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Meet in love zee world, Tuesday 14th June 2022 update

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Masum says to Meet he will not wear your choice of shirt. Masum says Meet Ahlawat take your shirt. Masum and Meet both gave him shirt. Meet Ahlawat come out wearing Meet’s choise and says thank god I’m wearing clothes I told you she might he here around. Masum says to Meet Ahlawat why are you wearing this shirt you don’t like this colour, thie is wierd.

Meet in love zee world Series
Meet in love zee world Series

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Monday 13th June 2022 update

Meet Ahlawat says I thought of giving it to someone but Dad gifted me and I start liking this shirt its wierd colour is its USP that’s why I’m wearing this and I have important meeting today will go to temple first and will proceed further and he leaves. Masum asks Meet why are you smiling, whatever he said doesn’t mean much a shirt need its place in almera but its impossible to love someone you don’t like so Meet accepted this Shirt not you. Meet says I know he is angry on me but what I did to you so you have problem from me.

Masum says this is my problem that you don’t know how to talk, don’t have any class or grace and each and every reason my mom hates, your parents should have thought you some manner, I’m sorry your parents don’t know meaning of manner. Meet says I know you are elder and demand respect but remember if you say anything to my family next time get ready to have an answer from my side. Masum leaves.

Meet thinks I’m am because of my mom and today I’m not able yo help her and remember call from electricity board. Meet think og going back to job but how.

Amma cribs and ask for tea. Anubha says I’ll make but don’t know how to connect pipe with cylinder it does not fit properly. Amma guide her how to do. Anubha says I tried everything, I never did before Meet use to do it. Amma says it said from old times girls are someone else treasure, we have to live without them, how much she ask someone else to do our house work, but for cylinder she have to come down which she cannot do. Someone ring dorr bell. Amma ask Anubha to open door and see Raj outside. Amma gets scared

Chavi ask Meet to come fast and says now you will walk without any support try fast hurry up. Meet wear shoes. Babita vome downstairs, Chavi says I have started her training. Meet gets call from Ram Lakhan. Chavi says you are getting call go pickup. Meet try to walk in heels and pick up phone and greets them. Ram Lakhan says we are fine you tell how’s everything going. Meet asks about colony. Ram Lakhan tells the story of paan wale chacha that electricity board cut his connection because of unpaid bill. Ram says now a days they are getting strict you remember aunty with floor mill she was Missing you and saying is Meet would be here nothing could have gone wrong. Meet ask about Anubha and Amma. Ram Lakhan says when we went there everything was alright both of them were good now we will go in evening to take update for now bye.
Meet thinks what Amma will say to her if she doesn’t pay the bill. Anubha without electricity cooking food and in trouble because of power cut and drop her duppata in fire. Meet shouts mummy fire. Chavi gets scared.
Meet thinks I cannot see them in situation I have to get back to work. Chavi says where are you lost your call is already cut, get up and start practicing, now walk like you are on clouds, watch me and ask her to try. Meet try to walk but falls. Meet Ahlawat walks to her and give her look.

Anubha asks Raj you came without any notice is everything alright. Raj says its important but if we talk with tea. Anubha says why not but remember gas is not working. Raj says yes to make tea chula should be connected to cylinder come I’ll do it. Anubha says how you know that. Raaj says Ammaji have a loud voice tell me where is your cylinder. Anubha says in your house servant do work how you will handle. Raj says we are us to of servant from last 10 years but I have much experience then them and he make connection. Anubha thanks her and say its first time you came after marriage and I’m troubling you. Raj says to Anubha no issues now we will talk with tea and says will love to have snacks with tea. Amma asks Anubha it’s available bring it with tea and ask Raj to sit.

Meet Ahlawat says when you cannot handle heel then why are you wearing. Meet gets up and shouts in pain. Meet Ahlawat grabs her and says you are hurt if you will stand up all of sudden it will pressure your leg. Meet says I’ll see. Meet Ahlawat says sut down. Chavi says I cannot see this and leave. Meet Ahlawat asks Meet for her leg, he grabs it and ask her to see there and tells these kind of injury happen in sports and everyone is taught to fix these injuries. Meet Ahlawat give a puch Meet shouts in pain. Meet Ahlawat says after doing this small cramps are fixed now try to walk. Meet ask for support says don’t stare me need to stand. Meet stand up. Meet Ahlawat says its good for a person to do in which he is best don’t try to be someone else and loose there own personality and leaves. Meet says he was rude but said right, she drops heel and go.

