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Force Of Attraction June 2024 Teasers

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Shakti tries to enter Shiv’s room, but Mandira intervenes. Shiv’s family accuses Shakti of using trickery. Mandira tries to keep Shiv and Shakti apart. Shakti and Shiv investigate a plot against them. The Sharmas and Kashyaps come together for Rimjhim’s wedding preparations. Read Force Of Attraction June 2024 Teasers.

Force Of Attraction June 2024 Teasers

Saturday 1st June 2024

Nandu stops them and helps Shakti enter Shiv’s room. Mandira sees Shakti in Shiv’s arms due to an incident. A politician threatens to expose Mandira. Keertan meets Shakti and feels that she has come to profess her love. Unaware of Mandira’s approval for Nidhi, Shiv approves Shakti’s application. Later, Mandira’s comment misleads Shakti.

Sunday 2nd June 2024

Soon, Koyal slaps Dharam for this. Meanwhile, Shiv selects Shakti for the admission interview. After an argument with Mandira, Shakti questions Shiv’s credibility. Shakti fulfils Manorama’s condition and the Sharmas firmly support Shakti. Shiv meets Shakti, and his decision shocks Mandira.

Monday 3rd June 2024

Mandira locks Shakti in a room to help Nidhi get selected for the interview. Shiv feels restless when he does not see Shakti around. Shiv feels like someone called him and starts looking for Shakti in the hospital. Manorama worries as Rimjhim talks to Keertan.

Tuesday 4th June 2024

Shakti refuses to give the interview, but Shiv motivates her. Mandira takes Nidhi for the interview. Mandira decides to teach Shiv and Shakti a lesson after Pandeyji warns to expose her. Manorama calls a suitor’s family for Rimjhim.

Wednesday 5th June 2024

An interviewer grills Shakti, but she manages to impress the panel. Shakti and Shiv start realising their connection. Shakti cuddles Shiv to thank him for his help, but he pushes her away and leaves.

Thursday 6th June 2024

Raghunath slaps Shiv and pushes Gayatri on the floor at Mandira’s instigation. However, Shiv stands by his decision and defends Gayatri. Mandira questions Shiv’s decision of granting Shakti the scholarship, but Shiv stands firm by his decision.

Friday 7th June 2024

The next day, Raghunath sees Shiv and Shakti’s photo in a newspaper. Shiv’s family accuses Shakti of using trickery for the scholarship after seeing their photo in a newspaper. Keertan plans to take revenge on Shakti as he presumes that Shakti likes Shiv.

Saturday 8th June 2024

Shiv arrives in Shakti’s locality to support her. Mandira instigates Raghunath to thrash Gayatri for supporting Shakti. Shiv questions a subordinate who had locked Shakti in the room. He rushes to rescue Shakti as Keertan’s goons attack her again.

Sunday 9th June 2024

Shiv fights Keertan’s goons to defend Shakti. The leader of the goons threatens to expose Keertan, who calls up Mandira for help. The police arrest Shiv at Pandeyji’s orders, and Manorama takes Shakti home.

Monday 10th June 2024

Raghunath visits the police station to bail Shiv out. Mandira’s lawyer reveals that Shiv cannot get bail for three days. Shiv’s family is worried to learn that he cannot get bail because of Pandeyji.

Tuesday 11th June 2024

Mr Sinha suggests Mandira a way to bail Shiv out. Mandira stops Raghunath from visiting Shakti and asks Keertan and Koyal to keep Shakti away. Manorama agrees to let Shakti bail Shiv out and asks Dharam to accompany her.

Wednesday 12th June 2024

Mandira calls Mr Mehta to get Shiv ousted from his position as the trustee. Later, Shakti’s arrival shocks Mandira. Shiv gets seizures when the inspector badmouths Shakti. Mandira gets worried as her ploy does not work well.

Thursday 13th June 2024

Pandeyji visits the police station and asks the inspector to give Shiv the third degree. Shakti takes a strong stand against the police. Shakti saves Shiv from a fall after he gets released. Shiv’s chain around Shakti’s neck worries Nandu.

Friday 14th June 2024

Keertan lashes out at Rimjhim in private. Shakti learns that Mandira had used Pandeyji to punish Shiv. Raghunath and Kamalnath warn Kishore to keep Shakti away from Shiv. Shakti warns Mandira that she will defend Shiv. Manorama thanks Shiv and requests him to stay away from Shakti.

Saturday 15th June 2024

Gayatri prays to Lord Shiva for Shakti and Shiv. Shiv learns about Raghunath insulting the Sharmas. The next day, Mandira, Padma and Shiv visit them to apologise. Manorama worries for Shakti when she asks Shiv to help her find out the person who had plotted against them.

Sunday 16th June 2024

Shiv and Shakti fail to check the CCTV footage because of the manager. Shakti sets out to Radha’s rescue, while Shiv is stuck in a meeting. Shakti finds it strange when Shiv asks her to focus just on Rimjhim’s marriage. Shiv’s family makes preparations for something big.

Monday 17th June 2024

Shakti learns that Keertan has replaced Shiv at the hospital. Mandira mocks Shakti over this. Shakti sneaks into Shiv’s room and apologises to Bhagwati. Gayatri feels good as Shakti empowers Shiv to defend himself.

Tuesday 18th June 2024

Mandira feels pleased when Raghunath insults Kishore. Bhagwati gets Shiv to let Shakti find proof that someone is plotting against him. Manorama keeps Shakti away from Rimjhim to ensure that she marries Ranjan. Later, Shakti inspects the evidence to expose Mandira.

Wednesday 19th June 2024

Shakti leaves Rimjhim and Ranjan’s engagement to expose Mandira. However, Shakti meets with a car accident. Raghunath allows Shakti to prove Shiv’s innocence. Shakti takes out the evidence to expose Mandira.

Thursday 20th June 2024

Shakti fails to show Shiv the evidence as someone had deleted the videos. At Shakti’s behest, he tells everyone that he will not resign. Shiv decides to resign for Raghunath’s sake. Shakti brings the nurse of the hospital to testify against Mandira.

Friday 21st June 2024

Much to Shakti’s shock, the nurse testifies against Padma. Raghunath scolds Padma. Bhagwati asks Padma to leave the house, but Shiv requests her to forgive Padma. Mandira learns that Ranjan is her ex-employee who used to harass women. Purnendu makes some shocking revelations to Mandira.

Saturday 22nd June 2024

Ranjan overhears Rimjhim and Shakti’s talks and refuses to get engaged to Rimjhim. Mandira calls Ranjan and asks him to meet her. Ranjan accepts Mandira’s proposal by agreeing to be engaged to Rimjhim with the intention of marrying Shakti.

Sunday 23rd June 2024

Manorama talks to Rimjhim and Shakti about their love life. Raghunath apologises to the Sharmas, and the Kashyaps offer to help them with Rimjhim’s wedding preparations.

Monday 24th June 2024

Koyal tries to pacify Keertan as his jealousy and failures hurt him. Mandira pleases Keertan by revealing her ploy against Shiv and Shakti. Manorama, eavesdropping on them, feels at peace to know all this. A speechless Shiv leaves heartbroken.

More Teasers to be added soon…