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I do on zee world, Saturday 18th June 2022 update

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Tanveer gives him the property papers to sign, while ahil and sanam are baffled as they look at each other, reminisceing their evening earlier. He tells her that the pen isnt working. She asks him to take another pen and sign. Ahil says that he would get the pen and then sign. He leaves, and sanam follows, while tanveer is tensed. In his room, sanam asks ahil why did he lie to tanveer, when the pen was working. Ahil is tensed. sanam eyes him and asks for an answer.

I do Series
I do Series

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Friday 17th June 2022 update

Ahil says that if he signs those papers, it means their relation ends, when it has just started. Sanam is tensed. Ahil is frustrated. He holds sanam, and says that for tanveer this relation is just a contract, and once he signs, tanveer would want to end this relation. Sanam composes ahil that maybe for tanveer this relation is a contract, but it isnt necessary that what she wants has to happen, and that she feels that only they should decide how this relation should feel and be, and if they want to be with each other, then no one can separate them. ahil takes her hand and cups her face, while she smiles at him.

He hugs her overwhelmingly, getting emotional. He says that sanam is right. sanam hesitatingly asks ahil to complete what he had started when he was showing her the plot. He pretends not to know, while she mischievously asks him to finish his sentence. He smiles at her and says that he does remember, and then continues, I, and cupping her face, adds LOVE, and then retreats from her, saying that for the final word, she would have to wait for a minute for the final surprise. she is baffled. He leaves excitedly to get it for her.

Outside, tanveer wonders whats wrong with ahil. He comes out excitedly and seeing tanveer, he is about to step inside, when she calls out to him, and says that she knows that he is here and also knows that the pen was okay and he lied. she says that she isnt complaining, but is baffled that he ls lying to his mother. She says that she always knows about ahil’s whereabouts and his wrongs and rights, and his biggest crime, murdering his own father. ahil is tensed. she says that he always lived life his own way, drinking, gambling and girls, but she never questioned him, as she wanted him to live life to the fullest, and hence sacrificed her own life for him, so that he could live each second, but now she feels that her ahil isnt the same and that he is becoming weak, and all of this is due to sanam.

He is shocked. she says that she knows that he finds sanam a good girl, but shouldn’t he think that she should get a normal guy, and not the most eligible bachelor in Bhopal, and hence he doesnt want her to change as he would lose his own identity then. Tanveer tells ahil that he shouldn’t try being something that he isnt, as he would end up hurting sanam, and that he would never make a good husband. Ahil is tensed. She tells him that he has never compromised, and maybe he liked something, but when something better comes along, he left the earlier one, and relates it to sanam. Ahil is extremely tensed. she tells him that is ruining sanam and his life too, and asks if he would want to do this. he is speechless, while she asks him to remember that she isnt dying for property and that he can sign them whenever he wants to, but has one request that he should never again lie to his mother. He gets emotional and agrees and then leaves. Tanveer smiles evilly, thinking that she changed ahil’s mind.

As Razia comes inside wondering about the second wish of the lady that she has to fulfill. She eyes latif in her room, and understands that latif is the solution to her problem. Razia thinks that she would cut her hair in her sleep. laytif notices her and asks whats it.Razia is tensed, and then says that there’s nothing. Latif keeps ranting about her beauty yet again and asks razia to get lost. razia leaves. latif wonders what was she upto, and thinks that she would close the door, just to be safe and sure. Razia is surprised as she hears the door slam shut. later in the night, razia comes through the window and finds latif fast asleep, and tells that she is determined to get this done and hence so shall she. She finds that latif is fast asleep, and then progresses to her braid, and is about to cut it, when latif turns. razia goes to the other side to have access to her hair, and then manages to finally cut it. but not before latif wakes up, who is furious at razia for having done it, and she runs after razia, to get her revenge. razia runs out from the window, while latif keeps lamenting on her cut hair.

Scene 2:
Location: In the garden
razia gives the mysterious lady, latif’s hair, and she inspects them happily, and tells razia that she would find seher’s address. The lady takes the hair and puts it in the fire, shocking razia. The lady then adds the third wish, that she has to arrange Bade Baapa’s Bundi ke laddoo Ka Prashad, for her, and then she shall have the answer to all her queries. Razia is tensed.

