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Jodha akbar on zee world, Sunday 6th November 2022 update

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Jodha Akbar
Jodha Akbar

Hamida comes there and ask jalal why you called us here, is everything fine, Jalal says nothing is fine, once again I am betrayed once again this day is bad for Mughal saltanat, I am again not going to be father because ruks had miscarriage, ruks is stunned, all are shocked.

Hamida says what, doctor says I failed in giving her medicine so ruks lost her child, jalal says you can leave, she leaves, jalal hugs ruks and says don’t cry, he whispers in her ears that I know you lied to me, you betrayed me but I cant bring embarrassment to you, I will not let you stoop in all eyes as you are my wife, you are my best friend, jalal says to hamida says infront of god we are no one, I used to brag that I write my fate with my sword but now I know that no sword runs infront of fate, he leaves, hamida consoles ruks.

soldiers are taking food to jail, shehnaz is hiding in big pans, she thinks that soon I will meet my mother, soldiers stop somewhere and meets some other soldiers, soldiers says that nobody should know that we are doing this, they take some sacks from soldiers and goes. shehanz says where are they going, I have to go to jail. maham meets some doctor and says if you help in this case then it will solve my problems otherwise it will be problem for you, he says,,,
maham says some things should be hidden for betterment of saltanat, make sure this secret remains secret with you.

Scene 2
hamida says to ruks that my child you are again going throught this, jalal is in tears, salima says I understand what child means to mother, jalal says I think ruks should take some rest, hamida nods, all ladies leaves, jalal sternly looks at ruks, ruks says please forgive me, trust me I just wanted to get you not to hurt, I will not do this again.

Jalal comes to her and hugs her tightly, she cries and hugs him back, jalal says I will forget it, we didn’t play chess for many days, lets play it, ruks is confused, jalal sit to play, ruks says you really forgave me? I thought you will take my life, jalal says you are my life how can I take it, I don’t like to talk about things which I don’t like, I like to talk about past moments which gives peace, jalal says where those days, those playing games, those innocent things are lost, those moments are gone. ruks says you are best human, husband and king, I shouldn’t have done that with you, jalal says I told you to forget what happened, we will not talk about it, I didn’t give you importance that’s why you took that decision, you are my 1st wife and will always remain, forget everything and I thinks its getting late we will play chess tomorrow, jalal is about to go but turns and says don’t betray me again I cant bear it. if you have problem, any complain with me so tell me but don’t betray me again. he leaves, ruks is still confused.

at night, doctor is taken to jungle by maham. soldiers who had sacks comes there too, maham says 1st let doctor check chand then we will decide, shehnaz is hiding in basket and tries to watch.
jodha is thinking, jalal comes there and is crying, jodha comes to him, jalal breaksdown and hugs jodha, jodha consoles him, jalal says I lost my child today but on your insistence I didn’t lose my friend today, thank you. flashback shows jalal going in anger to confront ruks, jodha stops him and ask him are you fine, jalal says leave me alone, this time and situations are not suitable to stop me, jodha says atleast tell me whats the problem, jalal says I told you to leave me. jodha says no I will not leave you because I didn’t come here to leave you and secondly I don’t have fear of your anger, tell me, jalal takes her to to room. jalal says to jodha that you wanna know what happened so listen, my dream is crushed, i am being betrayed, my emotions were used, ruks is not becoming mother she was just pretending, she is betraying not only me but my mother, my saltant, jodha is stunned, jalal says think hamida will be broken, when Rahim will know that no brother or sister is coming to play with him then what he will feel, what about you, you served her day and night and what she did, I will not leave her today, jodha stops him and says you will not do anything like this, jalal says she betrayed me and you are saying this, jodha says thinks 1st why she did that, she cant do anything to hurt you or to betray you then why she did this, she is mature and know whats good then why she took this step, jalal says I don’t know why she betrayed her best friend.

jodha says stop, she brings diya and says to jalal that I am giving you swear on kahna that you wiil not shout on ruks, she loves you that’s why she is doing all this, she thinks that you are going away from her, she did this to attract you to her, she thinks that you are attracted to me only, think that you are same jalal for ruks as you were earlier with her, no you are not, there was time when ruks was all for you but now I came so she wants to take your attention, if you didn’t bring space between you and ruks, if you would have same with ruks then she wouldn’t have taken this decision, getting love and fighting for love is not sin, so you have to do duty of husband and friend. this talk will remain between me you and ruks, nobody should know about it, think if hamida comes to know this ruks will stoop in her eyes, she will break down, thinks if salima get to know this she will not believe it, ruks failed in her relation but you have to fulfill your duty, you only have one friend that’s is ruks and we can forget many mistakes of your friend because they are your life time support so I request to not let anything come inbetween you and ruks, to fulfill some relation we have to hide something so promise me that you will not tell anything about it to anyone, jalal agrees. fb ends.
jalal says all wife tries that I go away from other wife but the day you came in life, you only wanted to get love and care from me, because of you I am able to save my friendship, because of you I am able to understand relations and their duties, I am thankful to you, jodha makes jalal sit and lies her head on his shoulder, she says there is no thanks in hubby wife relation, there is only love between them and my love will always be with you.

