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Lost in love on starlife, Saturday 16th July 2022 update

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Madhuri serves food to Sai and asks her to eat well. Sai says she is and realized the value of food when Virat kicked her out of house at midnight. Pulkit says whatever happened was wrong, but Virat is repenting for his mistake. Sai says let us call Devi for lunch. Madhuri says she will feet Harini later. Devi says Harini is her daughter and she will feed her. Pulkit says she saw Harini’s behavior and should wait until her behavior changes. Devi says she will just feed Harini and calm her down.

Lost in love
Lost in love

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Friday 15th July 2022 update

Pulkit asks what about Sai, she will feel bad if Devi leaves her midway. Devi says she will have food with Sai first and then meet Harini, starts food and tells Sai that she never used to have food with family earlier and now she is having food with her family here. Sai says soon Harini will have food with her. Devi says good that her bad aayi doens’t know about Harini, else don’t know what she would have done. Sai asks her not to think about her mother. Pulkit says soon he will take Devi to Chavan Nias. Devi panics that her mother and uncles will harm them again.

Sai asks her to calm down as nobody can harm them. Pulkit says they are married now and need not worry about anyone, so they will visit Chavan Nivas for sure. Madhuri says when the person who got them married doesn’t stay there, why will they go there; they should wait till Sai returns to Chavan Nivas. Sai says she will never return to Chavan Nivas. Devi says Sai cannot stay without Virat for long and will go to him for sure. Pulkit says Devi is right, Sai will return to Virat for sure. Sai says situation and people change. Pulkit says its not easy to change situation and people back and needs a lot of courage.

Sai gets Mohit’s message that Virat has gone on a dangerous mission and requests to pray for his safety. Pulkit says it must be the same dangerous mission. Devi says Viru went for mission when Sai didn’t forgive him. Pulkit requests Sai to reconcile with Virat. Sai says they should stop talking about Virat or else she will go to hostel and have food. Madhuri requests not to go. Pulkit requests not to insult food and she will not get tasty food in hostel. Sai reminisces Virat stopping her from having food, later requesting her to have food with him, kicking her out of house, then requesting her to return home with him. She tells Pulki that he is right, nobody can prepare tasty food like mother, she will eat everything and munches all dishes. She cries saying Aayi brought food for her, but she denied to have food and insulted Aayi and food; anyways she doesn’t care about all this, coughs, and drinks water weeping and saying she doesn’t bother about Virat or his family. She reminisces Virat bringing her favorite food and Pulkit telling her that Virat wants to talk to her while on a dangerous food. Pulkit says when lips don’t speaks, eyes speak and she should understand it. Sai continues praising Madhuri’s food and weeping.

Viait reaches mission venue to fight with terrorists and goes in ordering his team not to shoot until he signals. He checks terrorists’ locations and informs that terrorists are all over the place, they all will follow him. Sai returns to her hostel room and while studying thinks why she is thinking about Virat, what can she do if he has gone a dangerous mission as part of his duty. Virat orders terrorists to surrender. Terrorists shoot towards him, and he retaliates. Reporters cover news outside venue. Sai feels nervous, she gets Aniket’s call who asks to switch on news channel. She switches on TV and sees news about Virat fighting with terrorists and drops remote in concern. She reminisces Virat calling her to inform her about mission, but she disconnecting call; thinks how can she be so selfish. Chavan Family watches news about Virat bravely fighting with terrorists.

Pakhi says she knew Virat went on a dangerous mission, why did she hide it from them. Mohit says Virat cannot reveal about his mission to them, they should just pray for his safe return. Ashwini worried says Samrat also went on a similar mission and didn’t return. Bhavani yells at her to stop thinking bad, nothing will happen to Virat. Ashwini says Sai is also not here. Bhavani yells even now she is thinking about Sai, why didn’t she return when Virat went to take her. Ashwini says why will Sai lose her self-respect. Sonali asks if she means they don’t have self-respect. Ninad yells that they didn’t forgot how Sai insulted them in front of neighbors. Pakhi says they should speak to virat and calls him. Ashwini snatches phone from her and asks how can she be so dumb and call Virat when he is on such a dangerous mission.