Scene 3:
Faiz is relieved as rahat comes out, and on faiz’s insistence, he tells that haya got married. Faiz asks rahat if he told haya everything as to how is faiz guilty and how and under what conditions are they getting married. before rahat

rahat wonders what should he do now, as if Faiz knows the truth, he might do anything, and if haya knows, she would be completely shattered and would never be able to come out of the trauma, and thinks that one side is faiz, who he loves more than life, and on the othjer hand, is haya, for whom he can even give his life. He thinks resignedly that anyways its his loss. He is shocked.

Scene 3:
Location: Ahil’s residence
As ahil comes tensed, remembering tanveer’s words, sanam tries to take him romantic and saying that she too arranged a surprise for him. Sanam shows ahil the romantic decor, with the lit candles, and he tells her resignedly to blow them off, as he is feeling sleepy, He shakes away her hand and goes to the bed, leaving sanam boggled and shocked. He lies down on the bed, while she stands tensed.

Ahil gets ready in the morning, but when sanam comes happily to give him clothes, he rebukes her and leaves. she stands tensed but then wonders, that he must be tensed regarding the paper signing, and then thinks that she would prepare breakfast and cheer up her mood. sanam enters the kitchen, confused as to what to prepare. Just then, latif comes in crying and shows sanam her hair, and then starts cursing razia. sanam starts composing her, and saying that she still looks beautiful, and latif again gets on a rant. sanam then asks her to help her prepare breakfast, for ahil as he is in a bad mood. latif says that his mood was nice, and was talking to tanveer last night. Sanam asks when did that happen, and is tensed when she gets to know that when ahil went out to surprise her, he had a talk with tanveer. She tells sanam that ahil went out already. sanam is surprised and makes a mad dash for the main gate. She finds ahil rushing out in his car, without paying attention to her screams to stop.

She is tensed. sanam comes back resignedly, and is startled when tanveer asks her what’s she thinking, and then adds that he is always like this, he starts hating and loving someone in an instant. Tanveer asks sanam if she feels that ahil loves her, as his love is only for one night. She shamelessly mentions that sahil’s love is only till it reaches the bed. sanam is hurt, and asks how can she say this. tanveer warns her not to get involved in a tussle with her, especially regarding ahil, as he is her spoilt brat, and would do only and exactly what she tells him to do.

Sanam asks what did she talk last night with ahil. tanveer tells her that she doesnt need to know that, but she needs to know that ahil wont go against her wishes, and would always do what she wants, and a cheap servant like her, cant change that about him. She asks her to do just what she came here to do, and then get lost wherever she wants to. She gives sanam the property papers, but sanam refuses to sing. tanveer is in a fury, while sanam is adamant that till the time ahil isnt with her, she wont sign. she begins to go, but tanveer holds her hand, shocking her. Tanveer forcefully tells sanam to sign the papers, and when she doesnt, asking her to let go of her hand as its paining, tanveer wrenches her fists, and leaves sanam, that causes her to land against the pillar and hurting her head. Tanveer clenches her face and asks if she thought she would win over tanveer, and that ahil’s control is completely in her hands, and ahil knows this, and as soon as she gets to know this, it would be good for her. sanam is in shock and asks how can she say this about her own son.

Tanveer asks her not to preach. sanam asks why is she in such a hurry, as this all is hers only, and that she is just asking her to wait till ahil comes back. tanveer asks her why didnt she wait then when she wanted money and wait for dilshad to die. sanam asks her not to say so. tanveer asks her to do that then what she is being told. She reminds how desperate sanam was at that time for money, and tells her that Dilshad maybe alive, but her life still is in her control, and here she betrays her, there she takes off all arrangements for dilshad and then sanam can easily imagine dilshad dying. Sanam is shocked. she says that for the first time, she feels that she only cares for money, oblivious and indifferent to the pain that ahil is in, and that ahil doesn’t just love her, but worships her.