Anubha bring tea and snacks. Raj says lest talk for ehat I come here but before starting anything promise me that you don’t tell Meet. Amma says Meet must have done something wrong and came here to complaint. Raj says if I get angry on Meet then things will go upside down in nature. Raj says to Anubha that Meet was only support for you all but I took her so he offer a packet and says I want to support you financially. Anubha and Amma in shock. Raj says please don’t say no because now we are ine family. Anubha says thanks for thinking about us but I cannot accept this, this will help us but girl like Meet who support like boy is letting them down, I cannot hurt them. Raj says I understand but take this as loan. Anubha says in this house every decision are taken by Meet and taking this loan is also her decision, she is your daughter in law but still take care of this house, and I have faith in Meet she must have done some arrangements for this. Raj thinks she also want same but Babita has ask her not to work and if they will also not accept money then how will they run house.

Manushi in pain says I’m sure this pain is because of anxiety and want to know about her letter says let me call home to find out but stops if I call and mummy pick up she will create big fuss, ket me call Meets office to know if she is here and call by landline. Manushi asks about Meet. Boss says yes she work here but she is on holiday now. Manushi asks so can you tell when she can rejoin. Boss says she didn’t tell when she will join because she is having some family issues. Manushi says thankyou and says family problem my pain is getting low, means my note has done its work and says this was my revenge for Meet now only happiness in my life and problem in your life .

Chavi says to Masum I said everything you teach me and see I have written dialogues also on my hand, what do you think she will get trapped in your plan and leave this house. Masum ofcourse only then I can work on my other plan. Masum phone rings Chavi tell her about that. Masum says let me focus on my plan. Meet going downstairs and ask Kaka is someone is anyone there in house. Kaka says no everyone is out. Meet thinks now I have to go she grabs her purse. Chavi and Masum hides in corridor.

Meet remembers what Babita said about job. Masum says now she will go and disobey mom’s word and she will get angry. Meet says nobody is inside now I have to leave and go out.

Meet walks out of house. Chav says finally Meet is in yrap. Masum says she is standing near trap, mom yold her not to go on jib but still she went now I’ll trap her and calls Babita says you were saying you want yo donate something in NGO with brother so I called everyone, you also come fast. Babita says you did this good and listen as Meet to be presentable and take care of guests. Masum says call dad too it will be good if whole family is here. Babita says okay I’ll let him know and ask her driver to take hime. Masum says now she is in trap and today will be her last day in Ahlawat house.

Babita greets Devika and says I’m sorry for getting late and ask Masum what about thete hospitality. Masum says don’t worry. Meet Ahlawat walks in. Babita says to Meet Ahlawat she is Devika and her NGO helps women in need and Devikaji he is Meet Ahlawat. Devikaji says so because of his marriage you are giving donation and ask where is your daughter in law. Babita says she might preparing for snacks and asks Meet Ahlawat to sign check. Meet Ahlawat says okay and ask servent to bring check. Babita gets call and says its urgent I need to answer it. Chavi give signal to Masum to come inside. Masum give her signals to not to come and go back and bring snacks. Chavi keeps snacks and Devikaji congratulate Chavi and says here is gift for you and ask Masum to take a picture. Meet Ahlawat says yo Devika its a misunderstanding she is not my wife she is Chavi Masum’s sister in law. Devikaji says I’m sorry. Babita disconnect her cal and says to Masum I asked you to appoint Meet for hospitality why did you ask Chavi. Masum says I looked for her but couldn’t find so asked Chavi for hospitality as it is also important. Raj walks in and greets Devika how’s you. Devikaji greets him back and congratulate him for his son marriage. Raj says did you meet our daughter in law she is such a good child and ask Masum to call Meet. Devikaji says but your son name is Meet. Raj says our daughter in law name is also Meet. Raj ask Masum to call Meet. Masum gets up and think everything us going according to plan now I have to go to her room and creat mess that Meet is not in her room.
Ragini walks down the stairs. Babita says Masum come here Ragini will call Meet and ask her to call her down. Masum walks back thinking whoever go to call Meet, but news will come down that Ahlawat’s family daughter in law is not here.

Meet says to Ram Lakhan you two are big ustaad and came here to meet me. Ram Lakhan says we were missing you so came to meet and we were told by Amma that you are now wife cannot come out of house and have to listen everything but I don’t understand how did they listen you. Meet says today I came without telling them don’t know was it right or wrong. Lakhan says I didn’t understand anything. Ram says I don’t understand why you have to listen to someone else, we should do what we love. Meet says when yoi have to take everyone with you ,you have to listen but sometimes you have to listen to yourself.

Ragini searching for Meet says she is not in washroom. Sunaina walks in and ask did you find her Babita is asking for her again. Ragini says give me your phone and calls her says she is not answering her call don’t know where she is, is she out of house. Sunaina says is Babita learn about this then she will make fuss out of it. Ragini says I know Sunaina.

