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Married again on zee world, Sunday 12th June 2022 update

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Yash says that he too has something to confess to arti and tells her about giving 5 lakhs to Dubey Ji for his financial issues and also adds that he hopes she is not angry at him. She looks at him with gratitude while yash fills up the diya with oil, citing Gayatri telling them that the diya should always be lighted on Diwali eve and shouldn’t go off. She says that can’t happen since yash always would take care of it. She lays her head on his hand and realizes while yash looks on lovingly.

Married again series
Married again series

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Saturday 11th June 2022 update

Location: Arti’s and Yash’s house and on the road
The next morning, the kid after taking Gayatri’s and arti’s blessing leaves off for a school picnic with yash who goes with them to drop them at the bus stop. She tells Gayatri to rest as she must have been tired since Diwali preps. When Gayatri leaves, Shobha calls up arti to tell her to get ansh today at the hospital at 12’o’clock for the next session of the transplant and gets upset when arti tells her that they have sent the kids on a school picnic to bhimbhetka for 3 days. she tells arti to stop ansh from going to the picnic anyhow as the transplant is successful only when done at the proper time,arti says that she can’t do anything at such short notice since the doctor too didn’t inform them beforehand. But Shobha pressures her to get ansh and cancels the phone. arti too is upset. She calls up yash who jokingly explains that he said exactly what he had been told by her to say to the kids’ teachers about their food. But an absent-minded arti is upset to hear that the school bus has left and put down the phone.

Yash is a little puzzled but goes on to start his car when he meets prashant who after exchanging greetings talks about arti’s mood after he left. Yash tells him that she apologized but he nevertheless liked the anger. Prashant comments that such is the beauty of love that everything looks better, even the thorns in the way seem soothing like flowers. He shyly says that he just wants to see her happy and can’t bear her getting hurt. Prashant looks at his concern for her.

Arti who is thinking of what to do next and how to meet them at the hospital with ansh gets an idea when the driver comes in giving her the car keys saying he has gotten the tank full as yash told him to. She immediately takes the car and sets off for bhimbhetka to get ansh. She asks for directions and is told by the people to drive with caution ahead as the road is not good. She gets a call from yash asking about her whereabouts. she lies that she’s gone to Shobha maa. Yash tells her that he thought so and tells her to return home early. when asking the reason why she is told by yash that she would know when he reaches.

Scene 3:
Location: Bhopal city hospital
While Dubey is pacing in the hallway,arti is thinking about her telephonic conversation with yash, when Shobha comes in and says that to thank her would be undermining her efforts but she thanks her and yash nevertheless for helping them out in a situation like this,yash with money and arti with ansh’s bone marrow. Just then, the doctor announces that the second session also went successfully and is very confident of prashant’s health now. He tells them that they may take ansh and prashant home soon. They are relieved but arti is tense.

While coming out of the hospital, Bhavani sees arti and ansh with prashant and the dubeys. she wonders that if ansh was at the picnic then how is he here with them.

Scene 4:
Location: Yash’s house
Seeing it getting late,yash is thinking about the reason for arti getting late when he told her to be home early. He calls her up but the call doesn’t get through. He is increasingly worried when even Shobha’s phone also doesn’t get through. Just then prateik too comes in asking about arti. They are discussing when they hear the doorbell ring, and in anticipation of arti, they open the door to find Bhavani and are surprised and tell her that they were expecting arti at the door. Yash tells Bhavani that she had gone to her home, leading Bhavani to think what is the reason for Aarti lying to yash and what is it that she is trying to hide from him by lying.

Scene 5:
Location: Bhimbhetka picnic resort
Arti leaves ansh at his picnic resort under the caretaker’s guidance and is about to sit in the backseat of the car, where the prashant is in the driver’s seat but then decides against it and sits in the front along with him.

Seeing him silent, while driving, he tries to strike up a conversation with her saying that she has changed a lot and that he has never seen her this quiet. She says that she doesn’t talk to strangers. he jokes that even if in anger at least she said something. Arti is wondering that it’s already late about an hour, she had to be with yash at 6’o’clock and there’s still a long way to cover, she asks prashant to gear up to speed so that they reach faster. But in a bid to increase speed, the car screeches to a halt. Prashant and arti get out of the car and after examining, he tells her that the battery wire is broken. They both are stranded and can’t see anybody in the vicinity to help them. Arti decides to call yash but finds she has no network. Prashant offers to give his cell but he too doesn’t have network coverage.