Tanveer asks if she thinks that she is being selfish, but actually she is doing this for ahil. Tanveer asks if she even knows what pain ahil has gone through. sanam remembers ahil confessing to her, when they released the balloons, that the guilt may have been lessened but he has to live with one truth, that he killed his own father. tanveer again starts ranting about her sacrifices, and how he had come crying to her with the gun in his hand, talking about how he had killed his father. sanam remembers that ahil told her that he didnt know how that happened as the gunw as with him, and tanveer came and told him that he had killed his own father, and that he cant believe it.

Seher comes to the temple, and orders for Prashad, while the shopkeeper asks what kept her away from the temple from so long. Seher takes the Prshad and turns around to find a couple, who just got married, and how the priest compliments them that they have the guts to get married, and they both reciprocate their love, as the groom is blind, while the bride says that deficiencies dont matter when there’s love and faith. Seher is shocked to see such love.

she then moves onto the temple, and offers the prashad to the lord, apologising for not coming recently, and expresses her confusion that has overpowered recently, which has taken her away from her carefree and reckless lifestyle. She says that she never felt like this for anyone for rehaan, who she smiles and gets sad with, and his proximity unnerves her. she asks if she is doing the right thing now, by hiding or telling him the truth. The other ladies start gasping as they find her not moving from the Lord’s feet. Seher waits for his help, and as a signal, a flower from Lord’s hand falls on her bowed head, and she takes it as his permission to tell the truth to rehaan, and she even being scared, says that since he is with her, she would tell rehaan the truth, and then offers lots of delicacies and fasting in his name.

Meanwhile, the jeweller who seher had once robbed finds her there and recognises her as the thief. Just then, as razia pants while climbing the stairs, she is oblivious that seher too is in that temple. she waits for sometime to relax, wondering what does all this have to do with seher. Sehere starts coming out descending the stairs, right next to razia, while she is searching around for the shop for prshad, and is unable to see Seher. razia proceeds to the same shopkeeper, while seher hollers for the auto, and before razia can see who is it, she drives off.

In the car, the jeweller thanks the person, who told him seher’s address. It turns out to be seher’s so called father who ditches her. He smiles evilly. the jeweller drops him and then drives off. In the auto, seher thinks that she would start afresh with rehaan today, and thanks the lord for it, unaware of her recent problem following her.

Scene 3:
Location: Ahil’s residence
Sanam thinks that ahil and tanveer talk about the same tragic incident, but the stories are vastly different, and wonders how is this possible. She thinks that something is definitely amiss, and is determined that she would have to get to the bottom of this and find out. she thinks that ahil cant lie, but wonders if tanveer is She is tensed. she says that she would have to leave, once she signs the paper and then she wont be able to know the truth. she thinks that she cant sign.

sanam tells tanveer that she doesnt like refusing her again and again. tanveer gets into a fury at her dare, and thn asks her to do so. Sanam says that she isnt refusing but once her husband comes, she would sign wherever she has to. she leaves, while tanveer stands stunned. she is resolved to take revenge on her.

In her room, Sanam is shocked at tanveer’s double personality which just surfaced now, which seems so unbelievable now. Ahil storms in, and sanam is about to speak, when he asks what she said to tanveer, that got her so upset. sanam tells what happened, and why she hesitated to sign and only wanted to wait to ask from him first. ahil gets tensed and moves aside, tensed and frustrated. He again remembers tanveer’s words, and gets into a fury.

Ahil tells sanam not to interfere between him and his mother, and not to upset tanveer again, breaking a glass, and the glass shards falling on the floor. He tells her that he doesnt want her to use his confided secrets against him, and that he is forever indebted to tanveer and nothing can ever change that. sanam is tensed and tries to say something, but ahil asks her to stay out of it. As she begins to come to him, she slips, and before her hands can fall on the broken glass shards, ahil places his hand underneath hers. She is surprised.

She apologises but then sees that his own hand is severely wounded. ahil is tensed too, while sanam is distraught. She tries to see, but he refrains his hand and says that its all right. He storms out hastily, while sanam wonders whats wrong with tanveer, and why is he doing so, and presumes that tanveer must have said something, hence pretending to be upset and angry with her. she wonders whats the real mystery behind his father’s murder and is determined to solve the puzzle, for which she has to stay here. she thinks that tanveer would try everything to get her sign and throw her out of the house, but she resolves that she wont leave the house and ahil.

