Rajjo On Starlife Story Summary; The series revolves around the trials and tests of an aspiring athlete Rajjo from Uttarakhand. Her mother, Manorama, has a dark past, and hence is against Rajjo’s dreams of turning an athlete. After getting separated by her mother in Kedarnath flood and crossing-paths with a fertilizer businessman Arjun, how will Rajjo react to the past, and manage to win her dreams in the present. Read Rajjo on starlife story summary.
Rajjo On Starlife Story Summary In Episodes
In the first episode, Rajjo runs and cleaning the mess. She sees her mum rowing the boat and speeds up to sit and pray. Her mum reaches the shore and calls her out. Rajjo goes and pulls the ropes of the boat to tie it to the wood rod. She jokes and teases her mum. Her mum laughs.
She says it’s a big day for our village, there will be a big puja today for Mahadev, we will complete the fasts and pray, there is a function in the village. Rajjo says I just want your beating. Her mum asks do you want to beating now. Rajjo asks what did you get to eat. Her mum gives her an apple, and says have it, its from the puja. Her mum keeps the fish basket on Rajjo’s head and asks her to go straight. Rajjo says I remember everything what to do. Her mum asks her not to run. Rajjo says I will do what I want. She runs taking the fish basket tied to her waste.
Some ladies see her and talk. The lady says Manno doesn’t know that her daughter is running again. The guy Arjun is seen having fun in the mountains. He meets his friends. He says one has to be disciplined, I like it this way, I don’t like any interference in my life, so I run ahead of time. The guy says we will go for boating.
Arjun says we will go to the village fair, family runs first, this royal family is my runaway, it will take me to Delhi and then America, just you both and Urvashi knows it, no one in my family, not even my mum knows it. He leaves. A storm is seen coming. Rajjo talks to the guard. She says I got the fishes on time, don’t tell mum hat I came running. The guard gives her the dumroo and sell it in the fair. Rajjo says I will decorate this and sell it. The guard lady says sell it for 40rs, give me 30rs and you keep 10rs. Rajjo asks how many money will I get. The lady says 100rs. Rajjo says I will buy shoes for mum. She goes. The officials seeing the stormy tides that can ruin the village. Rajjo sells the dumroo. A girl asks her to come for aarti. Rajjo says I will come soon.
Rajjo gives a dumroo to a boy for free. She reaches the temple for the aarti. She sees a lady removing the shoes. She recalls Mannu/Manorama’s hurt feet. She says mum says that no one gets everything, but everyone gets something, I want such shoes for mum. She prays to Mahadev.
Arjun comes there and talks to the sarpanch. He gets his mum’s call and talks to her. He says everything is fine, don’t worry, I will talk later. Sarpanch says you are my Annadaata, my fields are having a harvest because of your fertilizers. Arjun goes with the villagers. He sees the cow dung. He says I think we should go from that way, there is cow dung here. The man says you do this work only, come. They men laugh. Arjun says I will not go from this way, I will go from the long way.
Rajjo dances with the girls on Har har Shiva… The dumroo flies off her hair and hits Arjun’s head. Arjun holds her head. Sarpanch asks who has hit him. Rajjo hides there. Arjun and the men scold the person for throwing the dumroo. Rajjo says I didn’t hit him intentionally. She sits in some cupboard to leave from there. Arjun goes to check the cupboard. Rajjo pushes his hand. His phone falls. She gets down the cupboard. Arjun and Rajjo see each other.
In the final episode of Rajjo on starlife, Everyone waits for Arjun and family. Kalindi says they will enjoy a lot in Maldives. Arjun gets a bag and says this is Rajjo’s bag, no need of my bag. Rajjo comes. Madhu asks what happened, what is all this. Arjun says relax, everything is fine, I have fulfilled her dream, I love her and I have to make her happy, I have to make her an athlete, I called the training camp manager and said she will come for training, honeymoon will happen after 6 months. Rajjo asks do you all like this decision or not.
Madhu gets aarti plate. She does Rajjo’s aarti. She hugs Rajjo. Chirag says we all are with you. Arjun says come, we will leave. Chirag says we will take a selfie, we will miss her. Mukund says Arjun will miss her the most. Kalindi says Rajjo might forget us when she gets famous. Arjun says we will take a pic. They smile and wish all the best to Rajjo ending the series.
Rajjo On Starlife – Details
Rajjo On Starlife – Cast
Main Cast
Celesti Bairagey as Rajjo Thakur – An aspiring athlete; Manorama and Pushkar’s daughter; Kalindi, Niharika and Bunty’s half-sister; Mukund, Sagar and Pankhuri’s cousin; Vicky’s ex-fiancé; Arjun’s wife.
Rajveer Singh as Arjun Singh Thakur – A fertilizer businessman; Madhumalti and Pratap’s younger son; Chirag’s younger brother; Mukund, Rocky, Sagar and Pankhuri’s cousin; Urvashi’s ex-fiancé; Rajjo’s husband.
Gungun Uprari as Manorama “Manno” Dhaki – A former athlete; Pushkar’s ex-lover; Rajjo’s mother.
Supporting Cast