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This is Fate on zee world, Saturday 13th August 2022 update

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Sundeep is standing in the room when his mother opening the door immediately calls the constable, she asks them to come but Sundeep asks her to calm down however his mother calls the constable asking him to see how the girl is forcing her son to stand even when he is ill, he informs the constable that both his mother and his girlfriend love him a lot because of which they were fighting, the constable warns them to argue in a low voice since this is a hospital.

This is Fate Drama Series
This is Fate Drama Series

Sundeep calls to his mother but she warns him to stop talking and send his girlfriend home, Sundeep requests Sudeepa to go back to her house since Maa is with him, she leaves when his mother sits down beside him questioning how is he, she then asks him to look how she made the home cooked for him.

Mahesh is sitting on the bed, Rakhi takes out the medicines requesting him to have them since it would make him feel better, Mahesh explains he doesnot want the medicine, since the cure is Rishab, she should bring him back, Sarla also hears from the corner of the door, she entering also requests him to have the medicine, she explains Rishab is in the lockup but if he cannot come then why can Mahesh not go to meet him since he is the elder and needs to remain strong to be the support of the family and Rishab, she questions if Mahesh doesnot really want to go and meet Rishab, Rakhi asks Sarla to take a seat.

Rakhi sits beside Sarla, she explains that she went to meet Rishab, Rakhi immediately questions how he is, Sarla explains that he is fine but he himself asked her to inform them that there is nothing to worry about, she feels he was more worried about them so they should not be so tensed because Navratri is going on and now she is sure Maa would help Rishab come back since he is a really obedient person, they all must rest assured and just pray, Rakhi starts weeping but Sarla calms her down, she herself starts praying.
Shristhi enters the house wondering why is the door open, she sees Sarla sitting on the sofa, she ex claims Shristhi got so late and did a lot of work so should come and eat something, Shristhi explains if she has made the slaps for her then she doesnot want anything and is going but Sarla stops her asking her to come saying she only made them because when Sarla doesnot slap her for some time she starts making mistakes, Shristhi questions what has she done, Sarla replies she doesnot tell her anything even when they live together and she eats the breakfast with her every morning yet she still did not tell her anything, she found out after seeing the news that Rishab got arrested, she would have went before had she told her, Shristhi explains she did not tell her because she would have gotten tensed and has the Blood pressure and heart disease, Sarla exclaims she is still alive, Shristhi then tries to explain but Sarla says she would explain one thing now as she has gotten old enough to understand something, Sarla asks her to come and sit down as she would not slap her, Sarla explains they live in a house but it is wrong if she doesnot tell her the truth, she would feel nice when the children would ask her regarding some problem and she will help her solve it so it is not nice that she finds out the truth from the third person or the television, Sarla explains if she had told her, she would have from her little means tried to help her knowing that they are really rich, Sarla explains it would have been nice if she had told her, Shristhi agrees.

Sarla then hugging her, asks her to come and have the dinner which she has made, Shristhi goes to sit on the table and is glad to see that she has made rice with beans, Shristhi asks where the mashed potato is. Sarla replies it is in the kitchen, she should eat it.

Rakhi is sitting when Sherlin while walking down the stairs, wonders whose bad eyes ruined the life of Rishab, she thinks if it was her since he was not polite with her but who knows, she going to Rakhi exclaims she does not know why is this happening, she is praying to Bhagwan that he return as soon as possible because she is not comfortable living without him, Rakhi replies even she is not comfortable, she then suggests what if they both go and meet Rishab as this might relieve their pain, Sherlin gets tensed, yet she agrees with Rakhi.

Karan enters with Preeta, Rakhi standing asks how is Rishab, Preeta replies he is fine, Rakhi then asks if they did not tell him about the health of Mahesh, Preeta assures they did not reveal anything otherwise he would have gotten worried, Rakhi explains even they are all worried, Rakhi wonders when will he return, Karan assures there is nothing to worry about as Rishab would return really soon, Sherlin talking to Preeta asks her to talk of any help which she needs as Rishab was away from the house for two years and after he returned he was once again taken away from her, she must bring him back at any cost, Rakhi assures Sherlin to not be worried since Karan and Preeta are doing whatever they can, Karan asks Rakhi to go and rest as is has gotten really late, Sherlin stops Preeta saying she must surely bring Rishab back, Preeta asks her to stop this act as she knows her truth.

