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Cage of beauty AdomTv, Wednesday 17th August 2022 update

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Omkar says give him dessert. Guru ji says no one can stand in front of Kaal. A man who thinks he’s God is an idiot. You also made a line on your hand. What happened to that? Omkar says enough. Omkar says I will lost my cool. Guru ji says shouting won’t change the facts. If you play with nature it will through you back on the ground. Omkar shouts Guru ji and leaves. Guru ji says to Manjali stop him or he will call destruction on himself.

Cage Of Beauty Series Cast 2
Cage Of Beauty Series Cast 2

Ashu opens his eyes. Mayrua says I am so sorry. He says I apologize for what mummy ji has said. she’s a mother. You have to stay strong. You never give up. Promise me you won’t. Mayura cries and says I can’t do it anymore. Ashu says when I taught you to ride cycle. You always fell but you said I won’t give up. And one day you rode it and you won the race as well. I want the same Minty who never loses. Your strength is growing with you. Surekha says we are all with you.

Omkar recalls what Guru ji said. He breaks things in anger. Piysuh says you detained me, tortured Mayura, hit Ashu uncle but you’re the one who’s in distress and broken.

Ashu says Omkar knows we are all together and until we are he’s losing. So he’s trying to break us. But that won’t happen and that’s why he kidnapped Piyush. You have to bring him back. Surekha says what about his men outside? They won’t let you go.

Piyush says everything is going as per your will but Karma is biting you. You’re the one who’s not in peace. Imagine what would happen when you have to pay back.

Surekha goes out. Balli says what’s in this bag? Surekha says trash. The one you spread in this house. Mayura’s is in the bag. Surekha drags her out. Balli says stop. Surekha stops. Balli opens one of the bags and says it was moving. It has trash. Mayura is in the other one. He says go. Surekha takes the bags to the street. She takes Mayura out. Mayura hugs her. Mayura says you can do what you want Omkar I will save Piyush. I am coming Omkar. Stay prepared.

Piyush says you can repent for your sins. Otherwise, your destruction will come walking to you. Mayura sees men taking in idols in Omkar’s shed. Mayura says I have to get inside. Piyush says better control yourself before somethings happens that even you can’t handle. Omkar says stop it. I have heard enough and you have spoken enough. Piyush says you’re dead inside how can you kill me? Omkar says I am saying last time, I have tolerated enough. Piyush says this is the beginning of your end. Omkar leaves.

Omkar’s men bring in idols. Piyush says I don’t know where is Mayura. How is she? Mayura is under the idol. Mayyura says Piyush.. Are you okay? Piyush says why did you come here. If Omkar finds out he will create problem for you. Mayyra says I can’t leave you here. I can’t lose my friend. Mayura tries to open his ropes. Piyush says why are you so nice? Mayura says you’re suffering because of me. Mayura says will everything be okay? He says everything will be okay when you fight for it. Promise me you will fight till the end even if I am not with you.

Scene 3
Balli coems in the house. There’s an idol under the sheets. Balli yes Omkar Mayura is in front of me.

Some men come. Mayura hides. MAyura says I will take you with me Piyush. She opens his ropes. They run out. Someone throws a cage on them and theya re both locked in it. Omkar comes there. Omkar says you two do what I don’t want. What did you think? You will come here and take Piyush so easily? You should know that I keep a track of all your breaths. Now your punishment is that I do something to Piyush you have never imagined. MAyura says no Omkar, please no. Piyush says let MAyrua go. Do what you want to do with me. Let her go. Omkar takes out a taser. He puts it on Piyush. Piyush faints. Mayura screams. Mayura says what did you do? Omkar says he can’t even move his hand. He can and see and hear but can’t do anyting. And you’re responsible for this not me. Like you’re responsble for this scar on your face not me. Omkar drags Piyush out. Mayura says no don’t do this. It was my mistake. Please don’t do this to Piyush. Please let him go. Omkar shoves Piyush on the chair.

Omkar says you did what you had to, now my turn. Omkar takes out a belt and says my bacha will pay for your mistakes. I was his bhagwan you made me his demon. So I will be it. Mayura screams please don’t do it. Omkar hits Piyus with the belt. Omkar says I am hitting Piyush because of you.

Mayura says I beg you please leave him. I am sorry. It was my mistake not his. Omkar says to Piyush I brought you up, I made you my brother and you forgot everything. Mayura says stop please. Plase leave him. Piysuh holds the belt.

Piyush says your belts threw life in me. When pain crosses limig you don’t feel it. Omkar says I want to see what can you do for this girl. Come hit me for her. Hit your brother. Hit your bhagwan. Hit me. End sangemarmar sartaj. Hit me. Why aren’t you? Piyush says enough. I considered you my brother, even God. I stood by you but I could never understand you. Piyush says let’s start anew Omi. Let her go. I will come back to you. Mayura says he’s right. Please forget everything. Please end this game of hate. I beg you. Please Omkar shouts no.. Piyush says you have already done the damage. You have scarred her face. I will do what you ask. Let her go. Mayura says let Piyush go. I came here. Let Piyush go.

