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This is Fate on zee world, Wednesday 27th July 2022 update

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Sonakshi says to Pihu that she is her mother, Preeta in anger turns warning her to remain quiet, Preeta then advises Kritika to take Pihu inside, Preeta questions why is Sonakshi saying this all, Pihu is her child and she should not confuse her, Sonakshi realizes she is just trying to reveal the truth, Karina questions why is Preeta even listening to her as they all know that she is lying, Sonakshi replies that she was not telling any lie as when the last time she came, she was about to leave the country with her child, it was her father who was lying and thought she would be able to live her entire life with the child.

This is Fate Drama Series
This is Fate Drama Series

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Tuesday 26th July 2022 update

she was able to finalize all the formalities but then on the last day she found out that some family had already adopted her child, she with a lot of difficulty managed to find out the truth and was shocked to know that her father is the one who adopted his own daughter, Karan in anger questions what is she saying because they don’t want to listen to anything, Karina asks why are they fighting because she wants to live with them after telling a lie.

Sonakshi tries to mention she has the papers, Karina exclaims they can have these papers made after giving the money, she has understood the planning of Sonakshi as she would have found out about the adoption so thought of entering the life of Karan by removing Preeta, Sonakshi requests her to not blame her as she is not that heinous.

Sonakshi assures she has just come to take her child with her, Karina explains that she is not the mother of Pihu as karan and Preeta are the real parents, she is adamant to throw her out when Sonakshi explains if they don’t believe her then should call the NGO as they would reveal the true story, Bani Dadi calls Gaitri requesting her to come to their house urgently as it relates to Pihu, Gaitri assures she is coming soon after dropping the children to school, Dadi mentions she has called Gaitri who knows the entire truth about Pihu so when she comes everything would be sorted, Dadi asks Karina to come inside as she needs to talk with her, Rakhi also says she needs to have a conversation with her, Preeta leaves after seeing Sonakshi.

Sarla is standing when Sonakshi tries to talk with her, Sarla says she should not look at her like this, questioning why she is doing this because Karan and Preeta have gotten some peace after so long so why is she trying to do this to her family, she calls herself a friend even then has ruined everything, she doesnot know why is Sonakshi doing this, she doesnot want to talk with her, Karan takes Sarla to the couch, Sonakshi once again tries to talk when Sameer stops her questioning why is she trying to hurt the sentiments of mother even when she has already ruined the image of Karan.

Karina in the room asks what do they all want to talk about, Dadi says she wants an answer to her question, Dadi explains she has some questions which she feels are true, she doesnot want that when Gaitri comes and reveals the truth it worries everyone, Dadi says she remembers that Karina was the one who gave the idea of adoption to karan and Preeta, Karina replies they all were really happy till yesterday. Rakhi explains they are even really happy as because of her suggestion they got back the love and Preeta became a mother, but what about Sonakshi who is claiming that she is the mother of Pihu.

Dadi once again asks Karina what she is hiding because Sonakshi has the proof, Karina says they can have the papers made with money, so she only knows what they all already know, she has no idea who gave birth to Pihu, she just thought of bringing Pihu through the NGO, Shristhi comes saying that the people from NGO have come, they all leave.

Preeta asks where Pihu is, Shristhi replies she tried to stop her but Pihu just ran downstairs after seeing the car and so ran to meet them, Preeta replies she is really worried about what would happen as she has not given birth to her, Shristhi questions why is she being worried because the people from the NGO would reveal that Sonakshi is not the mother, she is even suspicious of her actions as Sonakshi first said that her child was born dead but is now claiming Pihu is her daughter, they should however go downstairs before they miss anything.

Preeta reaches when Pihu immediately hugs Preeta, Nitu says that Pihu was constantly talking about Preeta so she loves her a lot, Shristhi asks Pihu to play catch with her so she would now run however Pihu catches her before she is able to run away, Kritika then asks her to catch her aunt, they then run away.

Nitu mentions Gaitri was not able to come so send her in her place, Dadi asks who was the birth mother of Pihu, Nitu jee says they don’t know the name of every mother, she will check the details but the case of Pihu is different because Pihu was not taken as they foud her outside the orphanage, Sonakshi says it is not the truth as her father gave Pihu in their NGO, Nitu exclaims it is a lie, but when Sonakshi insists she checks the data so says that her files also prove that Pihu was left outside the NGO, Karina questions what more proof does she want because she can say one thing clearly that Sonakshi is a really good actor, so much that even her mother started to believe her, Sonakshi replies it is because she knows those who lie are suspicious.

Sonakshi then questions Nitu jee asking why is she lying as she herself is a mother so how can she do this to her, Sonakshi once again questions the Luthra family asking whya re they not trusting her, she takes out the report showing it to Nitu, asking if the NGO is not the same, she clarifies that she also gave birth at the same date when Pihu was born, she clarifies they are the original papers, she must not ask how she got them, Sonakshi even has a witness, her father who himself went to drop the child at the orphanage as he did not wanted her to be single mother because of their reputation but now when it is this serious he would stand with her, she threatens Nitu jee mentioning when her lies will be proven wrong, her NGO would be blacklisted and then they would not be able to give any child for adoption, Sonakshi threatens to call her father.

Karan standing at the door hears them so questions what they are saying, he threatens to file a complaint at the NGO for how the information about the family did who adopted the child got leaked, he also explains he has called the commissioner who would throw Sonakshi out of the house, Nitu jee says that even Karina jee knew about the truth.

