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Meet in love zee world, Friday 2nd September 2022 update

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Everyone at in hall with police in Ahlawat’s house. Isha says me and Meet were busyand went to watch movie and shows the update on socila media to Hawa Singh. Hawa Singh ask Meet what was the story of movie. Meet didn’t answer. Hawa Singh says you were trying to fool a police officer. Meet tells the story of movie says in movie there was an innocent heroine and she slaps a corrupt police man and he falls.

Meet in love zee world Series
Meet in love zee world Series

Constable says this movie is released today. Meet says this is my favourite heroine movie so I went for first day first show. Ragini ask Ram to say something. Ram says yes she was here since morning and give me tea. Hawa Singh says everyone is supporting her in her lie, now don’t say it is not lie, I saw you in police station. Meet says when do you have any evidence and you are saying that I burn the bike so tell me the reason behind that. Hawa Singh laugh and says I know you will make this kind of story, you have made a big wall of lie which I cannot cross, but I’ll not go empty handed uf not Meet then Meet Ahlawat because we find him there and ask constable to bring Meet Ahlawat inside. Constable bring him. Everyone rush to him. Babita says to him you did nothing then whydid they arrest you. Meet Ahlawat says don’t worry I’m fine. Meet try to go to Meet Ahlawat. Hawa Singh stop her and says you saved yourself very well, I’m smart then you, if not Meet Huddah then Meet Ahlawat. Meet says you cannot arrest him. Hawa Singh says don’t worry I’ll figure out, I’ll tell you how I’ll take revenge, today I’ll send him inside lockup and you know very well what happen inside lockup and once he is inside he wont get bail before Monday and ask constable to take him. Meet try to walk towards Meet Ahlawat. Hawa Singh stop her says don’t rush or you will ruin you mehendi and says this is your first holi in in-laws house you have to celebrate without him and says to everyone I feel very bad taking him. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat I won’t let you go this is wrong. He says it’s good if I go. Hawa Singh says take him. Babita says he did nothing don’t handcuff him. He holds Meet’s hand and her mehedi get ruined and police take him away. Hawa Singh looks at them says you two love eachother so much and says to Meet I give you one more chance, come to police station in next 2hrs and accept your crime because someone have to go inside now it’s your choice who it will be.

Masum in hall with everyone says Meet Ahlawat is in lockup because of Meet and nobody even think of calling me and try to stop him, I would have stop them if I would have been here. Babita says stop it Masum we all are already in trouble and you are shouting, what could you do you went to parlour. Masum says pampering is not a crime and I don’t know that a big case will happen if I’m out, why always see me as bad person why everyone don’t see my sacrifice even I accepted to give Duggu to Sunaina, I know I’m loud but what I do is for this family. Raj says minister is hospitilised we cannot disturb him. Babita says we have to Hawa Singh took our son and he is bad person you know, I cannot see my son in jail and day after tomorrow is holi and we cannot celebrate without him, I’ll call my brother he is minister he will help me sure. Raj says you will not call the person. Babita says I know you both don’t like eachother, I’m your wife that’s why I kept you above any relation, he is my brother and I didn’t talk to him from years but today it’s about my son if my brother will help us to get him out of jail nothing will happen. Raj says I told you one time not to call him it means you won’t call I don’t want any kind of help from him. Masum thinks this case could postpone the adoption ceremony it was difficult to make Duggu ready. Ram says to Raj don’t worry I’ll talk to my lawyer I’ll handle. Meet says no Ram I won’t let him be in trouble because of me I’m going to police station. Raj says no this is what Hawa Singh want. Meet says I have to go because I know what I have to do after reaching there. Raj says I don’t understand.

Meet walks inside police station. Hawa Singh see her finally you are here and disrespect her. Meet says before giving my statement I have to meet my husband. Hawa Singh sure you will go for long time inside and ask constable to take her.

Meet Ahlawat in jail. Meet walks to him says. Meet Ahlawat ask her what are you doing here. Meet says I came to give my statement that I damaged the bike. Meet Ahlawat says you can’t do that. Meet says when you can go inside jail because of my mistake then why I cannot. Meet Ahlawat says try to understand me. Meet says why did you do this, ask me to go home and take all the blame on your head. He says you also took my blame on your head, that time we were not this close I use to hate you but still you took the blame. Meet says so you are comparing. Meet Ahlawat says you did a lot for me that I cannot compare. Meet says tell me why you did this nonsense. He says you were about to do something bad in anger and then how will you find the killer of your father he is doing all this on purpose so that you do something bad that’s why he told you that he hit Mohan Lal and give you stick in your hand so that you do something wrong, so that he can stop the war you started, listen to me carefully and try to understand this war is important for us and we have to coordinate between our brain and heart equally we cannot win this war on emotional basis, you have find out the killer of your father and punish them so that your father can get justice and you cannot win this war behind bars. Meet says how will I reach them they destroyed all the evidence even police is helping them. Meet Ahlawat says we have things which can help us from Hawa Singh and turn her face and says so what are you waiting for. Meet says we will win and Hawa Singh will be behind bars.

