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Bridal material on zee world, Friday 24th June 2022 update

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Meera imagines a masked man killing doctor. She think she ha to warn doctor, calls him and asks to not open door. Doctor cannot hear her. She invites him to maata ki chowki at her house. Phoe gets disconnected. Masked man enters and slits doctor’s throat. Dolly, Amar, Vivan with guests pray Devi maaa and sing bhajan. Meera runs to living room and seeing pooja happening thinks why did not doctor uncle come yet.

Bridal material Series
Bridal material Series

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Wednesday 22nd June 2022 update

Police arrive at doctor’s place. Meera calls doctor. Inspector picks call and informs that doctor is murdered. Meera is shocked to hear that and confronts devi maa why innocent people are killed, why she is not seeing ray of life, she will not pray god from hereon and light temple lamp. Dolly senses heavy gush of air and thinks it will rain soon. Vivan and Paromita’s

photo is shown flickering on mat, flies and falls in front of Maata’s idol. Meera is shocked to see that pic and realizes Vivan is the man who Paromita loved. She imagines the incident where Paromita confesses her love for Vivan. Vivan says he cannot love her as he loves someone else. She pleds not to leave him and he walks away. Meera realizes that Paromita cut Vivan’s named birthday cake and says they met first time on this day and shows Vivan’s named tattoo on her neck.

Meera fumes that Vivan lied and betrayed her, how can he, why did he do that. She reminisces Vivan trying to divert her attention and saying she is just imagining things and shouts it is truth of Vivan’s past. She searches some box in cupboad and does not find it, thinks she kept it here, then where did it go. She realizes she found burnt photo in corridor, that means Vivan burnt it. She walks to corridor to search clue and finds box hidden in ground. She finds Vivan and Paromita’s different photos and cries more realizing Vivan betrayed her.

Biji searches Meera in home and asks Dolly to inform Meera to apply maata’s sindhoor on her forehead via Vivan Vivan enters. Biji givs him sindoor and asks to apply it on Meera’s forehead. He walks to Meeera’s room and seeing her serious thinks she must have found out truth, he has to divert her attention. He walks to her and tries to divert her attention, then sees box and asks if she is angry, switches off light and walks closer to her. She walks away. He shows maata’s sindhoor. She stops him and shouts he is a murderer and betrayer. Vivan says Paromita is his friend’s girlfriend and not his. Meera asks what about his named tatoo on Paromita’s neck. He says his friend’s name is also Vivan and they befriended because of same name, Paromita is his friend’s girlfriend.

Meera thinks if he is lying again and says she wants to believe whatever he is saying, but truth is different. Vivan tries to explain, but she says she cannot trust him and why should she when she sees him with Paromita, she will find out truth.

Meera confronts Vivan and says she will find out truth and hopes she is proved wrong as she does not want to lose Vivan. She then returns to her room and falls asleep. She then dreams about a masked man hiding a file in locker and fixing painting on wall. She wakes up and thinks she has to go and find out clue. She reaches Paromita’s bungalow and searches for clue. Sh finds same painting in a room and removes it, finds a wall behind, breaks it and finds locker. She tries different combinations to open locker, Vivan’s birth date, her birth date, Amaya’s birth date, etc.., and finally tries her and Vivan’s wedding date and locker opens. She finds Paromita’s diary in it. Masked man enters holding gun. Meera hides. Man slips and falls on ground and finds wall debris, then opens locker and does not find diary. He searches whole room. Meera hides under tables and escapes with diary. Masked man runs behind. Meera runs out of building and at a far secluded place reads Paromita’s diary that how much she loved Vivan and mad behind him. She determines to expose Vivan’s love story in front of everyone.


Next morning, Meera takes Soni Kudi Academy/SKA’s responsibility. Dolly enters and says she forgot to have sweet curd and feeds Meera. A lady enters with her daughter. Daughter says she wants to play kabbadi. Meera reminisces her days. Lady says she wants her step-daughter Tulika to learn to become a perfect bahu at SKA. Daughter insists to attend kabbaddi match. Meera says they will do whatever Tulika likes and asks mother to fill admission form.

In the evening, SKA’s reopening party starts. Meera walks in wearing a beautiful gown. Guests clap for her. Vivan stands mesmerized with her beauty.

Meera says she is here to fulfill her MIL’s dream and with a drama artist starts enacting Paromita and Vivan’s love story on Ek Haseena Thi…song… Finally actor shoots Meera and she falls down. Vivan shouts he did not shoot. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.

READ NEXT: Bridal material, Saturday 25th June 2022 update

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