Karan and Rakhi open the door, Mahesh tries to sit up so karan rushes to help her, Mahesh asks if Rishab came but Rakhi replies he is still in jail, Mahesh turning to Preeta explains she promised to bring back Rishab, Preeta replies she will surely fulfil her promise, Karan also makes a promise to bring back Rishab, he advises Mahesh to sleep as it is really late, turning to Rakhi, karan questions who would take care of Mahesh if she is also crying, Rakhi replies how would a mother be able to sleep knowing that her son is in jail, she requests him to bring back Rishab. Preeta is not able to see Rakhi weeping, she rushes out of the room crying, Mahesh gets tensed seeing Preeta leave in tears.

Preeta rushes to sit in front of the Mandir, she prays with her eyes closed, praying that it is Navratri and even when she is present every time but she is most strong these days then why is their sadness in this house and the son of this family is not present, she fights against the evil then what is going on, Rishab jee is innocent and has not done anything, she knows because of her strength, yet Preeta doesnot have such strength so requests her mental and physical strength so that she can fight off the traps which have been created, she prays they both have to fight to bring back Rishab jee, Preeta requests for a way, while sitting in front she realizes then wonders if this is what happened, she stands up thanking maa before leaving.

Karan is sitting with Sameer who exclaims they have to bring out Rishab without any reason, Preeta comes saying that she was thinking of something, Kritika is also walking by Sameer asks her to come and sit.

Preeta explains if Karan recalls what statement did Sundeep gave, Karan explains he said it was attempt to murder and he said that Rishab jee sat beside his car and was calling someone, Preeta explains that Rishab jee was called Karan at that time, she asks if he heard some noise from behind, Karan replies there was complete silence, Preeta explains if Sundeep got in the accident then why did he not cry for help because if he was injured then would have been some serious injury, but when she met him, she realized this was all just an act as beside his le, their was no other serious injury and he seemed fine, she thinks he was sitting at the location where Rishab je stopped, so he can create a trap for him as Rishab jee returned his damaged consignment, She feels Rishab je was fed this as he was not in his senses to know the truth. Preeta mentions that the doctor who is treating Sundeep is her friend, she can ask him if his injuries are really such which can take a life, as when she combines the puzzles, she comes to the conclusion that he is just acting, she will reveal the entire news, they will go to the police in the morning and explain it was just for the sake of revenge, she prays that this plan works, Kritika assures this would surely have to work and now Rishab jee would return, Preeta prays to Maa thinking now she will go and talk with the doctor in the morning, but needs her help to bring back the happiness of the Luthra family.

Sameer is driving the car, he suddenly stops it, Shristhi questions if they have reached, he replies it is showing the location of this place, Preeta explains this is the same location since the house of the doctor is around the corner, Preeta agrees to leave but as she is about to open the door Shristhi also tries to leave, Preeta questions where is she going, Shristhi explains he can stay in the car, but she will go with Preeta because if the doctor doesnot reveal the truth, she will force him to speak it, Preeta questions how does she know the doctor will lie, Shristhi replies if he doesnot say what they want him to then it means he is lying but then Preeta gets irritated with Shristhi’s behaviour so asks Sameer to hold the hand of Shristhi, she gets frustrated so hits Sameer which even worries Preeta, she questions why is Shristhi so rude but Shristhi explains that it is Sameer who is rude since he held her hand, Preeta stops Sameer saying that she will not listen like this, she thinks of calling Karan, Shristhi stops her saying that karan sir is already really tensed so she doesnot want to cause any more problem, Preeta questions if she realized now what kind of a situation they are in since Karan went to meet Rishab jee and is already tensed, Shristhi agrees to stop, Sameer advises Preeta to be careful.

Preeta walks out of the car towards the house of the doctor, Sameer asks her to call them if she needs anything, she is shocked to see the police constable standing at the gate so turns back towards the car, Sameer and Shristhi both are shocked, Shristhi exclaims Preeta is coming back this means there is something wrong so it is now time for her entry and she will see what happened, Shristhi walks out questioning what is going on, she tries to enter without even listening to Preeta but she turns back as soon as she sees the constable, Preeta questions if Shristhi thinks she is stupid because she came back like this, Sameer questions what is going on which worried them.

