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This is Fate on zee world, Thursday 25th August 2022 update

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Prithvi is locked up in the jail cell with the constable standing guard in front of him, Prithvi after looking here and there, calls Mr Bhalla from behind requesting permission for just one phone call but the constable doesnot listen, Prithvi asks what is the problem as he will return the mobile and cannot even snatching as it is himself locked up, the constable warns him to go and sit at the corner, Prithvi asks why are they treating him like this because he has something which they all do not have, he can fill their pockets with money, he requests them to let him go as he will give them all, however the constable looks at him with anger.

This is Fate Drama Series
This is Fate Drama Series

Prithvi in anger exclaims that his condition is because of Preeta, he curses her and his curse will make sure her life is in ruins, the constable questions why is he yelling as this has made it difficult to stand here. Prithvi exclaims today is Diwali and even wants to celebrate it and have fun, someone hands him a box of sweets, prithvi exclaims they have come to their senses. Sherlin requests him to forget that he is Prithvi Malhotra as he is jus a common man behind the cell, Prithvi agrees, and they both give each other the sweets.

Sherlin assures she will talk with the lawyer tomorrow and get him freed, she explains how she should leave because no one should find out she came to meet him, she explains she will reveal a news as this will relax him, she explains how Pihu got hurt in the Diwali party and Preeta was scolded for it, Prithvi in excitement mentions it all happened for the good as Preeta wronged him.

Preeta along with karan walk into the room of Pihu while she is sleeping, Preeta massages her forehead apologizing to Pihu as she got hurt because of her, Karan asks her to not be worried as it is a small injury and asks Preeta to come as they also should sleep, Preeta stands but then feels dizzy, Karan manages to catch her questioning what happened, he sees the hand of Preeta which is burnt, Karan calls Ganesh and Rishab but no one listens, he takes her out on his own while Sonakshi follows them, Sherlin thinks what has happened as Karan doesnot know that the condition of Preeta is because of Sonakshi, what does she have to do with any of it.

Karan sitting in the back, request Sonakshi to drive fast as Preeta is unconscious, however she doesnot drive fast but then Karan once again insists, Sonakshi is forced to agree even when she doesnot want to, Preeta waking up questions where are they going, Karan replies that he is taking her to the hospital because she is ill and he needs to hear it from the doctors mouth that she is fine, otherwise he would not be relieved but Preeta insists there is no need since she needs to go back home however Karan insists on taking her to the hospital, Sonakshi also slows down the car which worries karan and he asks Sonakshi to not listen to anything Preeta is saying as they are going to go to the hospital, Karan mentions he really worries about Preeta and loves her, Sonakshi gets really angry looking at them both and purposefully stops the car, Karan asks her to be careful as this doesnot mean that she drives so recklessly so must be careful, Sonakshi looking at them both exclaims the hospital has arrived.

Karan is with Preeta in the clinic when the doctor coming apologizes for being late since she went home, Preeta assures there is nothing to be worried about because he is just being overprotective regarding her, she got tired because of the excessive workload due to the function and even her daughter got hurt because of the crackers, Karan replies that their daughter is fine but he no longer trusts Preeta with her health as she doesnot seem to care about anything, the doctor exclaims she feels they might get a good news, karan replies they do not want to have the pregnancy test but the doctor replies how she cannot do anything as it is a package but she feels the symptoms are relating to the pregnancy, they will take the sample of Preeta, the results will arrive by the evening.
Rishab is sleeping, he wakes up because of the call that comes on the mobile of Sherlin, he wonders who is this person but places the mobile, Sherlin coming out of the bathroom answers the call mentioning she cannot talk with him at the moment, Rishab hears their conversation, Sherlin is shocked to see Rishab is awake, Sherlin apologizes saying that it was the call of her mother, Rishab replies the screen showed Mehta lawyer then why did Shelrin lie, she leaves mentioning she will come back, Rishab explains it is possible that her mother called after the lawyer so he heard it wrong.

Karan helps Preeta into the room, asking her to sit down with care, even Sonakshi helps her, she pours some water for her, Preeta thinks how the doctor said that she might be the good doctor who will reveal the news of her pregnancy, karan replies she feels glad after irritating her, he questions why is she smiling, Preeta thinks she doesnot know why she is thinking that this time the reports would have some positive result, Sonakshi asks them to have some time for themselves while she will bring milk for her but Preeta replies she doesnot want any milk however Sonakshi asks Karan to take care of his wife while she brings the milk for her.

Karan asks Preeta what is she thinking, she thinks how she cannot tell him that she was thinking about the pregnancy and if it is just not what she thinks then it will hurt his feelings, he asks her to not be in the silent mood, Karan requests her to take care of herself as when she is not well it hurts him, he also has to do a lot of work, Preeta exclaims how he is never interested in working. Karan hugging her mentions he really loves her; she should always smile.

Sonakshi while boiling the milk is crying thinking how the doctor said that she might be pregnant, she after the milk boils adds a tablet in it, she takes it to them.