Sanjay calls Piyush. He says where is Piyush? Megha says no one would know anything. You can’t Mayura. Sanjay says complain about m to Omkar and get me detained as well. You like doing all this. I feel suffocated around you. Megha says don’t get in all this it’s for your better. Piyush was a child to Omkar and see what he did to him. You were his servant anyway. Sanjay says you only care about yourself. He leaves. Megha says they are all crazy.

Omkar throttles Piyush and says you really wanna help her right? Now you will suffer for her mistakes. He shoves Piyush. Piyush’s head hits the wall. He’s badly injured and falls on the floor. Mayura says what are you doing.. She screams. omkar hugs Piyush and says you were my pride. I loved you the most. I never expected betrayal from you. My heart hurts but I also want to kill you I am so angry. At least if you die you wont’ betray me. Mayura says leave him please.

Mayura cries. She says please leave Piyush. Omkar says I didn’t do all this. You made me do this. Piyush tries to get up. Mayura says his head was hurt. Let me get to him, please. Omkar, please. Piyush stands up. He says hit me. If it gives you peace hit me. Your anger might meltdown. Let her go. Omkar punches Piyush. His head hits a pillar. Mayura screams. Omkar says are you happy now? See what I did to my bacha because of you. I hit him. Mayura says look at him, please. His head is bleeding. He has fainted. Please look at him. Omkar shakes the cage and says it’s all your fault. Omkar leaves. Mayura screams Piyush.. Mayura says Piyush please open your eyes. I am here. Please. Mayura tries to get out of the cage. Mayura says God help me pleae. Mayura sees the keys on the floor. She tries to pick them. Mayura puts her hand out of the cage.

Omkar sits in his car. Omkar cries. He says I brought you up with these hands and I hit my bacha with the same hands. I will get you medicine bachay. You made me do all this Mayura. I will never forgive you. My bacha.. He cries.

Piyush moves his hand. Mayura gets the keys. Mayura says I am coming Piyush. She gets out of the cage. A pillar falls on him before Mayura could get to him. Mayura screams no.. Mayura tries to pick the pillar but she cam’t. Mayura says talk to me Piyush. Nothing will happen to you.

Scene 2
Omkar comes home in anger. Omkar sits down and cries. Manjali says what happened? omkar says I hit my bacha with my hands. From these hands. I loved him since childhood. He cries. Omkar says what if something happens to him? I didn’t even look back at him. My bacha.. Mayura has ruined my life. She made me do this. She provokes everyone. My bacha loves me. She provoked him. Manjali says I know.

Mayura recalls her moments with Piyush. The song Judai plays. She recalls Piyush saying I will be with till I die. She Piyush helping her always. Mayura looks at his wound. Piyush is completely fainted. Mayura says I am sorry Piyush. I am sorry. Mayura tears her dupatta and puts it on his face. Mayura says I know you said no sorry and thank you in friendship but I am very sorry and thank you. Mayura cries. Mayura recalls omkar hitting Piyush. Mayura stands up. Mayura wipes her tears.

Mayura comes to the temple. Mayura says I only asked you for a life partner who loves me as a person not my face. But you tied me to a devil who only cared about my face. I didn’t stop believing in you. He scaredd my face. Harmed my family, even then I believed in you. My hope, my friend, my last tear, is also gone today. You took him from me as well. Why? What was his fault?? That he was with the right and not wrong. My belief in you is weak now. I have begged and prayed from you as well. Today my eyes’ last tear is dried with Piyush as well. I will never ask for your help again. Even if I fal I won’t has you for help. After today, I have only one mission and that is to destroy Omkar and take everything from him. I will do it without your help. The Mayura who believed in you and good is dead. Today a new Mayura is born who will destroy Omkar. He likes beauty right? I will take all beautiful things from him. Like he took all my happiness from me and all my relations that were beautiful to me. Mayura leaves.

Mayura says your countdown has started Omkar. I am coming to destroy you Omkar. She leaves.

Scene 3
Manjali gives water to Omkar. Manjali says don’t shed tears, Piyush deserved this. Drink water. Someone enters the house. Omkar says you.. Why is your face like that? BAlli says Mayura.. Omkar says is she okay? He says yes I don’t know about her but piyush.. He’s dead. Omkar is shocked. Omkar says this can’t happen. My bacha can’t die. Nothing can happen to him. He can’t die. You’re lying. He shoves balli. Omkar says you’re lying right? Balli tell me? Tell me. He shouts. Balli shakes his head. Omkar says no. This can’t be true. My bacha can’t die. How did that pillar fall on him? Why didn’t you save him? Why? He shouts Piyush… Omkar sits down and cries. Omkar says what has happened ma. My bacha.. He breaks things.

Mayura walks outside the temple. She recalls Piyush saying you will take this fight even if I am not with you, promise me. Mayura says I will keep the promise I made to your. Your end is the beginning of Omkar’s end. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.