Jalal is sitting He looks at his painting with ruks. Jodha comes in. she says shahenshah you haven’t eaten anything. He says I don’t want to eat. Jodha says its not good to reject food like this. She looks at him and says you are right in way. When you are upset food never slips down your throat. that’s why I haven’t eaten today. Jalal says what is this ? If you don’t take the food. then your health will be down. I am not eating because my dreams have been shattered. The dreams in which I was playing with my child. I haven’t lived my childhood ever. I wanted to be a kid with my child but I lost him to. I didn’t says ruk a word because of you. What about the bereavement I have got. What about the dream of becoming a dad. Jodha says I am upset of not becoming a younger mom. Everyone in this house in gloomy because of this. The rule of life is to move. You have to trust the God. He will give you happiness one day. This food is also a blessing of God and you are disappointing him by denying this. Jalal says but I can’t.

She says I won’t eat if you don’t. Jalal says you are so stubborn. Jodha says and you know that I won’t agree until you don’t consent to what I said. Jalal says come on.Jodha comes near him. She and jalal start taking the food. Jodha gives him a bite and says first you. Jalal recalls when he was playing with the empty cot and jodha stopped him saying its not good. He says now I think I should have known to that quote of not playing with empty cot. Jodha says its not time to regret. Its time to pray. They both make each other eat.

Scene 2
Shehnaz in hidden. She says where am I and how long do I have to live like this. Hope I don’t get caught.
Maham says doctor do something and make her all right. He says I am trying. He says I have given her the medicine. hope God will be merciful. Shehnaz wonders whats going on.

Two people bring some drums and say what can be in these drums ? lets open in. The other one says no lets go and complete the work first. Shehnaz comes out of the drum as soon as they leave. she says I think I am at a wrong place. I should leave. She hears some noise. She follows it and sees its her mom with a doll. She is not in a good condition. she says ammi jaan I looked for you everywhere. Where were you ? This is where I found you. Everyone used to say that you are not alive. I never believe them and look I am here with you now. She is scared of her. She says are you my daughter ? Shehnaz says yes I am your daughter. She says no this is my daughter. I will not give my daughter to anyone. Shehnaz says jalal is responsible for this condition of yours. He has done this to you. I will place his head in your feet. I will take his rule. I will make you see me rule this nation. I promise you.

Scene 3
Ruk says I couldn’t get the behavior of jalal. Why wasn’t he mad at me. the servant comes and says jodha begum has come. Ruks says she must be coming to say stay string I am so sorry for you. Jodha comes in and says I am so sorry.

Ruk says I don’t need all this sympathies of yours. I don’t wanna remember all that now/ The kid who was about to play in my lap would not even come in this world now. jalal comes in and says ruks is right. We better forget the painful past. You should take this cot from here. I don’t want to see ruks getting hurt by seeing this. he calls servants and says place this cot in jodha begum’s room. Jodha leaves.
ruks says jalal talk to me. I can’t bear that you didn’t say me a word and didn’t punish me for my sin. Please punish me jalal this is killing me. I can’t see myself in mirror. Jalal says who am I to punish you ? Allah has given you the punishment. I am sad because I could not become and dad and you will never be a mom. Ruks is in tears. he says I have to leave and leaves.

Scene 4
javeda comes to maham say are you asleep ammi jaan / She says no I am horse riding. She says I am going to tell you something that’s gonna take your sleep away. Where were you last night ? She says I was in hell. She says ruks has a miscarriage. Maham wakes up and says why didn’t someone tell me this news. Javeda says this mist have led you heartbroken. You can cry on my shoulder I am your daughter in law. Maahm says I don’t need it. Maham says resham leave as well. I want some rest. She says oh what a turn is that. The kids that was never there, how can he die ? What is the new trick ruks is playing.

Scene 5
Shehnaz sees jalal and says I won’t leave you jalal. your detention has caused he mental illness. You are responsible for this condition of me and my mom. He comes to her and says what are you roaming here and there jalal ? She says its all because of. I was a princess but has to live like a beggar. For people I maybe your sister but I never consider you a brother.

My mom was a queen and she had to live like a mentally sick person because of you. you will pay for what you have done. only after your death I will be peaceful. I won’t leave you jalal you don’t deserve to live. She stabs him in the Stomach.