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I do on zee world, Wednesday 27th July 2022 update

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Tanveer asks what secret is she talking about. Sanam says that the secret, that tanveer knows, but is not willing to believe. Ahil asks whats she talking about. she says that this is a truth that would change his thinking about tanveer, and says that its related to his father’s death. tanveer asks her to let be, but rehaan says that if this is concerned with her, ahil would definitely want to hear this. Ahil asks whats the matter.

I DO on zee world
I DO on zee world

Sanam says that she never believed that he would murder someone, as a person like him, cant take life, and hence to prove herself right, she looked in his past, and hence found his childhood diary, that he wrote himself. She shows her the newspaper, and that the time of death is five in the morning. Ahil is surprised, as sanam says that he was locked in the store, till seven in the morning, and how could he have committed the murder. Ahil is shocked, while tanveer is puzzled. He is overwhelmed with emotions. She says that he is innocent, and didnt kill his father, and hence isnt guilty of punishing himself. Ahil is distraught and in tears.

sanam composes him, and he hugs her overwhelmingly repeating that he didnt kill his father. Tanveer and the new bride are frustrated. rehaan eyes them lovingly. tanveer thinks that her mistake led ahil to be forever free of her debt of sacrifices forever. Ahil tells her that she doesnt realise how free and light he feels today, and how he was burning in the fury of the murder. He wonders if he didnt, and the gun was still in his hands, then who pulled the trigger on his father. Tanveer gets alarmed, as ahil comes to her, asking whats the matter, and who killed his father. rehaan taunts tanveer and asks her to say what happened that night, and who killed his father. Sanam says that maybe tanveer also doesnt know who killed and they all have been a victim of a bigger conspiracy.

She praises tanveer galore for wht she did for her son. tanveer wonders why this is happening, and why is sanam praising her. All are puzzled too. sanam comes to her, saying that her sacrifice was in vain, as he was innocent all along, and tries to make Tanveer feel very great, and the actual murderer must be out scotfree, and laments that both ahil and tanveer tortured themselves, and the actual murderer is still unknown. Sanam asks ahil, to search for the actual culprit, now that he knows that he is innocent, as his mother’s sacrifice would have been in vain.

He determinedly says that he would find out, and not spare the murderer who he would search till the end of time. tanveer is tensed, as the crime and the culprit cant hide for long. sanam eyes tanveer amusingly. He promies to tanveer, that the murderer shall have to pay for his crimes. tanveer is tensed as ahil hugs her. sanam thinks that its better some secrets are exposed with time. she thinks that maybe ahil wouldnt have believed when he got the entire truth from her today only, but when he finds out himself, then he would know the actual tanveer, and that day all would be right. Sanam smiles at ahil, and he too smiles back, with gratitude.

Scene 2:
location: On the road
faiz takes haya rather drags her to an isolated location. He tells her that rahat is dead, saying that his true love finally won, and rahat would get heaven, as he died through her hands. she begs him to save rahat, and rush him to the hospital, as he is his brother after all. He says that first he cant survive such a great fall, and secondly, if he is alive, he wont let him die, as he would have to go through the same torture that he went through. Haya is highly apalled.

She asks him to fear god and his judgement. He says that rahat’s death shall always remain a mystery, but he changed the course of destiny, and got her finally, and that rahat lost and he finally won over him, saying that he doesnt fear god. He doesnt realise in his overexcitement, that a truck is fast approaching him, seeing which haya gets shocked. she shouts at him, but the truck goes past by then, and faiz falls on the floor, in a pool of blood. Haya is shocked.

Scene 3:
Location: Ahil’s residence
Seher taunts the new bride in the kitchen. Seher asks her why does she keep staring all the time. she asks why did she change her party. She threatens her that she gives her one more chance. the new bride says that she doesnt give anyone a chance to threaten her, and asks her and her sister to stay away from ahil, as he is hers, and that they hve consummated their marriage. The new bride sternly tells seher, that her life is about to become bigger and better and that she wont let anyone ruin her life. She says that she is already ahil’s wife, and soon she shall be his child’s mother too. Seher is tensed. the bride gives some black magic on the sherbat, and then hands it to seher and then leaves. Seher without a care is about to drink it, but then doesnt. She starts voicing her frustration that the new bride shall have to be taught a lesson.

Later, tanveer asks ahil to move on, as the past cant be changed. Ahil says that god is with the person, who help themselves, and says that they both deserve to know the truth. the new bride too stands there. He says that sanam is right, and that he would find out the person, who ruined his and his mother’s life. Tanveer ask shim to stop thinking, and start his life afresh, with his bride, and she awaits her heir, and not the culprit. seher comes and asks whats she saying, as her sacrifice cant go in vain, and that its ahil’s duty as a son, to find out the truth, and give the case some closure, and again reminds him, what he needs to do, and not think anything else. she looks at the new bride, saying that whoever comes in between that should stay away from him. he resolves that till he doesnt solve hispast, he wont look at his future. He tells tanveer that she shall get her heir, but after the culprit is behind bars. the new bride is tensed, while seher is amused.

