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Wake Up And Grow Up! By Dr. D.K Olukoya

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MFM Devotional

Wake Up And Grow Up By Dr. D.K Olukoya

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This message is a challenge to you in this particular year. Notice that in our first scripture, Paul was not talking to people who were sleeping on their bed. He was talking to people who were physically listening to him as you are listening to me now.

They looked awake, their eyes were opened but spiritually, they were asleep. Meaning that you could be here now, but as far as the calculation of heaven is concerned, you have been sleeping for two years. You have been sleeping for one year. To them, you are a sleeping man or woman.

And when a person is asleep, naturally, there are many things that can happen to you that you do not know about. So this is why Paul was shouting “awake, thou that sleepest”. So the first command this year is this: Awake from your slumber! Open your eyes. See the generation between you. Understand that things have changed. Understand that people have changed.

Also Read: The Serpents In The Family Bloodline By Dr. D.K Olukoya

In fact, since the covid, a lot of people have changed. Part of the demons of the pandemic has changed people negatively. Some people you saw before the pandemic are now changed people. Something has altered their lives.

I am praying for anyone here whose name has been written down by heaven that they are sleeping, wake up! in the name of Jesus. (A sevenfold Amen).

What a tragedy when somebody is praying for breakthroughs and heaven says “this is the breakthrough. But wake up and collect it, because as far as we are concerned, you are a sleeping man or a sleeping woman”.

Galatians 4:1 is one of the most lamentable passages of scriptures. The father of the heir has a huge estate, plenty of vehicles, aircrafts, but the heir is probably a six month old. So what the Bible is saying is that, as long as the heir is like that, he needs help himself. He is not different from the servants looking after him.

Although he is Lord of all, but because he is a child, he is not different from a slave. So if you remain a child spiritually, you become a regular constant deliverance candidate, because since you are a child, the elements will not leave you alone (Galatians 4:3). They know that you have not wisened up enough to know what to do to yourself.

No matter how wonderful your call may be, no matter how powerful the mandate God has given to you, no matter the divine position made available to you by God, no matter how talented you are, no matter all the opportunities God is giving to you, no matter all the provisions that heaven has made available to you, no matter the spiritual background of your family, no matter how long you say you have been coming to church, no matter all the weapons that heaven has made available to you to fight, no matter all the spiritual equipment in your hands, no matter how much wealth that God has programmed for you, no matter how much promotion God has planned for your life, you will not enter in as long as you remain a child.

No matter the disposition of heaven over your life, no matter the position of God for your life, it will not make any difference as long as you remain a child.

So your second major issue then this year which is also the mandate of heaven over your life is that you must grow. You have to wake up from that slumber and then you must grow. Growth is the sum total of life. We live to grow, and we grow to live.

Growth is normally the end result of doing something right. When growth stops, stagnancy begins and if you do not arrest stagnancy, then a more terrible stage called “decay” comes in.

What I am trying to explain to all of you here this morning is that spiritual growth is no longer a luxury; it is mandatory. You must grow. You have to grow. Is it in this age when men are becoming occultic to make money that you think you can remain where you are? No! You must grow beyond 2019. You must grow beyond 2020. You must grow beyond 2021. You must grow beyond 2022.

Growth is not optional, it is mandatory. And as a matter of nature, all living things grow. If it is living, it will grow. If it is dead, it will not grow anymore.

Growth does not start from outside, it starts from inside. The nature of growth is that it normally starts within, then grows out. It starts within first. It is your growth within then, that will affect the growth of the jurisdiction of people under you. It will affect others that are attached to your life. But the funny thing about growth is this: it is a choice.

You are as close to God as you choose to be. If you decide to become serious now, and you decide that you want to be praying in tongues for one hour every day for one month, at the end of that month, you would have become a different person.

Your life will dramatically change. Growth is a choice, just like happiness is a choice. Determine that you want to grow. If you do not choose growth through deliberate policy to put it in your life, it will not happen.

Right attitudes will help growth and negative attitudes will serve as barriers to growth. Growth is change. There cannot be growth without some change. Growth leads to change and change needs growth. It is true that not all change leads to growth, but without change, growth will not come. If you want to grow, you must be ready to change.

That growth will cost you something. It could be your sleep or your time. If you decide that you want to read through the Bible in one year or memorise more scriptures, you can do it. It is a personal decision.

Heaven does not spoon feed anybody. No. The Bible says “move close to me, I will move close to you. You must move close first. But if you move away from me, I will move farther away”. That is, if you move away from the Lord one mile, He will move away from you 100 miles. There is a price to pay for growth. You pay a price to grow up.

You pay a price to move higher. You pay a price to run faster. You pay a price to move to new heights. You also pay a price to remain where you are. The enemy will be happy for you to remain the way you are. But if the enemy brings warfare against you, but he finds out that you are not where they want you to be; that your spiritual address has already changed, he will go back home and report. “It is not what you told us. That place is not easy again”.

I am praying for somebody here today: may your life terrify your enemies! in the name of Jesus.

So the choice is yours. If you are willing to pay the price, you will see multiple growth. That growth is not a program, it is a process.

Mushrooms may develop overnight, but it takes years to develop an oak tree. The oak will be there for generations, but mushrooms disappear in 48 hours. Human beings can take them away anytime. Those always making excuses today will be excused on the last day. This personal growth I am talking about is the great separator between those who succeed and those who fail.

