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Imlie On Starlife, Saturday 27th August 2022 update

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Imlie takes Aditya to meet Satyakam’s friend Chandu for interview. Their nok jhok continues. She asks him why did he get ready in blazer for a mere interview. He asks where is the vehicle. She shows her cycle Kumari Bindeshwari Pedalwali. They see thunders on sky, Aditya gets tensed thinking how will he take Chandu’s interview and Imlie gets happy.


He asks if he will pedal her cycle and she will ride a pillion. Imlie says she will ride and he will ride a pillion. Their nok jhok continues. He enjoys cool breeze as pillion. Rain starts. He runs under a tree. She jokes there is a snake and make him run in rain.

Chaturvedi brings tea for Malini and asks her to cheer up. Anu walks in and informs that she book Country Club’s banquet hall for Malini’s engagement. Chaturvedi says Tripathis are simple people and will not adjust there. Anu asks how will Malini adjust between 10 people in their house, she will prove that she doesn’t need Tripathis’ permission to fix engagement and its venue. She calls Tripathi House’s landline and informs Pankaj that she has booked 5 star Country Club’s banquet hall for Malini and Aditya’s engagement on 23rd of next month. Pankaj tries to speak, but she says her club hall doesn’t have any other date available and disconnects call. Pankaj informs family and they also panic. Rupali hearing their conversation throws tantrums and asks how can they fix their brother’s engagement on a date when she was divorced. Family tries to explain her, but in vain as usual. Later, whole family in their car travels towards Chaturvedi’s house while Rupali continues her tantrums and says she will leave their home with her daughter. Aparna says she can go tomorrow as today her family needs her for what they are going to do. Rupali yells they never considered her as a family member. Dhruv asks her to calm down for some time and then do whatever she wants.

Aditya returns after interviewing Chandu and says he is eager to complete this story and submit it to his boss. She asks where does he stay in city. He says Paschim Vihar. She asks how far is Meera Bagh from Paschim Vihar. He says nearby and asks why is she asking this. She taunts that his girlfriend stays there. He asks if she knows someone there. She gets sad. He reminiscing Satyakam’s words realizes Imlie’s father maybe staying there. He then sees few people well dressed passing by, clicks and asks where are they going. She says for mass wedding/Manmilan. He insists to watch wedding. She says he can go alone. He blackmails her that he will inform Satyakam that Imlie left him injured in jungle. She agrees yelling and takes him to Manmilan venue where he clicks pics of couples. She sees Mithi nearby and walks to her. Mithi asks what is she doing here. Imlie says she brought a village buffoon to show Manmilan and calls Aditya to introduce Mithi. He walks to them and asks Imlie she of bride’s age, so why don’t she participate in it. Imlie says all are monkeys ther, a male monkey will give veil to female monkey, if she accepts it they will marry and if she throws it way they won’t. Aditya shows her couple’s pics in his camera when Dulari walks in and shouts at Mithi that she should get her daughter married first instead of letting him with a city man. She asks if she is remembering her days, she gave birth to Imlie without marriage, etc. She then yells at Aditya. Aditya gives her a befitting reply. Imlie shoos Dulari away. Mithi also leaves with her friend.

Aditya sees Panditji offering sindhoor to couples. Imlie says it is very special sindhoor and only available in Pagdandiya; it is belief a bride will get good health, happy life and wealth with this sindhoor. Aditya reminiscing Malini asking him to get a special gift for her which is only available at Pagdandiya. He asks Imlie if he can get it some. She asks if its for phone girl. He says her name is Malini and he calls her Moon. She takes him to temple where Panditji gives him sindhoor describing its specialties. Imlie is seen jumping around temple bell. She goes to check her face in mirror when air blows and sindoor falls on her body. She panics and tries to clear it. Aditya says its for Moon and not her, so why is she panicking. She asks him to click their pics before he leaves. He sets their selfie when rain starts and he drags her inside temple while she pleads to return home as it is not considered good in Pagdandiya if a girl stays out at night. He says its raining heavily. She insists, so he decides to take her on cycle.