(I might be a little wrong about that I missed the first scene, hence guestimating)yash gets a call from a private detective saying that he has got irrefutable evidence in the murder case that Bhavani is accused of which could prove her innocence in the case. He asks yash to meet him urgently. yash tells Pankaj that he is going for the same and leaves.

Scene 2:
Location: On the road
Arti talking to prashant telling him that after her remarriage to Yash, she has understood one thing everything can be priced, but not LOVE. It’s invaluable. And that prashant’s biggest weakness was that he couldn’t take proper care of that love for arti. She advises him not to do the same with his current wife as he did with her and that if he truly loves her, he should go after her to win her back. Prashant is listening to her intently.

Scene 3:
Location: At the detective’s office
Yash slaps the detective and reprimands him for even suggesting something like that about the daughter-in-law of the Scindia family. The detective tells that he has an MMS to back up his claims and gives yash a cd containing it. He tells a shocked yash that he understands what he is going through, but yash shouldn’t be surprised as it’s very common these days that women who look like the ideal, faithful wife do this behind their husband’s back since says that women are the embodiment of betrayal. yash is too shocked and hurt. Also, he says that though this MMS could potentially be fatal to the reputation of the Scindia family and mar their respect in the society forever and may also lead to prateik breaking up with Bhavani as its very difficult for husbands to digest something like this, Bhavani is the only evidence to acquit her from the case. Yash gets a call from prateik saying that he got to know from Pankaj that he has gone to collect evidence to prove pari’s innocence in the case and asks him about it and whether it’s good enough to save his wife from going to jail s he can’t bear the thought of living if something happens to her. He asks yash to try his best to get Bhavani out of this case. Yash cancels the phone in despair.

Scene 4:
Location: On the road
The mechanic fixes the car’s battery. prashant gives him a 1000 rupee note. When the mechanic says that he doesn’t have changed,arti asks him to keep the change and prashant too doesn’t argue with that and thank the mechanic for helping them out. When they leave, the mechanic comments that he has never met a noble lady like her and also a man who listens so much to his wife. he comments that he would remember them forever.

Scene 5:
Location: Yash’s house
Gayatri who is already in tension about arti not being home and it being 11’o’clock in the night is further fuelled by buaji saying that ever since arti has returned home from Lalitpur, she can’t seem to stay in the house, first on karva Chauth puja and now today. And also her arrogance and recklessness that she doesn’t tell anybody about about about about about about out about y her whereabouts. She stops when yash enters. Prateik goes up to him and tells him not to worry as he is sure that she got busy with something. Pari too is wondering that yash is so worried about arti and questions whether she should now tell them that she saw her at the city hospital. she is about to tell yash when arti finally enters. all eyes turn towards her.

Buaji finding her opportunity instantly charges her about what was that urgent work that had her busy till 11’0’clock in the night without informing anybody. Gaytri too reprimands her that she had been so worried thinking all sorts of things and that she should have had a sense of responsibility, if not towards the house, towards her and her unborn child at least. She reminds her that the doctor told her to rest but she is having a stressful and hectic life instead. She demands to know where was arti. she tells everybody that he had gone to meet ansh at bhimbhetka. Everybody is surprised. Gayatri says that she understands that she couldn’t stay away from her son even for some hours. She begins to say that she doesn’t want to raise any questions about her motherhood, but buaji interrupts saying that she should have told somebody. Gayatri says that the only complaint she has from arti is that, if she had to go this urgent, she should have taken yash along with her in such a condition and not traveled such a long journey alone, while saying that she understands that in pregnancy, the feelings of motherly affection heighten, and being restless can’t think straight and therefore their decision-making ability is impaired.

Arti accepts her mistake and apologizes for the same. Gayatri asks yash to take arti into the room to get her some rest. Yash proceeds towards the room and arti follows sari wonders Arti may have told them that she met ansh ansh, but she didn’t tell them about going to the hospital, and that too with that stranger from Diwali and doesn’t understand behind arti’s lying and hiding stuff from the family.

while walking towards the room, Arti and yash are in their worlds of tension with arti thinking that yash has not spoken a word to her since she returned and thinks that he’s angry at her hence the silence, whereas yash is worried that the recent evidence retrieved will bring about a big storm in Bhavani and prateik’s marital relations and can destroy it forever and thinks about a way to salvage it. He is in double mind about telling arti but then remembering her pregnancy, he decides against it as he is reminded that the doctor had told her to keep her as stress-free as possible and she is already taking stress due to children’s picnic, this would upset her very much and they can’t afford that in hr condition neither for her nor for the baby. He thinks that he would have to try to do everything possible to keep arti happy. He looks at arti who is looking at him with a tensed face.