Gazalla and razaak tell tanveer that they couldnt find the jailor despite serious efforts. They ask tanveer what did the jailor tell her that upset her so badly. Tanveer asks them not to interfere, and find that lady soon. She leaves. They wonder whats her business with the jailor. Meanwhile, in her room, tanveer recalls how that jailor, told that her child was born dead, and she was utterly traumatised. She gets emotional. Just then, sanam and seher come inside and find her crying, and are boggled. Tnveer too is tensed to see them. She composes herself somehow, while sanam goes and gives her a paper napkin, taunting her that she is all alone in her misery. Seher too joins in, while tanveer is frustrated. They ask her to think what would happen when ahil knows her, and how she used every person and every relation to her advantage, and that she may have two sons, but whenm they know her, they would hate her, and no child shall be with her, and she would be a mother just by name. Tanveer gets down, and shoving her aside, she walks out. sanam and seher are boggled, as to what happened.

Tanveer rushes out to the garden, remembering how she had been shocked and distraught, and wonders why the lord did this to her, and god knows where her child would be in what condition. She breaks down and collapses on the floor. She prays to the lord to have mercy on her child, and cries inconsolably. Seher is irritated to find tanveer like this. Sanam and seher watch tanveer, as she is in bitter tears, in the garden. Seher thinks that this is a drama, and ask her not to bother. sanam says that she isnt dramatising, but has actually broken down. seher says that she must actually be scared, that ahil might expose her, and hence fearing her ruin, she must be crying. they are boggled, that they never saw tanveer like this ever, heartbroken and apalled. But then they notice that the wires overhead have a short circuit, and are distraught and shocked. seher goes inside to cut the main power, so that tanveer doesnt die, as she doesnt want her to die a noble death, as she doesnt even know that death looms ahead. Tanveer too sees this and is shell shocked, as one of them falls on the floor, and rushes inside. They are shocked. Seher remembers how she had continuously doubted tanveer having had eyes. They deduce that this means she isnt blind after all. seher is amused to hear this, thinking that she must have had a wonderful acting capability. sanam decides to tell ahil, but seher says that this isnt the right time, as ahil trusts her blindly, and his attention would be distracted from his father’s death, and hence nothing should distract him right now. She says that time shall tell him everything. They both comply.

Inside, ahil is going through old statements, and suddenyl notices something, and rushes out asking for tanveer. the new bride says that she went out with gazalla and razaak, for something important. he spots sanam and rushes to her. he tells sanam that she was right, and that he was surfing through police statements. Ahil comes to sanam, ssaying that this is the statement of suleiman uncle, who worked here, and also saved him from his father’s beatings, and who left right after, his father died. The new bride hears this from a distance. he says that weirdly and uncannily, he wasnt questioned or interrogated after the death. he tells her that in the first statement, he said that the gun was in ahil’s hands, and in the other he says, that he heard the gunshot first, and then tanveer came out of her husband’s room. He still advocates for tanveer, while she indirectly tries to get him to the bottom of the case. He says that suleiman uncle has been untraced since then. Ahil says that if anyone know who is the culprit, its him. sanam tells ahil that she always knew he would one day get to know the truth, and she is happy for him, that he would know everything. He looks at her in gratitude. she asks him to go to him. He gives her the blame for all this, and cups her face. the new bride is tensed and angered.

Seher and rehaan, wonder how tanveer could lie so badly. He is shattared to know what lowlevels could tanveer drop down to, and how can someone live with so many lies. He says that he feels suffocated and that he would leave all this and go far away. He tells about the appointment letter from Dubai Hotel, and says that now he wants to go all the more, as it would fulfill his dream of living a normal life. she says that she is excited and happy for him, and says that she would be lonely here. He sys that he would soom come and get her, and thats his promise.

Location: Rahat’s residence
haya comes back in a daze, still reeling from the shock of rahat’s death, and start taking off the bangles, standing in front of the mirror. she collapses into uncontrollable tears, as she remembers rahat dropping off. She drapes herself in black, saying that the lord will not forgive him, for killing rahat. She says that a woman can bear anything, but not see her husband die, and that having made her a widow, he wont be able to stay in peace, and hence the lord kept him alive, so that she can avenge her husband’s death.

Location: Police Station
Faiz tells the inspector again and again, that he didnt kill rahat. The inspector says that rahat mustnt have survived, and when his dead body is found, faiz wont be spared. faiz asks him to go and collect evidence till then. The inspector tells faiz that he cant go anywhere till the enquiry of the case is over. faiz is tensed.

Location: Ahil’s residence
The next morning, the new bride plucks some coloured petals of flowers and leaves, and eyes them with her strange stare, and then goes inside, and mixes it in a glass of juice. she thinks that this would get ahil to fall deeply in love with her. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.