Mithi cries when Imlie doesn’t return home. She says she searched her everywhere and prays god to protect Imlie. Dulari pulls her hair and shouts that her daughter is blackening her face with city man and she is crying here. Mithi pleads to stop. Dulari warns if Imlie doesn’t return in 1 hour, she will handle her and city boy to panchayat. Aditya pedals cycle with Imlie as pillion under heavy rain. Imlie stops him. He says he has to drop her home soon. Imlie says he is bleeding and she cannot risk her life. He asks what. She says if he slips cycle in pain and make her fall down, she will be injured. She forcefully takes him under a shelter. He says they are stuck, that is why he doesn’t like rain. Cycle falls down. Imlie on the other side gets worried reminiscing Dulari’s warning. Imlie applies soil to Aditya’s leg injury. He says he will get infection. She says soil is mother and mother doesn’t give pain to children. He thanks her and apologizes that she is stuck because of him. She says its not his mistake but cloud and rain’s. He says he doesn’t like clouds and rain. She says if rain doesn’t come, farmers have to sit idle. He says he knows, but everything happens according to fate. She says they have to write half of their story themselves, god sends rain and farmer has to plough land to grow crops and they don’t grow on themselves. Aditya asks then why don’ts he send an application to stop rain. She says she is not worried about rain but cyclone. He says its impossible to go anywhere in this rain, so they will stay back and go in the morning with sunrise. Imlie says he will leave with sunrise, but she will be stuck and has to answer villagers. He says he is sorry that she is stuck in rain because of him. She says he and his camera will escape, he can click her pics again when she becomes police officer and tell people that he took Imlie’s first pic. Dulari forcefully leaves home after 1 hour to inform Panchayat while Mithi pleads her not to.

Chaturvedi sees Malini happy and asks reason. She says she is passing all students as Aditya is returning home. Anu comments good he is coming himself, else some people go to Pagdandiya and forget even family, looking at her husband. Malini asks if she is still angry regarding Pagdandiya tickets. Anu walks away. After sometime, Aditya’s family reaches Malini’s home. Rupali asks Badimaa why did she bring her to Malini’s house to insult her more. Badimaa says she doesn’t want to. Maid calls Malini and Chaturvedi. Malini gets happy seeing them and says she would have come to them if they had informed her. Badimaa says its okay. Chaturvedi greets them and asks servant to bring tea. Pankaj says its okay and they came to speak about Anu’s call regarding engagement. Anu walks in and asks what is the issue. Badepapa says they cannot perform engagement on 23rd of this month. Anu yells that she booked city’s biggest hall on that day and they want to cancel it. Aparna says she can fix some other date, but not 2rd. Badimaa says bad old memories are associated with that day. Anu says they cannot ruin new relationships for old ones.

Imlie and Aditya are sound asleep when they wake up hearing Dulari’s voice with villagers. Dulari shouts at them to come out. They both walk out and see Dulari with villagers. Aditya protects Imlie. Dulari shouts she told right that this city boy’s intentions are not right. Aditya asks how can she speak wrong about her granddaughter. Sarpanch holds Aditya’s collar shouting how dare he is to spend night with Imlie. Imlie says she had taken Aditya to show village and meet Chandu on Satyakam’s order, but got stuck in rain and spent night under shelter. Dulari shouts she blacked her face city boy. Mithi backs Imlie. Dulari continues alleging Aditya and Dulari and drags them away.

Aditya’s family hears Rupali singing bhajan in home temple and walks to her. She apologizes for troubling them, says she will try to become a good daughter and will take care of her brother’s wedding arrangements. On the other side, Malini takes leave from college and prepares Aditya’s dishes. Anu says Aditya is coming in the evening, why she took leave from college. Malini says she wants to take Aditya’s special dishes to his home and serve him in the evening. Anu comments groom’s family is making bride’s family bend before marriage itself. Malini asks her to relax as engagement date and venue doesn’t matter, only their togetherness matters.

Malini smiles and says she is a degree college professor and a good cook, her husband will not look at anyone else except her. On the other side, villagers tie Aditya to a tree and point weapons at him. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.