Sai watches news about Virat’s mission and gets concerned for him. She prays god to protect him. Her roommate walks in and asks if she is fine. Sai cries her husband. Roommate tries to switch off TV. Sai stops her and cries that she should have picked Virat’s call, asks if Virat would be fine. Roommate says her husband is a police officer and these kind of situation occur often in a police officer’s life, so she should be habituated to it; if not, why did he she marry a police officer. Sai says she didn’t want to. Roommate says the way she is worried for her husband, soon she will return to him. Virat continues fighting with terrorists on the other side. At home, Ashwini confronts Pakhi that Virat wouldn’t talk to her about mission when his wife is not with him. Pakhi (with expressionless face) says same wife whom Virat kicked out of house. Ashwini warns her to stop as she doesn’t need to know what her son did and Pakhi should think about her life and happiness instead of barging into other’s life as she may have to repent when Sai returns to Virat’s life. Pakhi asks what does she mean. Ashwini says she shouldn’t interfere between Sai and Virat.

Sai lights lamp and prays god to protect Virat sir as she feels something wrong will happen to him. Virat shoots down a terrorist. Sai says she wouldn’t think bad about Virat even after his misbehavior as he did a lot to her and she cannot lose him as there is no one in her life than him. Virat seeing another terrorist coming reminisces Ninad’s advice to protect his team and Kamal/Aaba bearing bullet protecting his team. He protects his team member and bears bullet no his chest. Sai watches news about situation under control and an officer incurring bullet shot, prays god to protect Virat.

Mohit asks family to stop arguing as it is not the right time. Family thanks god watching news about police’s victory over terrorists, then get concerned hearing about an officer being severely injured and prays god to protect Virat and send him home safely. Virat is transported via ambulance. Subordinate asks him if he is fine. Virat says he is fine and congratulates officers for their victory. Officer keeps his hand on Virat’s injury and it soaks with blood, asks again if he is fine. Virat says he is fine. Sai calls Virat, but his phone is switched off. She gets more tensed. Roommate returns and asks her to wait for sometime till Virat calls her back, relax and with closed eyes pray god to protect her husband. Officer encourages Virat not to lose hope as his family and wife must be waiting for him. Virat opens eyes and remembers Sai Sai also remembers time spent with Virat. He switches on phone and closes eyes, but opens eyes again when Sai calls him loudly. Sai waits for Virat’s call eagerly.

Officers take Virat to hospital where he is operated. Sai calls Virat’s number and asks if he is fine. Officer picks call and informs Sai that sir is shot in his chest and is in hospital. She asks which hospital, phone switches off just then. Doctor asks officer to call patient’s family to get signature on consent form. Sai thinks just like she disconnected Virat’s call when he had called, Virat also disconnected her call and maybe doesn’t want to meet her, she will meet her at any cost by finding which hospital he is in. Officer calls Virat’s house. Pakhi hurriedly picks call. Officer says he wants to speak to Virat’s wife Sai Joshi. Pakhi says she is Virat’s friend and bhabhi and wants to know about him. Officer says his wife Sai had called just sometime ago. Pakhi says she doesn’t stay here and insists to tell about him. Officer informs that Virat is shot and is in hospital. Pakhi shattered informs family. Family rushes to hospital. Pakhi thinks even she needs to meet Virat. Sai walking on road thinks how to find out where Virat is and calls DIG to find out his location. DIG praises Virat and says he will find out and inform her in which hospital Virat is.

Sai reminisces Aaba’s death incident and thinks she couldn’t speak to Aaba during his last time, what if she cannot speak to Virat. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.

READ NEXT: Lost in love, Sunday 17th July 2022 update

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