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Mehek on zee one, Thursday 21st July 2022 update

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Mohit says to his family that celebrating happiness before it even came is foolish. He opens TV. Reporter says Shaurya’s restaurant was closed because of rats roaming in food and Shaurya have arranged press conference for it, all look on.

Mehek Series
Mehek Series

Mahek says to media that we have done mistake and we are ashamed of it but you people have always trusted us and we have always tried to follow it but this time we slipped and we are sorry, we hope to get another chance,if you want to punish us then we are ready for that, all clap for Mahek, Shaurya claps too. One reporter asks Mahek whats her plan? Mahek says we will close restaurant and will go for pest control. Kanta sees her on TV and says she looks so confident, PD says the one who have right intentions bear everything with smile, Mohit fumes
in anger.

Niki hints at one reporter, reporter asks Mahek if it was negligence? Mahek says no, it was a mistake, we do every task carefully here. Reporter says then you must have done it deliberately, Mahek says what he means? Reporter says do you think it was not an accident, it was deliberate attempt, from the time you have married Shaurya, you have been in news for some rumors and scandals with him, vicky says I want to punch him. Mahek says this is personal question and I wont answer it, Reporter says your personal and professional life is mingled. Niki asks Shaurya to remain calm.

Reporter says to Mahek that was this incident cheating with people? how can people trust you with all these incidents happening? you are from a small street, you just married a rich guy but you just worked on dhabba and you dont have class to handle such place, you are insulted and should resign but you are defending this incident with all these allegations on you? lawyer says to Shaurya that we can still transfer property. Reporter asks Mahek if she is taking revenge from her husband for losing contest? Balwant sees it on TV, Ravi says he is insulting her, Sheetal says what will happen when Shaurya questions her. Mahek asks reporter to not question like that, reporter says if you cant handle this position then why not give it to someone else? this is your hunger of power. Shaurya gets angry and comes on stage. Nehal sees it on TV and says brother in law is here, Balwant says I hope he doesnt shout on her.

Sheetal says no Mahek will be insulted right. Shaurya pulls away from stage and says to reporter that you told us our mistakes and you have done your work so sit down, reporter sits down. Mahek thinks now Shaurya you shout on me too.. Shaurya says to reporter that the one you insulted is MY WIFE, you said she wants money and power? if she wanted it then she would have sold it and ranaway, she wouldnt be working so hard for it, we could have given restaurant to someone else and runaway but Mahek said Shaurya we should face our problems, Mahek doesnt runaway from problems like us, she finds lesson in them, Mahek looks at him in surprise.

Shaurya says now its about contest, he comes to Mahek and says Mahek didnt lose contest, I made her lose using my money, I gave money and rigged it because I didnt want to lose to Mahek infront of world and you think Mahek can hurt for money? you dont know Mahek, the one who is close to Mahek, she can give life for them. He holds Mahek’s hand and says to reporter that you see small street opportunist girl in Mahek but I see talented and hard working girl in her, the one who keep love and honor above money and power, I am very lucky that Mahek loves me and I know only Mahek can make my business stand again thats why I am with Mahek, Mahek proudly smiles at them, she is in tears looking in his eyes, Tere bin mar hi jaunga.. yeh tai hai plays, Mahek wipes her happy tears.Niki says to lawyer that my plan backfired. Whole team of white chilies goes on stage and stand behind Shaurya and Mahek. Shaurya clap for Mahek. PD sees this on TV and see our couple destroyed enemies’ hopes, Mohit angrily leaves from there.

Shaurya says to Vicky that restaurant will remain close for pest control. Mahek looks at him and goes him, she says Shaurya listen? he looks at her but is busy in working, Mahek keeps going behind him but Shaurya is giving instructions to team, Mahek says Shaurya.. listen.. he is about to leave, Mahek says listen, I am just trying to say thanks. Priya calls Shaurya. She gives investor’s call to Shaurya. Mahek says to Shaurya that I want to talk to you, Shaurya says cant you see I am busy? he turns away from her and smiles seeing her attention on him, Mahek says I am trying to talk Shaurya, he ignores her, she says fine remain busy, she goes away. Mahek murmurs I was just trying to say thanks, so much attitude. Shaurya thinks I know what you want to say but I wouldnt make it easy for you, I will play. He smiles.
Niki calls mystery person and says dont shout on me, I was following my plan but I didnt know Shaurya will suddenly feel love for Mahek but I wont let this love remain intact, let me handle it, she ends call and sees Shaurya opening car door for Mahek. She says you both can love today but soon you both will hate each other, you will disgusted by each others faces.