Meet walks to Hawa Singh. Hawa Singh says now you must be quiet so come and give your statement how you damaged the bike of police officer. Meet says atleast try to make your brain work if I’ll accept then how will you prove that I damaged your bike. Hawa Singh says you trying to be smart. Meet says what smartness I asked you a simple question how can you arrest me or my husband without any evidence, I didn’t forget and won’t let you forget, still Ashok Huddah’s blood run inside me and won’t stay back from asking right question and if you don’t give answer then will go to social media and ask how could you put someone inside lockup without any evidence now you can think what should I do.

Meet and Hawa Singh in police station. Meet saus to him I won’t step back and if you don’t answer my question then I’ll take things to social media and ask on what basis Hawa Singh has kept and innocent person in jail now it’s your choice should I use this harsh way, there must be someone who saw. Hawa Singh calls constable and ask him did you see this girl around my bike. Constable says yes. Meet says you must have seen me around bike but did you see my husband damaging bike. He says no. Hawa Singh shouts at him says you only told me that Meet is damaging your bike. He says when did I said it’s Meet because by the time we say nobody was there…
…(Meet saya to constable you know my father how honarable my father was and if you respect him then you will not tell anything to Hawa Singh, you have worked with him do I know how respectable and hardworking person you are next is your choice.)

Meet says to Hawa Singh without any evidence you cannot handcuff my husband and keeping in lockup is a big thing I’m getting late and you also want to go home so release him early and let us go. Hawa Singh ask constable to bring him out. Meet try to walk to Meet Ahlawat but Hawa Singh stop her way and says I don’t want to see you here, it won’t be good for your health. Meet says next time if I come then I’ll be called. Meet Ahlawat holds Meet hand and says to Hawa Singh take care and they both walk away. Hawa Singh says what did she said I didn’t understand.

Meet Ahlawat and Meet in market standing in front of her father’s memorial with thali. Meet take ash from there and apply on her forehead…
…(Meet Ahlawat in jail said to Meet we have solution infront of us to beat Hawa Singh. Meet ask what do you mean. He turn her face. She walks to pin board and see a notice of Join Haryana Police, she take a picture of that)…

Meet says you use to say there is no use of pointing at bad if you need to see the change then you have to change the system and to change system we have to change us, some people have taken you away from us but your daughter will jot sit quiet I have decided to fight this war while being inside system, you daughter will walk on your path now and will become police officer like you. The cloth on thali fly away and reveal the uniform of police officer. Meet Ahlawat walks towards the uniform pick the hat and make her wear. Everyone around them salute Ashok’s memorial. Meet says I’ll start my journey by taking addmission in police academy and then be like you, now Hawa Singh days are numbered because now I’ll be Officer Meet Ashok Huddah.

Babita is hall trying to match her bangles. Masum walks to her and get stunned after seeing so many jewellery. Babita ask how does this look. Masum says it’s beautiful. Babita says I have selected this for Meet I’m very great full to her for saving Meet Ahlawat so I really want to gift her something special on her first holi, these bangles will look beautiful in her hand. Meet walking in police uniform. Masum says these bangles are very delicate and this borla is also beautiful but Meet cannot carry this it’s not her style. Babita says this borla looks beautiful on every ladies forehead. Meet Ahlawat walks in hall and calls everyone says I have a big news for all of you are you ready for that. Raj says yes say.

Meet walks inside in police uniform. Everyone stunned after seeing her. Babita ask her what is this. Meet Ahlawat says she has decided that she will join police force. Babita drops the bengal and it reaches to Meet. She picks up. Babita walks to her and says this was not expected from you and what do you mean you have decided, what about discussion with your family. Meet says our motive was to shock you not scare you, we thought of surprising you. Babita says it was a bad surprise and can I know the reason behind this.

Meet says when Hawa Singh arrested Meet Ahlawat we all were quite and seeing that can’t do anything, people in police uniform are disrespecting it and making a bad impression on whole department, officer’s like my father are lost in police file and newspaper and there killers are out living with no fear, Hawa Singh is disrespecting the law and running the system according to them and people like Hawa Singh are growing more and more and if you want to clean system then you have to be part of it so that officers like my father don’t become the victim of these officers, my father need justice, so after becoming officer I’ll punish those killer and will make sure they don’t come out so that other don’t have to face what I did when I was young and to do this I have to be part if system. Babita says this police force is not hobby classes do you have any guess how many sacrifices you have to do for becoming an officer, you think it’s easy you have to be away from family for many months with no family vacation and no family time and did you forget that you are daughter in law of this house.

Meet Ahlawat try to say something but Babita stop her and says I’m talking to my daughter in law and says to Meet your dream and gold is not to catch the killer of your father, this is also your house, you have some responsibilities to this house too. Meet Ahlawat says ofcourse she have but try to understand her father was murdered and it’s equally important that her father get justice, we all promise her that we will support her. Babita says yes we did promise but now Ahlawat’s family daughter in law will chase goons in police uniform, if she feel to change the law then will she become the judge of supreme court. Raj walks to Babita says calm down.

Meet Ahlawat says to Raj why are you quiet say something. Babita says nobody will say a word, today Tej and Sunaina are adopting Duggu so I don’t want any nonsense in this house and ask Masum to make the arrangements and ask Meet to change clothes and hekp family. Meet Ahlawat says to Raj please listen to me one time. Raj walks away. Meet Ahlawat go upstairs.

Masum walks to Meet and says what is your problem can’t you see this house happy why you do something like this when everyone is happy and make them upset and walks away keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.