The entire Luthra family starts questioning Karina who starts weeping, she finally reveals she knew the truth, and clarifies she only got to know at the moment when Preeta asked them all to go and sit in the bus, she went to use the bathroom when she heard Mr Raichand quarreling with someone, she went near the room where she heard him fighting with Sonakshi who blamed him for hiding such truths when he said if she had revealed who was the father of the child, he would have got her married to Karna after that her daughter would be living a life just as their own standards, he revealed that her child is alive and in an orphanage, she was shocked to realize the truth.

Karina reveals the truth is that Pihu is their child and the daughter of Karan and Preeta, she doesnot have any right over her, Sonakshi exclaims they should not do this because Pihu is her past, present and future so they should not snatch her purpose of love from her, Sonakshi says that she died because of her father and so she also moved on and was about to marry someone else but now she has come to realize that her daughter is alive, she cannot live without her, Preeta mentions she cannot live without Pihu, Sonakshi tries to reason saying that she has given birth to Pihu so she is her daughter, Preeta however explains that Pihu has given birth to her, she became a mother, Preeta explains because of Pihu everyone is really excited and loves her, Karina questions what happened as her tone suddenly changed because she as threatening them before but now is requesting them, Sonakshi tries to explain saying that she only has her daughter to live with but would not be able to survive without her, she is only saying it because Preeta also knows what it like to be a mother, Preeta was really excited when she was about to give birth to her child and was heartbroken however she is even more heartbroken now, this is why she just wants to be with her daughter, They all are standing when Pihu comes running, she goes straight to Preeta who questions what has happened, Pihu exclaims that she wanted a hug, so then Preeta holds her, Sonakshi realizes that a mother is the one who the child loves, she demands to just hug Pihu for once as she is her child however the Luthra’s refuses to allow this, Karina then throws her out of the house not listening to her requests.

Sonakshi is standing outside when Ganesh hands her the bag, she walks out of the house, Preeta is walking while Karan stops her questioning what is she doing becu8ase it is not right, Preeta exclaims he must not be like this because Sonakshi doesnot have any right, Preeta exclaims Sonakshi just wants to hug Pihu so they can allow it, she doesnot even listen to Karan, Preeta calls Sonakshi however she is before the eyes of Preeta hit by a car, they all rush to Sonakshi.

Sarla is sitting when Rakhi comes asking her to talk with Preeta because if she tries to explains anything to Preeta she would think they are saying it because they are wondering of doing something wrong however it is not that case, she just wants to be worried about Pihu because they have legally adopted her so now Sonakshi doesnot have any right over her, Sarla exclaims this is what she wants because she is now just thinking of Pihu as they have given her the relations of an entire family and even if she is able to take Pihu away, then what relations would she be able to provide her as she would be a single mother with a Grandfather who doesnot want to remain with her, Mahesh says that she is right and should explains this to Preeta, they all are standing when Kritika comes questioning why are they all not attending her calls because Sonakshi got in an accident, Sherlin questions when did this happen because she just went from their house, Kritika explains that she got in the accident before Karan’s eyes, Mahesh exclaims they would have to immediately leave for the hospital.

Shrishti is standing waiting for the operation to end, after a while the nurse comes out so they all question what her condition is, the nurse mentions there is a complication and everyone should just pray, the doctor comes out questioning what the nurse is doing standing here, she leaves when Shristhi once again questions him about her condition, the doctor says they all must pray because he is worried that something wrong might happen because he suspects something is wrong, Sarla comes inquiring about Sonakshi’s health, Sameer explains that she is not well.

The Luthra’s are waiting for the operation to end, when Shristhi suggests they should call her father as they have done whatever they were able to, it would also take off some responsibility from their shoulders, Karina also agrees saying they have done what they could, Rakhi questions why did Preeta not inform him before as she thought that they would have done it already, Preeta replies she thought about it but forgot in the chaos, Mahesh exclaims it is nothing to be worried about as he has the contact of Mr Raichand, Mahesh tries to contact him but he doesnot answer then Mahesh asks Karan to also try it, the nurse comes out, Shristhi asks about her health, the nurse replies that she has lost a lot of blood but they are in a crises because there is not any blood in the blood bank, Shristhi asks why is it always like this when the nurse mentions that they have got a lot of accidental cases today so are in a crises, Shristhi apologizes when karan assures he would arrange the blood.

Prithvi is in the room when he gets a call from Sherlin, she questions where is he but he explains that he is in the room.

Sherlin starts questioning what is he doing in the room, Prithvi replies that she herself asked him to come back if he wants to witness the destruction of the Luthra family so he came but now there is no one in the house, she asks if Kritika told him this, he exclaims he doesnot know if she is present in the house, Prithvi prays that nothing wrong happen with her, Sherlin questions what does he mean, Prithvi exclaims it is common sense that if Sonakshi is not able to survive then this would ruin everything because he is able to judge any simple girl but knows Sonakshi is not that simple as she looks as she always creates a lot of problems, she then acts as if nothing is wrong, Sherlin questions what would happen if she dies, Prithvi explains that if anything wrong happens to her then her father Mr Raichand would make sure the Luthra’s suffer a lot and he would not even leave them, including Rishab Luthra who is always sitting in London, Sherlin says that he must end the call as if anyone listens then they both would get in a lot of trouble.
Karan is talking on the mobile trying to arrange the blood however has no luck in doing so, two men enter the hospital and recognize Karan, they come to meet him, karan greets Abhay who questions what has happened, Karan reveals the entire situation so Abhay offers him his own blood but Karan says he needs the specific blood group, Abhay’s friend suggests to help and after a while comes back saying that he has arranged it

Abhay invited Karan to come by his house sometime and even requests him to ask his fans to support Abhay to which Karan assures that he would do it. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.