Mahek is Shaurya’a weakness, he thinks about her from heart and that will be his loss Mahek is waiting outside Shaurya’s room. Kanta calls her and says you didnt even call us about the problem? Mahek says I didnt want to worry, Kanta says I was proud of you handling conference but can you handle bigger problems too? Mahek sees Shaurya coming there, she says I will call later. She runs behind Shaurya but he goes in room and closes door on her face, she says I dont understand him, if he is playing or miffed with me again, she huffs and leaves. Shaurya smiles and says work hard Mahek, its not easy to pacify me

Ravi says to Jeevan that I never thought I would do job like this in life, we used to our own shop and now we are peons of some shop, Jeevan says this is temporary, you know house’s condition, we didnt get job, our daughters are working and we sit in house? it doesnt look good, we will leave this peons job as soon as we find something else, I cant sit shamelessly at home, Ravi says thats why I agreed, I hope we soon find good job, Jeevan says we will, he hugs him.

In morning, Mahek makes pancake and smiles. She is in white chilies.

Ravi and Jeevan are in shop dressed as peons. Ravi says I cant believe I am doing this job. Jeevan says act like this acting. Manager comes to them and says be ready for work, its sale starting. Jeevan nods.

Mahek puts pancake and cute card of ‘thank you’ on table lighted with candles and rose petals, Mahek says now I will see till when Sir Ji wont talk to me. She thinks of writing ‘I Love You Shaurya’ on card but blushes and doesnt write it. She thinks Shaurya have to be pacified now, Shaurya comes there and see it, he thinks this Mahek will surely make me smile but I have started enjoying this game, I have to think someway to stop from smiling.

Shaurya goes to Nikita and tells the breakfast so amazing and puts a hand on her shoulder..Mahek looks shockingly at him..Nikki ask Mahek did she made this cake ..it looks yummy… Shaurya calls whole staff and tells she made cake for whole staff and ask them to taste it…Priya tells it’s amazing.. Shaurya ask Mahek is she ok…she nods her head and he takes Nikki aside ..Nikki tells what is happening you both should talk out and clear the things…Mahek comes and ask excatly I want to know what’s happening…she stars crying telling I made that for you and since night I wanted to tell you thanks ..and you are ignoring me ..he ask why is she crying…she throws flowers on him and tells iam not crying…and tells to stop sticking to Nikki …coz
if she sticks to someone than he can’t handle it…he holds her hand…maahi bolna song plays and Shaurya asks she can try but her old delhi values won’t allow her to do that..Mahek goes and sit on sofa.. Vicky comes and tells mahek why don’t you do the same thing and make him jealous…Nikki ask why he is troubling her and he tells he wants to bring her real feelings out..

Ravi and Jeevan was framed by sheetal ..when they were loading the goods from godown in truck… driver flew away with the truck and …they complain to manager …and he informs Mohit ..and Sheetal ask to complain to police…Mohit leaves and..Sheetal comes and insult them as they are working in their son’s shop as peons…they leave the job

Shaurya was talking to Nikki and mahek think what he must be talking that their talks Never ends…a guy comes and stand in front of Mahek and Vicky comes from behind…guy hugs Mahek..and tells that he is Vicky friend and tells sorry Bhabhi he asked me to flirt with you…he kisses her hand , and tells he is her big fan and ask to Come along with him to Mumbai… Shaurya gets angry and goes near to her and pulls Mahek aside , and tells she has commitment here , guy tells her looks like he won’t allow to move you from this place…Mahek tells it’s nothing like that we can discuss .. Shaurya pulls her aside and tells he will break his legs and gives it in his and ask her to stay away…and goes from there…Mahek laughs..

Nikki gets a call and he tells not to shout at her she is doing her work…she hung phone and tells he will screw him up badly and this time Mahek wont be able to help him…

Mahek gets a call from Sharma house…and she rushes in hurry.. Shaurya looks at her and thinks what happened to her…Mahek reaches home and tells what is happening here, Sheetal tells police is arresting them …as they have stole 1 crore rupees goods…Ravi tells we weren’t aware that the shop belonged to Mohit and they went for sales man job and they were hired for peons job..and when they were trying to load the goods driver ran away… inspector tells they found the truck standing outside the house…Ravi tells they are framing us ..

Ravi asks you have did the partition wasn’t that enough now you want to send us to jail…he tells you joined my shop to destroy me…kanta slaps him and tells she is ashamed he is her son.

Sheetal ask to arrest them..Mahek request Mohit to stop them he ignores her .. Shaurya comes and stops their way and stands in front of them and looks at Mahek. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.