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Moment Kirikiri prison officials took custody of Actor Baba Ijesha so he can start serving his 16-year jail sentence for sexually assaulting comedienne Princess’ foster daughter (video)

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A video showing moment Kirikiri prison officials took custody of Actor Baba Ijesha so he can be processed to start serving his 16-year jail sentence is trending online. 

Actor Baba Ijesha
Actor Baba Ijesha

Recall that Baba Ijesha was on Thursday July 14, sentenced to five years imprisonment for count two, three years for count three, five years for count four and three years for count five.

This came after he was convicted of indecent treatment of a child, sexual assault, and attempted sexual assault in a 2-hour judgement.

He was however discharged and acquitted of count one and count six, which were: sexual assault by penetration and attempted sexual assault by penetration.

The judgement will run concurrently, and Baba Ijesha will only serve five years in prison. 

Watch a video of prison officials taking custody of him below……….

    Moment Kirikiri prison officials took custody of Actor Baba Ijesha so he can start serving his 16-year jail sentence for sexually assaulting comedienne Princess’ foster daughter (video) - Dyan - Jul 15, 2022 10:43 am

    16 years is too much now, people that are marrying 12 years old children , God please ,….. why now
