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This is Fate on zee world, Tuesday 26th July 2022 update

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Mahesh walking down the stairs asks Ganesh where is Pihu, he asks what has happened as everyone is talking about Pihu, Mahesh explains that he remembered that the women from NGO said the children are asked to wake up early and so he would come to meet her, he then questions who else asked about her, Karina enters the house with Dadi.

This is Fate Drama Series
This is Fate Drama Series

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Monday 25th July 2022 update

Mahesh questions where are they coming from, Karina replies she cannot tell him what Maa has done, she explains that Maa came to her room in the night and ordered that she ask her friend to open her store early in the morning, she then went to open the store at six in the morning and bought the clothes, Dadi then asks them to wake her up however Mahesh says that she is a child so would be sleeping and until then they would have the breakfast.

Rakhi is decorating the children’s room, she asks Ganesh to place something in the store, she also throws the ball which Sarla catches, Rakhi is also really happy to see Sarla who replies that she was not able to stay without Pihu so they both decided to come and meet her, Rakhi mentions she is glad because now she has also got a partner, Kritika also enters the room, she greets Sarla asking how did she come so early, she did not realize Pihu would be sleeping at this time but then came to meet Rakhi, Kritika questions who said young children do not wake up early as she has gotten up so Pihu would also come, Rakhi asks her to calm down.

Rakhi explains how she decorated the room for a new born child however now it belongs to Pihu so she is removing the extra toys, Sarla also agrees saying they thought Preeta would have twins which is why Rakhi has placed the toys for both a son and daughter, however now some stuff has to be placed in the store which she might get and what of the extra things, Rakhi replies she has decided to give it to the NGO, Kritika mentions she was waiting to see her Mami smile as before she always used to cry, Sarla prays that she always remain smiling whenever she comes to this room, Sarla asks Kritika is Pihu might have woken up, Kritika replies she doesnot know it for sure but Pihu would be the arbitrator for both Karan and Preeta as they would be having a quarrel, Rakhi exclaims it is not right so they should go and check in the room, Rakhi also agrees.

Kritika in excitement reaches the door of the room, Sarla and Rakhi however both deviate from entering mentioning it is not right and so they should leave to wait until the time they are awake, Kritika sees that the door is open so then she makes them enter the room, Kritika wakes up both Preeta and Karan, Sarla and Rakhi apologize for entering as they wanted to meet Pihu and came because of Kritika, karan exclaims she would be downstairs as she is not in the room, Rakhi explains she is not downstairs why is why they have come to them, they also check the bathroom but are not able to find so decide to search the rooms.

Prithvi is driving the car and has a bag with him on the front seat, he thinks now the Luthra’s would know what they have lost because if he is not happy then no one has the right to be happy, now everyone would realize what they have lost.

Mahesh along with everyone are searching for Pihu, Preeta also goes to search in the room of Mahesh they are searching frantically for her when Preeta and Karan also search their room, Shristhi questions why is she looking in the wardrobe, Sarala questions if she doesnot know that children tend to hide in the wardrobe, they all gather at the dining area wondering where she might have gone as they have searched the entire house.

Shristhi enters the kitchen wondering where she might have gone, she turns to find Pihu hiding under the desk, she asks if Pihu was playing hide and seek with them and she is really naughty and cute, Pihu replies she is cute since birth, Shristhi asks her to come and be careful, she holds Pihu in her arms, explaining how everyone in the family loves her a lot so she would show her it.

The entire family is searching for Pihu and are really worried, Dadi asks Mahesh to call the police, Karina also agrees with them but then Shristhi comes with Pihu who greets them all, Preeta is not able to believe it and rushes to hug her, she asks Pihu where did she went, Pihu questions why is she crying asking if anyone scolded, she questions Rakhi and Sarla, after which she asks everyone who scolded her, Shristhi explains that no one has scolded her and she is crying because of her, Preeta replies they were searching for her, questioning where did she go, Pihu explains she was playing hide and seek, Preeta explains she can play hide and seek whenever she wants but before playing must inform her, Karan also comes down the stairs calling Pihu, he immediately holds her but she asks him to put her down apologizing, however Preeta replies she doesnot accept her apology as she calls her Pretty Preeta while she is actually her mother, Preeta then hugs her even Karan holds her.

Sarla says that even if she has been their family member for just one day, it feels everyone loves her a lot, Mahesh responds she is also really naughty as they were about to call the police, Rakhi mentions after seeing them it feels that the family of Karan is complete, Rakhi asks Preeta to go and make something for Pihu, Mahesh says she can go and make something while Pihu would play with them, Pihu replies she doesnot want to eat anything but he would have the apple which he likes, Pihu asks him to give her the apple however he starts fighting with her, the entire family asks him to give it to her but then Preeta snatches it from him, asking Karan to have another one, Sameer sitting beside Pihu explains that even her father was really naughty and would only have the apple, which he will not share with anyone, Mahesh says they would paly with Pihu, Kara and Preeta walk upstairs.

Prithvi is driving the car, he stops to open the bag saying that he has taken the business files of the Luthra’s because they all are busy with Pihu so would not even know that someone has taken their files, he would use them at the most opportune moment and at that time the entire family of the Luthra’s would lose everything.

