it would be really difficult for him to live alone without her when she mentioned there is no need for him to ever think of living alone, she opens the gate of the Luthra house, slowly walking in when the guards stopping her ask who is she and who does she want to meet, Preeta questions about the old staff when the guard explains they have been changed and now they are the ones who have been working since the past one and half year, the guard says she must have an appointment letter if she desires to meet anyone from the family, or the permission of Prithvi Malhotra, however they hear the car of Prithvi arriving so request Preeta to go out, she hides behind the wall when Prithvi steps out of the car, Preeta thinks the last time they got him thrown in jail so how did he come back, she plans to surely find out what happened in the last two years.

Prithvi realizes that someone ran away, so asks the guards if someone came, they explain that a women came however she was not allowed to go inside, Prithvi walks out of the house, he thinks of Preeta, Prithvi says that he has thought of her after two years but now it would be better if she never came in front of him otherwise, he would do to her what she herself can never think off.
Preeta climbing the back stairs, opens the window to enter the house, just a she did in her GrehPerwash when Karan left her on the road side all those years ago, she takes her step forward reliving the old memories, she walks into the hall in a state of tension, she starts remembering how she used to live in the same house as a member, but the request of Mahesh to save his house, from Prithvi who has captured everything and even Rishab has not come.

The doorbell rings, Preeta immediately hides, Ganesh comes running to open the door, Prithvi explains that it took him thirty seconds and if he doesnot come into the house within five minutes then Ganesh would be out, he explains that Sameer got ill so he had to take him to the hospital, Prithvi explains he is the one who pays Ganesh so he works for him and not them, Prithvi sits on the sofa when Ganesh places an alarm bell which he rings so the entire Luthra family, comes to stand Infront of him, he questions why do they not have any pooja in this house, Kritika replies that it is because he doesnot like it, Prithvi replies before he just had a suspicion that she was a duffer but now ever since she stood by Preeta in deceiving him, he knows it for sure, Prithvi then questions Sherlin who replies that they would have to pay the Pandit jee, Prithvi explains this is the reason because the Pooja is held so the money comes into this house but every time the pandit comes to their house, he instead takes the money and he only likes it in his hand, Prithvi standing replies that now no doctor would come into their house without his permission because he has spent a lot of money on their expenses, including Mahesh Luthra but now he would not spend any more amount, Kritika tries to explain Sameer had a really bad fever so he needed a doctor, Prithvi standing in anger exclaims they should have given him some tablets because he would not have died with just a fever, Prithvi leaves exclaiming that all the Luthra’s should be thrown in the bin, Rakhi leaves informing Karina that it is time for her to give Mahesh his lunch, Kritika questions Ganesh why did he tell Prithvi about the doctor, Ganesh replies he got scared and apologizes. Preeta standing behind the curtain wonders why is Prithvi acting as the boss of the house and everyone is really scared of him, how did he get control of the financials of the Luthra family.

Rakhi explains that she now desires to feed Mahesh jee with her own hands but she knows that Mahesh is in the basement and there is not enough light there, Sherlin replies she would feed Mahesh herself as Rakhi knows that nurse is really ill tempered, Sherlin takes the plate however prithvi stops her informing that whenever Mahesh sees anyone in his room, he gets irritated so if he in anger harms Sherlin, then he would not be able to afford her treatment, Dadi cries saying her son has lost all the ability to think, prithvi replies Mahesh just made one right decision by giving him the authority to make all the decisions of the business and their property, thanks to him as he has kept them all alive. Karan walks over to the family, he asks Dadi what has happened, however Dadi doesnot say anything when Prithvi walking down exclaims would she rejoice at the news when her son has gotten mental, this is why she is crying, Karan warns him to watch his tongue, Prithvi asks if Karan did not hear that his father has been declared mental because he acts like an animal and hurts everyone, Karan warns him to not take a single word against his father, prithvi asks what does she think because Karan is just a normal employee and he is the one who takes the decisions of Shining bright, Prithvi mentions he knows how much this job is important for karan because he needs to keep an eye on him but if karan ill-treats him ever again then will be kicked out of the house, Prithvi calling Ganesh to give karan dry fruits so he knows how is the owner of the house.

Karan exclaims that if Rishab was here then he would have seen what Prithvi says, Prithvi explains that till Mahesh is alive he is the owner of this house but after he dies the property would be divided equally between both the brothers, Karan gets really mad when Rakhi takes him away, however Prithvi warns them to make karan remember, Kritika tries to leave when Prithvi stopping her asks if she forgot that he is her husband who loved her a lot but she lost that right when she deceived him with Preeta and he will not forget it for the rest of his life.

