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Meet in love zee world, Thursday 11th August 2022 update

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Meet in the kitchen making tea for Anubha says to Anubha I want yo ask something about Parth what do you know about him where he live what work he do his address phone number. Anubha says I know the live in Mumbai, I asked him about his family but no information he gave and I thought he is not a good guy and he turn out yo be exact, but why are you asking.

Meet in love zee world Series
Meet in love zee world Series

Meet thinks because I want to bring Manushi’s real face and says I thought if we catch him we can take back Didi’s jewellery, how does he look. Anubha give Parth’s description. Meet thinks he use to live in Mumbai this is not a good information to find him.

Sunaina on call yells on Ravi to not reach her out she doesn’t want this relationship. Masum hears that walks to her says wow two husband at a time and insult her. Sunaina slaps Masum gets very angry and says I was quite till now because you were Tej sister but don’t try to take advantage, next you think if crossing your line remember this slap and leaves. Masum says you will pay for this.

Same night Manushi in room says my Meet is very tricky person and she will be give me something tricky task and I need to win this challenge. Meet walks in room looks at Raj and Babita photo and says even I want to have beautiful relation like them. Babita walks in says marriage is hardwork so are you two ready with your task before Raj come tells me. Meet guve challenge to Manushi says you have to sit in the front seat with Meet Ahlawat of his car. Manushi says that’s so easy I already done that. Meet says you might have before but now Meet Ahlawat won’t allow any unknown women to sit in front seat. Manushi says I was his love and I’m not unknown, challenge accepted and says to Meet I challenge you to become close with Meet Ahlawat, you have to ask Meet Ahlawat to get honeymoon night drees for you, you have 48hrs to complete this challenge. Meet says to Manushi I did not think you will get this low what are you talking infront of Babita. Manushi says it’s basic but how would you know you are just friends not husband and wife, do you accept this challenge, relax calm down don’t stress if you cannot complete this challenge then accept the defeat. Meet never learn to loose challenge accepted.

Meet in her bedroom practicing on how to ask for honeymoon dress. Meet Ahlawat turn on bed she gets scared and hide inside blanket, come out says I thought he heard everything and check if he sleeping, says to him I want a gift from you just give me and don’t think so much just give me whatever I want and try to say honeymoon dress but couldn’t and says I need to say this to him so that I can win challenge and goes to internet for help. Meet start practicing talking to Meet Ahlawat in a rythm and says tomorrow I’ll tell him and bunp into Babita in corridor.

Raj sees Babita worried and ask who is she thinking about. Babita says I’m worried about my son. Raj says you don’t need to worry about your son he got his wife to take care of him and you should think about your fashion show which will be in 10days so focus on your work till that time your favourite hot chocolate. Babita says to Raj I want to say something, I’m his mother and I’ll always worry about my kids. Raj says I accepted this and a mother’s love cannot be measured or have boundaries. Babita says I want to say if my motherhood goes strong then begin wife then please don’t be angry on me. Raj says don’t worry.

Meet goes to Meet Ahlawat trying to tell him but stops. Meet Ahlawat ask what you want. Meet hesitate and then thinks I practiced so much but now I’m scared. Meet Ahlawat say to me what happen. Meet says I want to play game I’m missing playing game a lot. Meet Ahlawat ask which game. Meet says dumbsharad and try to explain him, Meet get’s angry when and leaves when he doesn’t guess it.
Meet walks to Meet Ahlawat with laughing gas balloons. Meet Ahlawat what’s with this balloon. Meet says it’s for Duggu and release gas both start laughing. Meet tells him she wants this dress. Meet Ahlawat thinks she is pointing at helmet and says I saw there ad on tv and wanted to gift you. Meet gets confused. Meet Ahlawat says thi is the best helmet. Meet says I don’t want helmet. He ask then what do you want. Meet try to explain him but he thinks she has stomach issue and is feeling awkward and says are you feeling discomfort while sleeping, are you acidic don’t worry everyone has this and leaves says I’ll get for you. Meet gets annoyed.

Meet Ahlawat in hall. Manushi stops her and says can you drop me to dry cleaners because I want to pick design for Babita aunty so can you please drop me. Meet Ahlawat says yes and walk away. Manushi says to herself how can Meet be so stupid gave me easy task now I’ll call her from front seat and walks to car. Meet come out. Manushi ask her what are you doing here. Meet Ahlawat says I called her is there any problem. Manushi says no I was just asking. Meet Ahlawat says you want to take medicine and have ice cream come we will do both come sit with me on front seat. Meet walks to car and sit in front seat and says Manushi you can sit back and relax. Manushi sees her phone says thank god I saw this message they will deliver at house address so I need to be here to receive it you both can carry on. Meet Ahlawat help Meet to wear seat belt. Meet thinks I stop Manushi from completing her challenge but how will I ask Meet Ahlawat for dress.