The entire family is playing with Pihu when suddenly Sarla and Bani Dadi feel that there are strong winds blowing, Dadi says that there were blowing even yesterday and she feels that it is a sign of something wrong which might happen to them, she however prays that nothing wrong ever happens to their family is they have gotten happiness after such a long time. Sarla nods, Dadi orders Sherlin and Kritika to close all the doors, Kritika closes the front door when Sonakshi suddenly enters the house, while crying however everyone is left stunned to see her in their house.

Sonakshi is standing at the door while looking at Pihu, she is crying which worries everyone who look at her as she enters the house, karan and Preeta also walk down the stairs, Sonakshi sees Pihu so stops her and immediately hugs her, the entire Luthra family is shocked to see her reaction as how she is just loving Pihu,

Preeta goes to pull Pihu from Sonakshi before asking Kritika to take her back to her room, Preeta questions what is this all and what is she doing here, Shristhi also questions why did she not go to London as this is what Sameer told her, Rakhi also questions her in anger asking why did she not go there, Preeta explains she told them all that she is going to leave her past behind and begin a new life, Sonakshi replies she also accepted that she needs to start a new life leaving her past behind which was connected with this house but what part of it remains is also connected with this house, Karina exclaims she has never seen a girl like her, she came to their house requesting them to attend her wedding since she doesnot have a family, they got trapped in her plan, thinking they would attend her wedding like a family but she deceived them all by hiding them such a big truth, Sonakshi tries to explain but Karina requests her to not say that she did not want to hurt them and must not say she cared for their family as because of her they have got a lot of tension, if she cared for them then would have told the truth while she came to invite them but she instead revealed it in front of the entire society, Karina and Shristhi also exclaim she is a really deceitful person, she claims that Preeta is her sister but has left no stone unturned to ruin her house, Mahesh also mentions she is like his daughter so he doesnot want to say something which might hurt her when she is alone without her father.

Sonakshi goes to Karan saying she wants to reveal something explaining how she was just about to leave but felt that something was left behind and so came back, she just wants to reveal the truth, Karan replies he doesnot want to hear any truth, she must be glad they have not called the security.

Sonakshi asks if he is saying it is her fault, Karan replies he is just trying to say that it was her mistake that she hid the truth and humiliated him in front of everyone, he exclaims he doesnot want to hear anything, Karina also questions Sonakshi why did she come back because they all thought that they would not care of her after coming back from Lonavla, they have no intention to think of his past as he is really happy with Preeta so she must leave, Sonakshi replies that it is not up to them to think about how they get in touch with what happened in their past as it is all of their fate.

Preeta questions what does she mean as when she came the last time, the entire family was stunned even then she gave her the best wishes for her future so why did she come back, Sonakshi explains that she does not want to make the mistakes which she made in the past, she wants to reveal the truth.

Karina tries to force her to stop talking however Sonakshi doesnot listen to anything revealing that the child that was born and is still alive, she mentions it is actually a daughter, Shristhi mentions she is lying as she herself told them that the child was born dead, Sonakshi explains that it was just another lie of her father, Karina questions why is she saying this as they do not believe it, Sarla also questions why is she constantly trying to ruin the life of Preeta even when they don’t want to listen to her truth as they don’t know how much of it is a lie.

Sonakshi assures that she is not the bad wisher of Preeta, Karina however shouts saying it is enough so tries to throw her out of the house, she is about to throw her but Bani Dadi says if it is the matter of a child then she wants to hear it as the child is of Karan, Karina then questions what is Sarla doing, she constantly claims that she would always protect her daughter but why is she quiet, Sarla questions what can she do as she doesn’t even know Sonakshi, she just knows Sonakshi is the friend of Karan and they all went to her wedding in Lonavla, she also helped Preeta in her problems, she blessed her a lot so cannot understand if what she said was all just an act.

Karina once again takes her hand, she is about to throw her out of the house when Rakhi stops her explaining they should for once listen to what she has to say, Karina however questions why are they not realizing that she is just a liar as her father clearly mentioned that the child was born dead, Sonakshi however questions why should she be ashamed because her child was born and her name is Pihu, the entire family is shocked when Pihu comes running asking Preeta what has happened because she is crying.

Sherlin is trying to call Prithvi however he doesnot attend her calls, he after answering thinks it is her mother but Sherlin tries to explain what has happened, prithvi explains he has taken all the files of the Luthra’s so can ruin them at any given moment, Sherlin explains that the daughter which the Luthra’s have adopted has become their biggest ruin because she is actually the child of Karan and Sonakshi.

Prithvi is stunned when Sherlin replies Sonakshi is still in their house and is not actually that smart otherwise she would have thrown Sophia out of the room when she went to reveal the truth to Karan, Prithvi in excitement exclaims one feels delighted when the business of the competitors is ruined however it is more excited to see that the family is ruined, she asks him to come as soon as possible if he wants to see the entire Drama.

Pihu asks Preeta who is the one who made her cry, Preeta replies she is not crying but Pihu must go back to her room as she would come and play with her, Sonakshi coming forward exclaims she is the mother of Pihu, Preeta turns to her in anger. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.