Meet in market takes package from someone and goes.

Everyone in hall looking for Meet. Devikaji says I’m getting late so I’m leaving will meet your daughter in law some other day. Raj says wait she will here in no time and ask Babita to bring her. Babita says why me, my guest are here, if I’ll go to call her only then she will that much ego. Meet Ahlawat says what I’ll bring her. Devikaji says please try to understand I’m getting late sorry and leave. Masum says this is too much guest came to our house and was waiting for her to meet but now what kind of impression she must have gone, that Ahlawat’s family daughter in law have ao much ego that she didn’t came to meet, she will now talk to people and disrespect Ahlawat’s famil.

Babita says this girl don’t have any right to insult us in front of everyone, now can’t we deserve a small greet from her side to iur guest, don’t know what ego she have and says to Raj is this your responsible daughter in law. Raj says right now we don’t know her reason to not to come down there could be chance that she is not well, Ragini has gone to look her she will come and let us know, see Ragini is here and ask what happen. Ragini says Meet is not in house. Babita not in house then where she is. Ragini says I called her but she didn’t pick. Sunaina says I’ll look for her outside. Masum says there are possibilities that she might have gone to her house without telling anyone.

Raj ask Meet Ahlawat to call her house and says don’t ask directly there are chances she might be not there and Anubha gets in tension. Babita says can’t you see we are in tension. Meet Ahlawat says mom please and call Anubha.
Anubha greets Meet Ahlawat and ask about her daughter how is she. Meet Ahlawat says everything is okay and fine just call to know how are you and guest are in house will call you back later. Anubha hungs up phone and gets suspicious.
Raj says Meet is responsible girl she cannot do like this. Babita says how much you know about her. Masum says if she is not here there where is she, does she went out to follow her passion, her delivery job. Babita says I told her not to do that job but still she went. Raj says Meet cannot do this. Chavi says sorry to Raj and says while I was practicing her she got call and she became upset after that call.

Manushi come with shopping bag and says I’m so happy after doing this much shopping. Kunal says nice I think so yoi got your credit card but you were saying that your credit card is at home. Manushi says yes it’s at home I did all this shopping from hotels shopping centre and they were saying they will add this in room bill. Kunal gets shocked and thinks she has raised bar of hotel bill but no worries I’ll pay from Meet’s credit card.

Sunaina come Ragini asks where is Meet. Sunaina says I asked guard he told me when Babita left after 20 minutes Meet also went outside. Masum says what after mom left she also left in 20 minutes and says Babita its clear she was waiting for you to leave so that she can resume her delivery job. Babita says to Raj what did you said that she is diamond, today she did a thing for which I strictly said no to her, today she took a step not for doing job but to ditch us, sorry Raj you lost in testing her and ruined my son’s life. Masum says Meet Ahlawat was shouting and saying she is not right girl but dad didn’t listen him.

Raj shouts at Masum and says I’m talking yo your mom. Meet Ahlawat walks away. Chavi says wait I’ll look after him. Raj says my gut feeling is still saying is we say no to any work she will not do I know she has different perspective of doing work but if we drew a line she will never cross it. Masum says I don’t understand why you trust her a lot she went to do delivery. Meet come and says I’m here with a bag and package in hand. Babita walks to her and says ask her where did she went and tell her we already knew she didn’t went to her house so there is no room for lie. Raj says I cannot ask her any questions because I still trust her.

Babita says but I need to ask after saying no why did she went on her delivery job, she proved that she still belong to her house not Ahlawat’s family and she have nothing to do with Ahlawat’s house reputation and if a person will disrespect this then I don’t have any space for that person in this house. Meet says but I didn’t disrespected you. Masum says first you disrespected her and now giving emotional speech, we all knew you went on your delivery you are a lier. Duggu walks in with bandagyon his head and says Ustaad Mami is not lier.

Everyone in shock and ask what happen to him and everyone ask what happen yo him. Meet says he fall down during recess teacher called Masum dee too but she didn’t picked so teacher called on landline nobody was there so I picked up phone and went school to bring him. Babita says you managed everything rightly went to school took him to doctor, atleast have called us or drop a message. Meet says I’m sorry but I was in hurry so told Mani Kaka and left. Raj ask where is Mani Kaka.

Mani Kaka says I’m here and says to Masum thank god I reach in time I went far away to bring ingredients for your salad. Raj says Meet told you something but what you did.

Kaka says yes sir she told that Duggu Kaka got hurt in school so she is going there and nobody was there in house and I went to bring. Masum says okay noe you can go. Raj says to Masum and Babita do you want to say something about this is there any confusion.

Meet says this is true that I need to work to support my house but I won’t do anything without your consent. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.

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