Rakhi says that she has asked Karan a lot of times to not argue with Prithvi otherwise he would stop the treatment of Mahesh, she asks if this is what Karan desires, then she says if he can do anything then must find Rishab as he is the only one who can handle Prithvi, Karina also explains to Karan that he doesnot know how to handle the business when Rishab has done it a lot longer and also really mature, even Dadi asks him to try and find Rishab, he leaves so Karina requests her to not be worried, Rakhi explains she is fine and they both must to rest, Prithvi thinks how she wishes she could go and meet Rakhi, who wile sitting exclaims that her entire family has dispersed as there is neither Rishab nor Preeta, Sherlin while coming to her exclaims she will never come as Preeta was a bad phase of their life which has passed when there is even a more dangerous thing which is to come but will even end soon.

Preet is walking in the night when she is constantly thinking about what she saw in the Luthra house, she wonders how Mahesh papa became a mental patient and prithvi took control of the entire Luthra Mansion. Preeta is suddenly pulled to the side by Shristhi who questions what was she doing in the middle of the road, she exclaims she has ordered some Chinese for her knowing she must not do so in the night but could not control herself, Preeta is still thinking about the Luthra house, Shristhi questions her what happened, Preeta whispers it so that she is not able to hear, Shristhi stopping the auto asks her to come and sit as they need to go back.

Sherlin is walking when Prithvi walks past her, he pulls her with him, they both enter the room when she asks him to not pull her like this as she is still standing by her family like a daughter, Prithvi exclaims that she is doing a brilliant job by acting as a caring daughter in law, she informs him to not instigate Karan like this because if he starts taking interest in the business then it might end his own interests, Prithvi explains karina Luthra ruined her entire family when she send him to get some business papers signed from Mahesh Luthra. Sherlin exclaims he did a really good job but what happens if his actions kill Mahesh Luthra, what will they do then, Prithvi exclaims that he will not die because the nurse is giving him a medicine that will slowly drive him mad but he will not kill Mahesh Luthra as his health is the reason that the post of Prithvi is valid, everything should be just as because everyone would think that he is half mad but in reality Prithvi is the one attacking him, he is even then transferring the entire business from their company to his, he is doing it with an immense pace because if anything happens, he would still be able to be the owner of at least fifty percent share, he says if Mahesh dies then his property would be transferred between his sons, Rishab would be the owner of fifty percent share meaning Sherlin would get it, so them, while the other would be of karan for whom they have Natasha, her so called sister, he questions where is she, Sherlin replies she would be somewhere making the videos.

Natasha in the room is dancing and making a video saying that her aim is to be the dance queen, she stands in front of the camera but forgets the remote, she manages to turn the music on and after it completes she sits down to upload it and check how many followers have increased, Sherlin comes asking what happened, Natasha replies she was just making her dance video, since she is the queen, she asks Sherlin how many followers would have increased, she replies five or ten, Natasha hearing this checks her account, she is stunned as only five have increased, Sherlin assures her that soon more followers would increase, Natasha is excited when Sherlin advises her to focus more on Karan since he is depressed and alone, she will be able to get a lot of money from him then any other source, she pulls Natasha with her.

Bi Jee is performing the pooja, Janki says to Sarla that she is not able to find one of the dupatta, Bi Jee coming back says she knows it would be hers since Janki always loses her things, Janki tries to blame it on her cough syrup when Bi Jee says she has not had any since the past two years when she would pray for Preeta to once again have a normal life, Sarla getting emotional exclaims she is really grateful Bi jee prayed for Preeta, she replies Preeta might be her daughter but is her niece, Janki seeing that Preeta is arriving asks her to freshen up as they would all have dinner together, Bi jee exclaims Preeta would not eat with them instead will devour the Chinese which Shristhi has ordered, Shristhi leaves to warm it herself. Sarla asks Preeta if everything is alright, but Preeta assures there is nothing wrong however there were a lot of patients when Bi jee exclaims it would have happened for two years have passed, a lot has changed, Preeta leaves to her room.

Janki coming explains that she thinks Preeta is not worried but tensed, Sarla says she can see it from her eyes so knows that Preeta is still thinking about the past memories which she tried to forget from this city, Bi jee asks Sarla to give her some time, she agrees with her.

Karan is sitting in his room trying to work but he is not able to, Natasha and Sherlin see him from the corner of the room when Natasha asks her to leave them both alone since she cannot do this when Sherlin is present, Sherlin says that she has no interest in seeing her but Karan has no interest in her, Natasha going in tries to impress Karan exclaiming that he must focus on her however he corrects her, she exclaims she sometimes makes the mistakes on purpose so he can correct her. She goes outside exclaiming how stupid is this of her, Sherlin comes to her, she exclaims Natasha should stop this madness of dancing. Natasha leaves.
Preeta is sleeping when she in her dream sees the day where she was thrown out of the house, Rakhi also wakes up seeing that horror dream, she sitting on her bed exclaims not a single day has passed where she did not see Preeta, she cannot even go to her house to see if she is alright, wondering how did the relations turn so bad, she really wishes if she can go and see Preeta with her own eyes.

Preeta also in her dream sees Karan exclaiming she should never think of walking on the same street with him.

Dadi and Karina also scolded Preeta blaming her for everything, even Kritika mentioned she hates her, Preeta starts requesting them to not do this in her sleep, Shristhi wakes up calling Sarla. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.