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Guddan on zee one, Thursday 29th September 2022 update

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Guddan leaves crying. Saru and Laxmi tells Durga. she says Guddan shouldn’t come back. She will tell AJ. Guddan is leaving. Revati says where are you going? Guddan says i am going out. You should stay here. Revati says please come with me. guddan says I can’t come in.


The bride is getting ready. Her mom says my daughter looks like a princess. Perv looks in and says I wont let your princess marry AJ. He has to marry Guddan.
The bride comes gets ready. Perv says to Kaushaliya you are equally useless as Guddan. SHe says shut up. He says Guddan left. she has to come back. He says in heart now my Revati will save this game. Guddan has to come back here.


Guddan is on her way home. She recalls how the daughter in laws insulted her saying she can’t

do anything. Guddan says why do they treat me like this. Guddan is walking in an arti. Some thugs follow her. They come to the tempple where Guddan is praying.
Perv mixes something in the juices. He says now when Revati takes it Guddan will have to come back to save her and then she will have to marry AJ.
Revati takes that juice from servant and drinks it. Perv smirks.
The thugs say no matter what happens we have to stop this girl from going to the wedding. guddan gets a video message of a girl in bed fainted. Someone takes off cloth from her face. It is Revat. A guy with face covered says you left her alone here? If you wanna save her come to AJ’s wedding. I will leave her if you come there. If you not then.. He shows her a knife.
The thugs try to kidnap Guddan. Guddan cries and says I have to go to my chutki please God.
Perv comes close to Revati. He holds her hand and says my dear revati.. If your Guddan doesn’t come on time what to do with her? I would need your help for that. If she doesn’t come on time you will have to die. Good idea right? storm rages on. The thugs can’t see Guddan. Guddan runs from there.
Kaushaliya asks papa have you seen Revati? Guddan isn’t pickin phone either. He says they must be getting ready. I will check. Lets go from here. Kaushaliya says we wont go from here.
Dadi asks Kaushaliya where is Guddan? Kaushaliya says she is on her way. she wonders where is Guddan.

Guddan is running. The thugs look for her. They get a call from durga. He says madam that girl ran. We don’t know how. We can’t see her anywhere. Durga says she ran that means she will come to the wedding directly?


AJ says to dadi no one can take Antra’s place. She says you have to move forward. Guddan.. i mean this girl. I thought Guddan was a good life partner for you. I could see her in Antra’s place. she brought peace to your life. She leaves.
Guddan comes to the wedding. Durag says do you have self respect? guddan says I have to go inside. This is very important. Saru says stay away from this wedding. Guddan shoves them and says I have to go. Durga says let her go. We will tell AJ how she entered the house.


Guddan sees Revati’s jewelry in the corridor. Perv calls her again and says looking for your sister? I have left clues. Guddan follows jewelery. she comes to store. she sees a napkin with blood. Guddan cries. Prev calls her an says didn’t


kill her. It is just a cut. Guddan says don’t harm my sister please. Perv says if you want your sister alive then go and marry AJ. Save your sister. He laughs. He says will you do it? Guddan walks out in shock. AJ sees her and says what happened? are you okay? if you are in trouble i can help you. Guddan hugs him crying. Guddan says please save Revati. Please. Revati comes there with a knife in her stomach. Guddan was dreaming it. AJ says what happened? are you okay? Guddan says i am fine. AJ holds her hand. He says you aren’t okay. You haven’t created any mess. Guddan says nothing happened. You should worry about your wife to. She leaves. Guddan thinks about Revati and cries. She looks at Shweta in the room getting ready. Guddan goes in and hits her with shivering hands. Shweta faints. Guddan cries. She says i hope I didn’t hit you hard. I am doing this to save my sister. I am so sorry. Guddan wears the bridal dress.
Saru says where is Guddan? Durga says don’t worry about her. Laxmi says lets bring Shweta downstairs. Guddan hides Shweta. The daughter in laws come to the room and see that no one is there. Durga says where is shweta? Guddan comes out with her face covered. Durga says lets go downstairs. Are you ready to be our mother in law? Guddan nods. Laxmi says necklace is here. Let me make you wear it. Durga says we can’t off the gunghat. Laxmi makes her wear the jewelry without taking it off. Durga says you are ready to be married. Lets go downstairs. Guddan says in heart my life will change. Will he ever understand me?
Guddan goes downstairs with the daughter in laws. AJ comes too.

Kaushaliya says to papa both of them are still not there. What’s the point of coming to the wedding.
AJ and Guddan sit in the mandap. Kaushaliya says in heart Shweta is here. Guddan ruined all my dreams.