Preeta asks Karan why is he looking at her like this because she tends to get conscious, he asks what is the worry because he is her husband, Preeta questions if he would feel nice if someone else loos at her, Sonakshi brings the milk insisting Preeta to have it however she refuses saying that she doesnot want it, Karan also asks her but she refuses, Sonakshi then mentions she should drink it because she has to take care of Pihu and the family and might not be able to do it properly, Karan asks her to leave them alone, she turns when Preeta calls Sonakshi, she drinks the milk questioning if they both are happy, Karan mentions he is mad with her because she drank it after Sonakshi asked and not when he was trying to convince, she requests him to not be angry as today is Diwali, karan agrees so goes to the bathroom, Preeta lying down thinks the feeling is really nice and she feels the results will have something positive so she is really hopeful.

Karan in the morning puts his hand beside him however is shocked to see that Preeta is not in the bed with him, he calls her but there is no respond, Karan even knocks on the bathroom door, he then puts on his shoes.

Sonakshi walks on the balcony thinking about what the doctor said that Preeta might be pregnant, she thinks it cannot happen as the secret which she kept hidden should remain like it, otherwise her future would be destroyed not only in this house, as when tomorrow the reports would come it will reveal that Preeta can be a mother, she exclaims it cannot happen, Sherlin standing at the back asks what was she thinking about, she might be able to help her, Sonakshi replies she was talking about her future plans, but what does Sherlin desire, she thinks how she met with Prithvi in the jail cell telling him that she will talk with the lawyer, Sonakshi questions why does Sherlin always keeps questioning her as she has a lot other things to do, she leaves which angers Sherlin.

Karan is walking in the hall, Sonakshi bumps into him questioning where he is going, he replies he is going to look for Preeta, Sonakshi says she will be in the house, Karan replies when did he said that she might have gone anywhere but just meant that he needs to be with Preeta, Sonakshi thinks she feels really frustrated as Karan always keeps talking about Preeta, Karan is relieved to see Preeta sleeping with Pihu in her room, he also lies down in the bed with her, Sonakshi gets angry standing at the window, she is shocked to see the mobile ringing.

In the morning Rishab sitting explains he selected the particular watch, he asks if Rakhi likes it so he can order it and also questions Karina but she mentions it would be the same so she will not get it, they all see Kritika come, Rishab standing exclaims he doesnot like those who wake up late, Karina mentions she has gotten tired by making her realize but she doesnot listen so Rakhi should say something to her, Rakhi asks what can she say now, Rishab replies she only listens to Rakhi, Kritika explains she likes Sherlin because everyone else is trying to make her feel normal, Rishab questions why does she think she is not normal because she is the same, Kritika mentions that she would feel bad if Prithvi was not a good person but he was never an honest person, they must then not feel worried, Karina and Rakhi stand exclaiming as they always say that everything that happens is for the good and today is the beginning of the new year, Rishab wishes everyone, Kritika questions what happened yesterday as they all scolded Preeta jee but she is a daughter of the house just like Preeta so if they all love her then why do they always tend to scold Preeta for just a small mistake which she makes, she knows Sonakshi is the birth mother of Pihu but they all know Preeta loves her the most, Karina stopping her exclaims that she must not defend Preeta because the elders tend to scold the children if they make a mistake, Rishab agrees mentioning if she had been there then would have stopped them all, Rishab asks Kritika she would feel nice and requests her to come with him on the vacation, Kritika agrees when Rishab gets a message that that his employees are asking if he is drunk. Karina questions if they can have breakfast when Rishab agrees saying he is really hungry, Shelrin wishes that Kritika should leave as then she will be able to help Prithvi.

Preeta is in the room when Rakhi comes to her however she is about to leave, Preeta stops her questioning it seems Rakhi is really worried but should not care about the decoration as she will make sure everything is sorted but Rakhi apologizes to Preeta for misbehaving with her, however Preeta replies that they are her elders so she never feels bad about anything which they say but Rakhi insists they way they talk was wrong however Preeta assures she never feels bad, Karan also comes mentioning he doesnot like doing the office work so they all must leave from the room, Rishab comes saying Ganesh said that the employees have come to meet him, Karan explains he invited them all to come to their house as guests but forgot to mention it, Rishab questions what is wrong with him because he did not even think to inform them of the invitation, Karan apologizes to them all, Rakhi is also really mad at him but Preeta assures there is nothing to worry about as the decorations are already in place while she will take care of everything else, she asks Karan to get up, Rakhi says he is blessed to have a wife like her, Karan looks at Rishab who is really mad, Karan leaves after apologizing.

Preeta is welcoming all the guests who are coming to the party, Sherlin wonders who invites anyone to their house without proper arrangements, Karina comes to her, mentioning she knows Karan likes to surprise everyone as this is how he is like, they both leave. Rakhi comes to Preeta with Dadi, praising her for arranging everything in such a short time, Preeta explains there were somethings which she did not use yesterday so they have now come to use, they must not worry about anything, she asks them to welcome the guests while she will go and take care of the kitchen, Karan stops Preeta informing that the courier boy is on his way with the repots, Preeta goes into shock thinking she needs to see the pregnancy reports, karan questions what happened however Preeta says it was just the nervousness of the tests.