Sunaina talking to lawyer on phone saying I need to send a notice to Ahlawat family and an article in newspaper write it down that I’m Mrs. Sunaina Tej Ahlawat and I have been married to Tej Ahlawat last 6 years which means my current marriage is valid, my other marriage was done forcefully in single day which do not allign with normal rules so please send notice as early as possible and publish article in newspaper one more thing I have no relation with Ravi. Lawyer says don’t worry and disconnects the call. Sunaina walks to Ravi and says I’m sorry but I need to send this notice to your family so that I can give answer to Masum. Masum hear everything from outside and saus I’ll give you answer Sunaina, your legal notice will come to house but things will be mentioned what I want.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat in room. Meet pray to god says I want to ask him dress according to challenge but I feel ashamed in praying to you how will I ask him. Meet Ahlawat give her water says now you will not eat anything oily or fry in some time you will be good and then we will ho to have ice cream. Manushi walks in says I need your help to deliver dresses, Meet Ahlawat says okay and leaves. Manushi says I will charm him with my beauty all the way, Meet says he is my husband, Manushi says okay but he will be mine and soon I will be daughter in law of this house.

Meet Ahlawat walks in and says lets go Meet and Manushi, Manushi says she can’t come there is no space in car, Meet Ahlawat says okay fine and both leave. Meet says its been long I haven’t jumped around.
Meet Ahlawat and Manushi reach near and sees there is no front seat. Meet walks to them and says seat wasn’t working fine and so I sent it to repair.
(Meet jumps of her room and changes seat)

Meet says Meet Ahlawat can reach botique with boxes and come let me drop you on bike. Meet Ahlawat says good idea.
Manushi says to Meet you are a cheater, Meet says let me tell Meet Ahlawat about empty boxes, Manushi says shutup and even you haven’t done anything about your challenge.

Raj sees Sunaina upset, and walks to her. Sunaina and Tej praying, Raj asks Sunaina did anyone misbehave with you again, Sunaina says don’t worry about me, I have learnt now to fight and someone taught me never to give up on self respect, Raj sayd I trust you and I am proud of you, and you will surely win this fight.
Raj asks Tej what is he doing, Tej says pooja, Raj asks Sunaina did he eat anything, Sunaina says no, Raj says Tej come with me let’s have jalebi.

Meet thinking about how she will ask Meet Ahlawat, Meet writes on a paper but throws it, Meet Ahlawat catches it, and is on call with Deep, Meet sees Meet Ahlawat is picking paper balls she has thrown, Meet goes picks them. Meet Ahlawat picks his file and leaves.

Raj looking for his specs, Meet helps him and says look there, and frame is breaking, Raj says screw is loose thats it, Meet says one minute sit here and on ipad shows him Lens kart app. Raj says how will I know it suits me, Meet says it has AI feature and will recommend you frames scanning your face. Raj says it’s wonderful, very convenient.

Everyone in hall, Meet Ahlawat receives parcel, Meet says to Manushi look Meet Ahlawat ordered my dress, Manushi says thats impossible and says I will go check and pulls the packet and everyone gets shocked seeing the dress.
Meet remembers ordering dress from Meet Ahlawat’s app and calls delivery person and says there are two deliveries and the night dress one I want it at night.

Meet walks to Meet Ahlawat and asks what is this, Isha says Meet Ahlawat I never knew you were so romantic, Meet Ahlawat whispers to Meet I didn’t order it, Meet says I did, Meet Ahlawat says whats wrong with you, all are laughing at me, Meet says okay let others laugh at me, I want to wear this, Meet Ahlawat says I will tell everyone I ordered but why, Meet says I will go pack this and leaves.

Manushi stops Meet and says Meet Ahlawat looked shocked so I am sure he didn’t know about this, Meet says he did and he was shocked because this is private between us and this is not cheating, and everything is fair in love and war and my husband can never be yours.

Meet goes to her ro sees dress and says I can never wear this, can’t even donate this what should I do now, I will throw it away and throws of the window, it hits Meet Ahlawat walking outside. Meet Ahlawat says why did she order if she had to throw.

Meet says to prove this letter wrong, I have to get Kunal here. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.