Yash takes her to their room which he has decorated with their and the children’s photos, planning a surprise for arti to cheer her up. But arti doesn’t notice it and absentmindedly lies down on the bed to rest. yash gets worried seeing arti like this. But he doesn’t say anything and settles himself too on the bed. He looks at arti who is sleeping and thinks to himself that she didn’t even look at the surprise he had planned for her. What could be bothering her so much that she couldn’t pay notice to it? On the other hand,arti is wondering that she cant face yash after lying so many times in front of him even if unintentionally. She thinks that she was very alone, sad, and desolate before he came into her life bringing back happiness and making her smile once again. She loves him so much and can’t bear the thought of leaving him. The day he turns his back on her would be the last day of his life. She is willing to do anything to be with him. She decides that she wouldn’t lie anymore to him and would tell him the truth as soon as ansh returns from the picnic.

Meanwhile, yash is wondering why he never thought that after Arpita somebody could be so special in his life and who would change him completely and now he can’t stay without her. And that her happiness and her caring are very important to him. He decides that he wouldn’t let any kind of misunderstanding come between them ever and that his happiness now lies in her happiness.

Scene 2:
Location: Yash’s house
the next morning, an up and ready yash glances at a sleeping arti and notices that the bangles on her hand are irritating her face and disturbing her sleep. he gently removes her hand from her face and is about to leave, when she holds his hand in her sleep and clutches it. He kneels beside her and finding hr asleep talks to addressing her saying that he thinks that in his heart, he did feel bad last night when she didn’t respond to his surprise and didn’t pay any attention to it. and the only reason that he felt bad for it, according to his conclusion is that he doesn’t like her avoiding him when he does something or wants something for her, he wants her to react even if she’s angry as he likes her anger and her taunts too. He can’t bear her silence or hr negligence. He says he doesn’t understand what’s happening to him and why. Just then he hears prateik’s voice calling out to him, and he gently lets go of arti’s hand and leaves. The sound of the door slamming wakes arti up. she gets up absentmindedly and suddenly while arranging her sari, she notices Yash’s surprise and is overwhelmed that he did all of this for her. she pinches herself to believe she’s not in a dream. she reckons that her photos with yash and solo have replaced what used to be the spot for Arpita’s pictures. She is confused about what to make of it. The very thought crossing her mind that he could also be in love just like her feels her with delight from within.

Scene 3:
Location: Yash’s house
The Scindia family is discussing pari’s cause before leaving for the court for their second hearing of the case. the situation that Bhavani has landed herself in prompts Gayatri to reprimand her, but vidhi stops hr requesting that pari’s already upset with the case and not to trouble her anymore. Prateik urges a helpless Pankaj repeatedly to do something to save Bhavani in this case. He suddenly remembers something and asks something about the proof that yash had gone for yesterday and questions him about the authenticity and evaluability of it. Yash remembers the detective’s words and wonders if the recent evidence retrieved will bring about a big storm in Bhavani and prateik’s marital relations and can destroy it forever and thinks about a way to salvage it as he can’t be responsible for breaking the house of his younger brother, being the elder of the two. he finally says that that evidence wouldn’t prove to be of much help and what they should fear right now is that the deceased’s family is trying to prove that he did not have an illegitimate affair ever. Pari has a recollection of the fateful night. Suraj asks them to leave for the court so as not to be late for the hearing, wishing them well and assuring them not to worry as God would take care of them. He gets a call and leaves to attend to it.

Pankaj too goes inside to get the case file. just then, an anklet’s sound startles yash and he turns around to look at arti who has just joined them. Buaji as usual taunts her for finally having woken up after tending to her tiredness. Gayatri tells her to relax, as the initial few months are the hardest on an expecting mother and she should take as much rest as possible to give them a healthy grandson. Arti and yash share a romantic eyelock. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.

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