Preeta going on the stage formally starts the party and also asks everyone to start the dance with their partners, Karan also asks Preeta but she refuses saying she will not be able to dance because she also hurt her feet, Karan agrees mentioning there is nothing to worry about, Sonakshi standing behind the pillar sees them both, the courier boy arrives at the door, Sonakshi rushes to him before Preeta can even see him, she takes the reports and is shocked to see them.

Sonakshi goes to the courier taking the parcel, she takes the reports out of the envelope and secretly tries to hide them, she signs the parcel when the courier boy explains she is Sonakshi mam but the courier is of Preeta mam, Rishab coming exclaims that the courier belongs to Preeta so he will give it to her as he believes she is busy, Sonakshi thinks that if this reports reaches Preeta then she along with everyone would find out that she can be pregnant and it would ruin her plan to enter into this house with the support of Pihu and if it ends then this would ruin everything, she thinks how she would have to take these reports from Rishab otherwise it will ruin everything.

Rishab tries to see where Preeta is je, he then thinks of calling Karan as he would give the reports to him, Sonakshi sees Karan going towards Rishab je however she sends him away saying that Pihu is calling him, Preeta thinks of going to Karan asking him to call the courier boy questioning where he is left, Rishab tries to stop Preeta but she doesnot listen to her and leaves.

Rishab thinks that Preeta might be busy so he will give her the reports when she is free, Sherlin comes to Sonakshi questioning what is going on because she has been noticing that She purposefully send Karan away, Sonakshi however replies she can do anything she desires.

Karan enters the room of Pihu thinking what Sonakshi meant as Pihu is asleep, he sits beside her massaging her head, Preeta comes to the room and starts smiling, seeing them both, she exclaims that the father is showering a lot of love to his daughter, Karan standing asks if this means she is getting jealous because of his love, however Preeta replies why would she get jealous as she desires that he only love Pihu however Karan replies this cannot ever happen because she is only true love, Preeta replies that he has gotten really naughty, Preeta replies that she wanted to question him about where is the courier boy, he explains her to not be so worried s the reports would be fine, Preeta thinks it would not be alright if she comes to know it is the truth, Preeta ask Karan what sort of a father is he because he was not even able to tuck Pihu into the bed, she rushes to the party as then she will get the courier.

Sherlin and Sonakshi are standing when she asks what she is actually up to, Sherlin explains that she is just thinking about Sonakshi because she feels she is doing something wrong, Sonakshi asks her to think of her family when Karina calls Sherlin, she leaves after which Sonakshi thinks she should focus on her husband but not now as she needs to get the reports.

Rishab standing mentions he will tell the backdrop of the party as Karan went out and if he had been the one to do this then would have been scolded for the rest of the day, Mahesh however replies it is not like that, but Rishab assures then he would be like this, they all start to laugh when Sonakshi exclaims the party is going really well but they both are the couples of this party and should come for a dance, Rishab and Mahesh dance with Sherlin and Rakhi, when they after some time also bring the rest of the family to dance, seeing which Sonakshi feels her plan has gotten ruined so she goes to ask Rishab for a dance, she manages to take out the reports and leaves the party while everyone else is enjoying.

Sonakshi walking think Sherlin has kept a close eye on her, she then bumps into Preeta, she immediately says that everyone was looking for her in the party, Preeta replies that her reports have to come by the courier, Preeta leaves apologizing, Sonakshi rushes into the room when Sherlin follows her.

Sonakshi entering the room quickly changes the reports however she is shocked to see Sherlin standing behind her who asks what she is really up to.

Preeta goes to Rishab who standing at the back asks Sahil to not worry about a small presentation and come attend the party first, Rishab starts looking for it however is not able to find them, he is shocked wondering how he lost them, karan says that it is not to worry as they will surely find it, they all start searching for it.

Sherlin questions Sonakshi asking what she is doing with the reports of Preeta, Sonakshi at first starts to deny it then Sherlin shows her the video where she is mixing the poison in milk and also where she quickly took the reports, Sonakshi takes out the real reports where she explains that Preeta can be a mother, Sherlin asks what does she mean because the doctor told them that Preeta cannot be a mother however Sonakshi replies that she was the one who told the entire story about the future of Preeta because she told the entire truth, Preeta is also searching for the reports when Sonakshi says that Sherlin might have realized by now that she madly loves Karan and from the time when they were in collage, she had her rooms filled with his photo and would even ask Karan for a photo of Sameer but he did not realize that she loves him. Sonakshi explains that when she came to Mumbai to give them the invitation of her marriage she also went to the hospital where the Gynac was practicing, and she found out they misplaced the reports.

she took the original reports when he nurse explained how someone left his wife just because she was not able to be a mother, this hit her in the heart so she thought of making sure Preeta never manages to get the true reports. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.