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RCCG 14 Days Prayer And Fasting Guide 3 July 2024

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Open Heavens by Pastor Adeboye


Click HERE for the Previous Open Heaven Devotional

BIBLE TEXT(S): 1 Timothy 2:1-4: I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; 4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.


It takes pure wisdom, which only God can supply, to lead people in the right path. Good leadership is confronted with numerous oppositions; hence, we need to pray for God’s continuous protection and guidance.


Father, we thank you for your call upon Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye in Jesus’ name.

Father, we thank you for your mercy upon him and his family in Jesus’ name. Rom 9:15

Father, we thank you for enabling your son to enter into a great covenant with you, in Jesus’ name. Exo 23:25

Father, we thank you for anointing him so powerfully and making him a blessing to this generation in Jesus’ name. Ps. 89:20.

Father, we thank you for using him to spread the gospel through your Church, RCCG to over 198 countries in the world in Jesus’ name. Math. 28:19-20.

Father, we thank you for Pastor. Mrs. Folu Adeboye, for the support she is giving to your son Pastor E. A. Adeboye in Jesus’ name.

Father, we thank you for your divine protection and provision over Pastor E.A. Adeboye and his family in Jesus name. Ps.89:23

Lord, we thank you for long life and prosperity for your son Pastor E. A. Adeboye in Jesus’ name. Ps.91:16

Father, let your son Pastor E. A. Adeboye fulfil all his assignments in his life time in Jesus’ name. Zec 4:9

Father, please let your son Pastor E. A. Adeboye and Pastor. Mrs. Folu Adeboye finish well and strong in Jesus’ name. 2 Timothy 4:7

Father, please continue to strengthen him and empower him for the task ahead in Jesus’ name.Isa.40:31.

Father, never let any of your words in the mouth of your son Pastor E. A. Adeboye fall to the ground in Jesus name, 1 Sam 3:19

Father, let your son Pastor E. A. Adeboye grow from glory to greater glory in Jesus’ name. Proverbs 4:18.

Father, please let your son and his family continue to dwell in you and you in them in Jesus’ name. 1 Joh 4:15

Father, let every evil plan against your son Pastor E. A. Adeboye and the family be converted to prosperity. Genesis 50:20