Sherlin is sitting with Rakhi, she exclaims how she forgot to call the doctor so leaves without listening to Sherlin who is left standing, Rishab is brought out, he is stunned to see Sherlin standing there, he recalls how she promised to live a happy life with him and even start a new family but in reality was having an affair with Prithvi which he found out because of the ear ring, Rishab turns to go back, he stops seeing Rakhi return with tears in her eyes, she comes to hug her asking if he is okay, Rishab takes her blessings, Sherlin then calls Rishab, she tries to explain but he signals her to stop, Sherlin requests him to make Rakhi understand that she has left eating, Sherlin questions how can she stop because Rakhi has stopped eating anything, Rakhi questions what about herself because she also stopped eating, Sherlin explains that everyone in the family is worried about him, Dadi is taking her medicine but she is not healthy and even her blood pressure is not okay, Rakhi requests Sherlin to stop, she then assures Rishab everything would be fine when he returns, she hugs him so Rishab is also forced to accompany her in the act, she steps back smiling.
Rishab questions Rakhi why she is not eating as if she is not well then, he would also be in pain here, she must take care of herself and Mahesh, Rakhi while crying pleads with him to come back early, he assures he would return soon, Rishab leaves while Sherlin is frustrated to see Rakhi constantly weeping.

Sameer questions what is going on, Shristhi explains that there is police, She even copies him, then forcefully sends Sameer to go and look for himself, Preeta asks why did she send Sameer, Shristhi explains it was because he did not believe her, Sameer coming back asks what is wrong, Shristhi explains to Preeta that she told her Sameer is not intelligent but rather he doesnot have any brains, she explains why he is not intelligent, she then mentions Preeta went to meet Sandeep in the hospital as the doctor, Shristhi explains that Luthra family is the accused so it is all the doing of Sandeep, he is the one behind this, so no member of the Luthra family can meet him. Preeta explains that the doctor is the one who can tell the truth but if Sandeep came to know about it, he will then file another case against them that they tried to bribe the doctor, Sameer suggests they should bribe him, Preeta questions why they need to bribe him since he will speak the truth. Sameer once again does not understand what the police is doing outside the house.

Shristhi explains that it is the doing of Sandeep and he is really clever, he has a lot of money to bribe other, Preeta questions what should they do now since the police will not let them inside, Shristhi exclaims she can do it all alone, Sameer questions how, Shristhi explains she is not a Luthra, like Sameer who is the brother of Rishab jee and karan, he even handles their business while Preeta is the wife of Karan but she is neither and is not very popular, Preeta agrees but then questions how would she do it, Shristhi explains she will act as the patient, pretending to be injured in her feet, she will manage to find out the truth, Shristhi then asks Preeta to wish her luck.

Shristhi then goes to the gate, she is really tensed but acts as if she is injured, the police constable asks Shristhi to leave as she cannot go inside, Shristhi tries to explain saying that she got injured while playing football, Shristhi explains she was running after the ball and looking in the sky to catch it after which the ball hit her feet and injured it, the constable exclaims football is played on the ground so how was she looking in the sky, Shristhi exclaims it was because there was game of cricket going on in the ground right next to where she was playing, the ball came to the ground so she had to catch it because of the game spirit, in that process she hurt her feet. The constable questions if she hurt her feet then why they cannot see any injury, Shristhi exclaims it is because the injury cannot be seen on the outside, she starts overacting. Sameer asks Preeta why Shristhi over acting is, Preeta replies there is only a single problem with Shristhi, and it is her overacting, which she cannot leave. Shristhi exclaims if her feet is not able to fix then she would not be able to get married, the constable exclaims even he is a bachelor and she can marry him, Shristhi starts getting frustrated saying who would marry her if she dies because of the injury then who would marry her, she will come to haunt them as a ghost if they do not allow her to go inside, the constable agree and then allows her to go inside, Shrishti starts dancing but the constable gets worried, she once again start acting to go inside.

Shristhi after entering the house calls the doctor, he is walking down the stairs says he knows there was a women who hurt her ankle, she can show it to him, Shristhi explains she is the sister of Dr Preeta Luthra, the doctor explains there are some protocols which he has to follow, until the case if over he cannot entertain any member of the Luthra family, he asks her to leave, she apologizes and turns to leave but then explains she will not go until he answers her questions, she asks if Sandeep is actually injured or is he acting, doctor replies Shristhi acted of being injured but Sandeep is actually injured to the extent that who knows if he would be able to walk, he doesnot know if Rishab Luthra wanted to kill him but the fact is that Sandeep got in the accident with Rishab Luthra’s car. Shristhi while crying exclaims she cannot believe Rishab jee is behind it, Shristhi runs straight out of the house, the constable exclaims that the doctor is really good since he fixed the injury of the girl.

Shristhi going to Preeta, and Sameer mentions Sandeep is actually injured, the doctor explained it is difficult to say if he would be able to walk again. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.