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Bridal material on zee world, Saturday 25th June 2022 update

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During Meera’s drama performance when actor shoots Meera with fake gun, Vivan shouts he did not shoot. Everyone stand confused. Meera silently slips off and calls Vivan as Paromita and asks him to meet her where they met last time. He nervously says she is dead. She warns to come to their usual place, else proof will be out. Vivan reaches Paromita’s house and asks who is she, why called her. Paromita walks down stairs saying she has returned.

Bridal material Series
Bridal material Series

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Thursday 23rd June 2022 update

Vivan stands shocked and asks how can she be alive, he himself..Meera says he killed Paromita, she wanted to hear that. Vivan realizes it is Meera and not Paromita. Meera asks why did he kill her. Vivan says he did not kill her. Meera asks then why did he run behind her and shot her, Paromita loved him truly, but he shot her. She runs out

saying she cannot love a man who murdered someone. Vivan runs behind her and asks what is she saying. She says he shot her and runs towards speeding truck. Vivan shouts Paromita stop, I will do whatever you say. Meera stops and returns to him and says he told truth now and asks if he remembers he ran behind his would be wife and shot her. Vivan says he ran behind Paromita with gun, but did not shoot her, someone else might have. Meera says he always lied, how to trust him, she will never trust a man who broke a girl’s trust and will not apply sindhoor from his hand, she hates him. Vivan pleads not to do that, he loves her a lot and can do anything to regain her trust. She asks to get proof of his innocence first, then she will think.
Vivan and Meera return home and sleep on their beds. Rabba…song..plays in the background. Meera dreams of Vivan shooting her, but a masked person with tatto on her hand and nail polish on her fingers shooting Paromita, murderer drops gun and escapes. Vivan runs to Paromita and asks what happened to her. Paromita says she wanted to get mangalsutra from her hand, but got shot from same hand, she will return and history will repeat. Vivan sees gun on floor. Paromita dies. Meera gets out of sleep and thinks who that lady was who shot Paromita, if Vivan is innocent or if she is getting influenced by Vivan, tomorrow she will find out truth at police station.

Meera reaches police station where inspector takes out Vivan’s file and says Vivan was present at venue but did not shoot Paromita. Vivan enters RTO office on whose CCTV camera murder incident was captured and pleads officer to give him CCTV footage, but officer kicks him out. Vivan returns disguised as police officer and gets CCTV footage. Inspector tells Meera that Vivan was proven innocent via lie detector and CCTV footage, still they did not catch real murderer. Meera returns home and thinks if Vivan is really innocent. Vivan returns and shows CCTV footage to her and says he brought proof for her so that she should doubt him again, he told her that she will feel guilty when she finds out truth. He rejected Paromita as he loved Meera then, now it is better he leaves this place as she did not trust him. He leaves. Meera feels guilty for doubting Vivan. She runs to Vivan and pleads him to forgive him.

Meera pleads Vivan to forgive her for doubting him. Vivan says he has already forgiven her and just wants to love her. He gets romantic and hugs her when Kusum kumari calls Meera and pleads to save her mother as her mother is getting her married forcefully, she is in temple now.

Meera with reaches and warns mother she cannot get SKA student married forcefully. Mother says she does not care, she is getting Kusum Kumari married to a man who helped them till now and even got Kusum kumari admitted to SKA. Meera warns again. Mother says she cannot take care of Kusum hereon. Meera says she will take care of Kusum Kumari from hereon.

Meera with Samar takes her home and tells Dolly that Kusum’s mother wanted to get her married forcefully, so she brought her here. Dolly says she did good and takes them in for breakfast.

Prince gets mesmerized seeing Kusum and dreams about her. Tujhe Dekha to ye jaana sanam…song plays in the background. Meera asks Prince to pass on paranthas and scolds him Dolly says she wants to keep matarani’s pooja and coughs. Kusum says she will get water and walks into kitchen and thinks Meera sis a fool to bring her here, she has come here to take revenge from Meera and separate her from Vivan. Dolly hears dogs crying and gets worried.

Dolly calls Gurumaa home for pooja. Gurumaa starts havan and breaks curdled soil says relationship will be smooth like this sang and if this sand changes color, that means a black eye is on this house. Family joins for havan.

Pandit chants mantras. Kusum peeps and thinks her black magic will spoil pooja. Meera and Vivan does pheras with Vivan and feels drows. Kusum does black magic and grins. Meera says she is tired and will sleep at night anyways. Vivan murmurs she sleeps early each day. Meera shies and continues pheras, but falls down. Kusum continues black magic. Gurumaa says a big trouble is hovering, nobody should move from their place.

Vivan says how can they stay here when Meera’s condition is bad. Gurumaa says more trouble will hover if they move from here. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.

READ NEXT: Bridal Material, Sunday 26th June 2022 update

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