While tanveer is fuming in her room, sanam finds her, and then thinks that if she lands her hands on the property papers, she would hide them, so that she gets sometime to find out about the actual mystery behind Ahil’s father’s murder. She finds tanveer keeping the papers back in the almirah. tanveer walks out, while sanam stands tensed. While sanam is rummaging through tanveer’s files and folders, she finally finds the folder. Just then, she finds tanveer walking in her room, who remembered something in the hallway and turned around. Sanam ducks beside the bed, while tanveer comes trying to search something on th bed, and then finds her beads finally, but in oblivion laying her foot, on sanam;s hand, who isnt able to scream and muffles her voice, so as not to be heard. tanveer leaves, while sanam is in great pain.

Scene 2:
Location: Rehaan’s office
Seher enters the room, and is surprised to find it decorated with vballoons and a romantic ambience. Then she is blindfolded by hands, by rehaan who comes in front of her, while she is shocked. he says that he knows that she hasnt said yes, and that she wont find such a boring and unromantic boy, but he is willing to change himself for her, but one thing shall never change. He bends down on his kness, shocking her, and says that his love for her shall never change. He takes out an engagement ring, while seher is overwhelmed. He presents it to her, saying that this is the start to his new life. She is teary eyed, while he says that she brought happiness into his life, and made her feel how imcomplete he is, and asks her if she shall complete his life. she stands shocked and silenced.

He apologises for being a little too poetic, and then directly asks her in a proposal, WILL YOU MARRY ME? Seher is all the more shocked. She is in a daze, as he takes the ring out of the box, and holds her hand ahead, and is about to place the ring in the engagement finger, when a sudden knock startles them both. He goes to check who is it, and in storm many policemen and women, seeing who seher is scared. Rehaan asks whats the matter, while they say that they have come to arrest her. rehaan is shocked, and boggled too, and says that there must have been a misunderstanding. He tells rehaan that this girl is a thief and a fraud, and that she is being searched for a long time. seher is shocked. the police says that today they have evidence too who would testify against her. the jeweller walks in, while seher is frustrated at the bad timing. as the jeweller starts telling about seher, rehaan asks him to stop talking nonsense. the jeweller asks him to ask her instead.

He asks her to go ahead and falsify them all, but she stands speechless. He is tensed, while he asks her not to be scared as till the time he is here, they cant touch her. rehaan asks her to tell them that she isnt who they think she is, while she stands silent. She remembers rehaan’s trust on ehr, and her past moments with him. When he insists her to speak, seher breaks down saying that they are not lying and are indeed correct about her. rehaan is shattered and distraught, as past memories flash in front of her. she adds that there was one more truth, that she herself wanted to tell all this to him. he is shocked beying belief, while she begs him to trust her, as she had decided to tell him her reality. the jeweller taunts her that noone can trust her, and that maybe this girl was after rehaan’s money too. rehaan is hurt and apalled.

seher says that its true that she came here for his money, but its not that anymore, and that she has changed now, and had wanted to tell him the complete truth. rehaan starts breaking things in a rage, saying that he had told her that he cant stand lies, and that she was the sole truth of his life, and he trusted her more than himself, and was willing to sacrifice even her life for her, but he also turned out to be one more lie of his. She tries to convince him, but he says that he doesnt want to hear anything. He takes her hand and hands her over to the police. seher keeps protesting innocence but rehaan says that he doesnt want to hear anything. Rehaan finally stops them, as they drag seher outside. all are tensed, while seher looks at him in anticipation. He comes and confronts her. He asks how much did she steal. the jeweller names the amount, and then gives the 10 lakhs that the jeweller had lost.

He requests the jeweller to take back the case. the jeweller agrees and asks the police to let them go. the polcie lets go of seher, and says that she is being left as he doesnt have evidence of any other theft. They all leave, while seher and rehaan confront each other. rehaan turns away while seher tries to talk to him. She hesitatingly places a hand on his shoulder, but he jerks it away, eyeing her angrily, asking her to be out of his life forever.

He leaves, while she stands heartbroken and distraught. She collapses on the floor, teary eyed and emotional, as past memories flash through her mind. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.

READ NEXT: I do, Sunday 19th June 2022 update

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