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APC’s Muslim-Muslim presidential ticket unfair to Christians, non-Muslims, says group

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A GROUP, Peter Volunteer Council (PVC), has criticised the All Progressives Congress (APC) Muslim – Muslim presidential ticket, describing it as unfair, as well as a slap on both Christians and other non-Muslims in the country.

The PVC National Coordinator, Mr. Chris Arinze, further said the development shows the level of open hostility and contempt, with which the present administration treats non-Muslims.

In a statement in Awka on Wednesday, Arinze noted that those who will support such presidential arrangement are religious bigots and Muslin fanatics, insisting that any true Muslin faithful will reject the ticket, because a true Muslim faithful stands for justice and fairness.

He said the ticket has exposed the level of intelligence of those that are intending to take the leadership of a complex country like Nigeria.

just as he urged Nigerians to be vigilant and avoid making a mistake that will further dim the future of the country.