Growth inside fuels growth outside, and it is that personal growth that shows your credentials. It empowers your life. It fuels your capacity to handle more. Heaven is very particular on how it gives its power to people. Nobody will give a gun to a six year old child. It is too much power for that child. Same thing with heaven. Heaven is very meticulous.

A lot of people sing “I want the power that is fresh” but heaven looks and says “this is still a child. How can we give such a person power?” Nobody will buy an aircraft and give to a two month old baby.

You could buy a whole house for a child but the child will say “I want my toy” because he is a child. So this is what I am trying to say here today. This is the lamentation of my heart today.

Anything that God has kept in store for you will remain in that store until you grow to the level to be able to handle it. Artillery is not for babies. Weapons are not for babies. As long as you remain a child, the Bible says you are not different from a slave. That is why you will keep going from one deliverance to the other because you have not grown to a level where those element cannot put anything on you anymore.

So no matter the plan of God for your life, you remain a child when you refuse to grow; subject to the powers that govern the world and this is why many sometimes go for endless deliverance. Some time ago, some angels in heaven rebelled against God and although they were angels, they began to look and lust after human beings, the daughters of men. These fallen angels then came down to earth and put on physical appearance and began to marry the daughters of men, and began to give birth to giants and all kinds of people.

Also Read: MFM Prophetic Picture Of The Year 2023 By Dr. D.K Olukoya

You see, it is these fallen angels that taught men how to make charms, enchantments, incantations, how to cut roots to make herbs for medicine. They taught men astrology, cosmetics, makeup, how to sacrifice to demons. It is because you have not grown that you do not realise that physical beauty is vain, it is the inner beauty that matters. Physical beauty is just the flesh and the flesh is not going away like I told you at the crossover vigil.

You can paint a corpse, make it up, dress it up and deck it in jewellery and put in a coffin, but at the end, it is still dust unto dust, ashes unto ashes. It is a waste of time. It is because you did not grow spiritually, that is why you did not realise that the inner growth is more important than that physical attraction you are looking for. You may look beautiful and like a giant on the outside, but inside you are a dwarf. The origin of what most people are using to decorate themselves today is from the fallen angels. And that is what most of our sisters today do not understand.

Jezebel is the mother of all makeup. The origin of decorative jewellery is in idolatry; and many do not understand that these things have symbols on them which are occultic. A lot of people do not understand that if you do not remain natural, you may put on materials that are testifying against you and dedicating you to strange powers. People go for deliverance but remove all those add-ons before going. They get there and receive breakthroughs. When they get back, they put on all those things and bring the demons back.

It is because you have not grown, which is why you do not know that your head is the symbol of your destiny, your hair is your glory and having somebody to stay on your head for up to 3 to 4 hours without knowing the spiritual quality of that person shows that you have not grown. There is a book published years ago titled “Slaves who love their chains will remain in their bondage”. If you love your chains, you remain in your bondage. You may say “I do not agree with what they are saying” but I am not begging you to agree.

I know what I am saying is true. You are not seeing what I am seeing. If you can see it, you will be even more aggressive. Our early pentecostal fathers, particularly Apostle Ayo Joseph Babalola vomited the fire of revival in Nigeria. All those early pentecostal fathers without exception banned jewelleries, attachments, earrings because they could see things. But our modern generation is so blind, deaf and dumb, they cannot see anything.

Our generation is so blind that they are applying materials on their bodies as decoration and makeup from aborted babies, corpses, executed prisoners, human placenta, etc.

Your hair symbolizes your glory. When a person’s hair has been sacrificed to idols and repackaged and sold to you and you put it on your head, you put the hair of the dead on your head. If they bring those wigs from where they worship dragons, then your head has just been sacrificed to dragons. All the tools for artificial bondage are from fallen angels and they put people in bondage but because you have not grown, you do not know.

A time will come when those who are not wise will become wise, and like I told them at the Youth Church, “last last, everybody will be wise”. Either become wise now, or become wise in bondage or become wise in hell fire.

PRAYER POINTS[Before Ministration]

Powers assigned to disorganise my life, you are liars, die! in the name of Jesus.

Powers assigned to padlock my head, you are liars, die! in the name of Jesus. [Pray it 2 hot times]

Every power using the midnight to attack me, you will never wake up! in the name of Jesus.

Powers, working hard to pull me down, die! in the name of Jesus.

Every satanic wind, blowing away my virtues, expire! in the name of Jesus.

Every spiritual rag on my body, assigned to detain me, catch fire! in the name of Jesus.

Every stranger defiling me in the dream, die by fire! in the name of Jesus.

Every war against my testimonies, scatter in the name of Jesus.

Powers working against my next level, before I leave this place, die! in the name of Jesus.

O God arise, bring back the real me, stolen by the enemies, in the name of Jesus!

[After Ministration Prayers]

[Mention your name]:Hear the Word of the Lord: wake up and grow! in the name of Jesus.

Powers working against my spiritual next level, die! in the name of Jesus.

God bless you in Jesus name.

Flatimes Notice Board: Until you are born again, God ever abiding presence will never be with you. You must be born again to enjoy continuous victory. Please say the displayed prayer below in faith:

Lord Jesus, come into my life. I accept You as my Lord and Personal Saviour. I believe in my heart You died and rose from the dead to save me. Thank You Lord for saving me, in Jesus name Amen.

If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to [email protected], +234 (803) 078-0919 OR +234 (817) 363-1657.