The wedding starts. AJ says in heart I am doing all this for you Antra. Pandit ji says stand up and make each other wear the garlands. AJ stands up and makes Guddan wear the garland. She does the same. Guddan is worried for Revati. She says in heart I can’t step back. I have to save my sister. Dadi does their arti. Dadi says let me see your face. Pandit ji says you can’t see the bride’s face before the wedding. Dadi says why do I still feel there is guddan here. Kaushaliya says my dreams are being shattered.


Guddan places her hand in AJ’s. He feels something. Dadi ties ties their knot together. Guddan recalls always saying you can do anything. Guddan says I will do this wedding for your reavti. she stands up for the rounds. AJ and Guddan take rounds around the fire. saru says to Laxmi well done. Laxmi says where is Guddan though. Durga says don’t talk about her.
Prev laughs and says you got me insulted in this house. Now you will be insulted in this house every single day.
Guddan says in heart I am sorry papa. I couldn’t give me any happiness in life. Perv says what a game that I played.


Shweta wakes up in her room. she says where is my dress? Guddan hit me. I wont let her marry AJ. Perv says thsi will be fun when her face is seen. Shweta comes out and sees the wedding. perv takes her aside. He faints her again and says you can’t stop this wedding.
AJ and Guddan sit down. Pandit ji says fill her hairline. He makes Guddan wear mangalsutra.


Pandit ji says you can’t see her face. You have to fill the hairline with ghunghat. He fills the hairline. Pandit ji says now you are husband and wife. You may see her face. AJ is about tot take off her ghughat strong winds blow. Laxmi says what is happening. Saru turns on the torch. Dadi says this couple is blessed by God himself.
AJ takes off ghunaghat. He is dazed.


AJ stands up in shock. Everyone is bewildered. Kaushaliya is happy. Lights turn on. AJ says Guddan.. Durga says what are you doing here? Where is Shweta? This means you married AJ? Papa says Guddan how are you here? Saru says when we brought Shweta here it was Guddan. Kaushaliya wonders how did Perv convince Guddan? He calls Kaushaliya and says see your dream is fulfilled.
Saru says we don’t consider you our daughter in law. Kaushaliya says my daughter is married to him. Where will she go if they don’t accept her? They have ruined my daughter’s life. Guddan says enough mummy. It doesn’t matter if they accept or not, we are married AJ. You wanna know how I came here? I locked Shweta in the washroom and took her place. I did this to save my sister’s


life. I didn’t wanna do all this. I would never marry AJ. The person who kidnapped Revati said he will kill her if I don’t marry him. Kaushaliya is dazed. She says where is revati? Saru says don’t lie. How are those two things related? Guddan says I did that to save my sister. Laxmi says do you have a proof? Guddan says I will show you. She checks her phone but the video isn’t there. Guddan says where did that video go. Durga says don’t do this drama. You did this for AJ’s wealth. I know girls like you. Guddan says I did this for my sister not money. Dadi I told you that I don’t wanna marry AJ. My sister’s life in danger. He will kill her if I didn’t marry you. Revati comes and says what are you doing here? Guddan hugs her and says are you okay Revati? Revati says you married? Guddan says to save your life I did this. If anything happened I would never forgive myself. Did he harm you? Revati says who? i was sleeping in the guest room. Who would kidnap me? Kaushliya goes to find Perv.
Durga says stop lying to us. You can’t do anything. You can never be our mother in law.
Kaushaliya says where are you Perv? Come out. how dare you use my daughter in all this. Guddan was blackmailed. I know she isn’t lying. If you dare doing anything with my revati I will kill you. Prev laughs and says angry? Look at how your daughter is AJ’s wife now. SHe can never prove all that happened. I have deleted the videos. Your revati was fainted all the time so she didn’t see anything. Your dream came true. He leaves. Kaushaliya says thank God Revati is fine.

Laxmi says she doesn’t have any proof. Durga says you did this drama to marry AJ for his money. Shweta comes and says I will tell you all the truth. Shweta says she first attacked my head and then locked me in the bathroom. She wore my dress and married AJ. She is very dangerous. er mom says you ruined my daughter’s life. Guddan says please trust me. I didn’t want to hurt anyone. I did this to save my sister. AJ says enough. AJ says thank you for coming to this wedding. If you are all done you can leave. All the guests leave. Durga says we have to tell all these people about the reality of this girl. AJ drags Guddan upstairs.
Saru says no one can save her from AJ’s anger.
Aj shoves Guddan in the room. She says listen.. He says this is disgusting. You did this to marry me? She says I did this to save my sister. AJ breaks stuff and says you did this intentionally. You made me say no to this wedding.

I called my wedding off with you because you asked. And then you are my wife now? People were right about you. You only think about money.