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Evil Arrows, Backfire! By Dr. D.K Olukoya

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MFM Devotional

Evil Arrows, Backfire! By Dr. D.K Olukoya

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Let me say right away that if you are allergic to hard praying, you are not going to enjoy this morning’s service, for what we are dealing with today is a very serious matter. Information downloaded from heaven!

Can you raise up your right hand and shout as loudly as your voice can carry you:Evil arrows, backfire! in the name of Jesus.

Now let me decode for you this popular MFM prayer point. Every prayer we pray here in M.F.M. always has a scriptural base. We do not pray unscriptural prayers. I am taking you through six verses of scripture so you know how to position yourself on a morning like this. We are not here to play. We are not here to joke; we are here for serious business.

I did not write all these Scriptures we are about to read, and the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries did not write the Bible either.

That woman over there: all the powers that have conspired that you will not have peace, by the time you leave this place, they shall be scattered unto desolation! in the name of Jesus.

Psalms 7:6 (KJV) says: “Arise, O LORD, in thine anger, lift up thyself because of the rage of mine enemies: and awake for me to the judgment that thou hast commanded.”

Nehemiah 4:4 (KJV) says: “Hear, O our God; for we are despised: and turn their reproach upon their own head, and give them for a prey in the land of captivity:”

Psalms 9:15 (KJV) says: “The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken.”

Psalms 35:8 (KJV) reads: “Let destruction come upon him at unawares; and let his net that he hath hid catch himself: into that very destruction let him fall.”

Psalms 70:2-3 (KJV) reads: “Let them be ashamed and confounded that seek after my soul: let them be turned backward, and put to confusion, that desire my hurt. Let them be turned back for a reward of their shame that say, Aha, aha.”

Psalms 109:17 (KJV) says: “As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him: as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him.”

I did not write all these scriptures, you can see them for yourself.

These are just six out of many scriptures showing you that the believer has a right to pick any curse issued against him, to pick any incantation issued against him, to pick any utterance issued against him, to pick any arrow issued against him, and to ask it to go back to the sender.

These scriptures tell us so. When a person is so wicked and disobedient to God that they are flinging witchcraft arrows and incantations against a child of God, they must be stopped.

Also Read: I Will Arise And Go Forth By Dr. D.K Olukoya

You have to stop them before they stop you. If you do not stop them, they will stop you. It has been well written that the best defence is an attack. When you return a curse or arrow back to the sender, you are not committing any sin because you did not initiate the arrow. You did not initiate the curse; you are merely sending it back to the originator.

When we return those curses to the senders, they now know that there is a power greater than their own. This is a very serious matter.

In the whole town of Akure, there was a brother named John, a converted Muslim who took evangelism very seriously. By 5 a.m., he was up with the bell, going around the streets and saying “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!”. But during his journey, he always passed through occultic places. He did not know he was harming the people there by just crossing and talking. If some of you know how darkness fears you, you will be more serious with your Christianity.

The Bible says “Resist the devil, and he will flee”. The Bible says so. If he is not fleeing, check the resistance you are putting up.

You are either not resisting or your resistance is weak and tainted with sin. The Bible says in James 2:19 (KJV): “Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.” So, the enemies do tremble. The powers of darkness do tremble when they see their match.

I am praying for somebody here this morning: the anointing to terrify your enemies; receive that anointing in the name of Jesus! (a sevenfold Amen).

Brother John did not know that he was troubling these occultic people. So, they gathered the major native doctors to use their greatest weapons, which they use to kill people, to kill him. And their greatest weapon was a satanic drum. After days and days of sacrifice, they brought the drum. It had never failed them. What they do is conjure the spirit and soul of that person into that drum, and very soon, the face of that person appears on the drum. Then they stick a knife through it, and the person bleeds to death. It had never failed them before.

If any preacher is telling you that there is no power of darkness, he is just deceiving you. Jesus admitted that there is power of darkness. He said “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy”. If the enemy had no power, how did the magicians of Pharaoh turn their own sticks into serpents? There are dark powers. So, these native doctors gathered against brother John.

May every enemy gathered against you be disgraced! in the name of Jesus.

They called his name for the first time, but nobody appeared. They called his name a second time, but nobody appeared. And they had just three opportunities to call a person. They called him a third time, and the face of brother John appeared. They picked the knife to pierce the drum with, and just a split second for that knife to touch the drum, the face there changed to the face of the man with the knife, and he could not stop himself anymore! He ran the knife through, and he fell to the floor, bleeding. The others then started incantations to revive him.

I am praying right now that any arrow fired against your life, fired against your children, fired against your career, fired against your children, shall backfire! in the name of Jesus.

In 1995, something happened. A brilliant girl at the university studying mathematics just went blind in the classroom without any reason. She did not have any problem; it just happened. So they began to take her from place to place, and everywhere they went, she was checked; nothing was wrong with her physically, but they were confused.

Then the mother brought her here. Immediately they came in, and I heard the Holy Ghost say “The agent of blindness is here”. I was surprised. So I asked the woman, “Madam, do you know anything about your daughter’s blindness?” She said “No o, please pray”.

There was a small toilet at the back of this place. So I asked them to go in there and pray fire prayers. The prayer point was ‘every evil arrow, go back to the sender!’ They were both shouting and praying for 15 minutes. All of a sudden, we did not hear the voice of the mother again. It was only the girl shouting. By the time we opened the door, the daughter could see, but the mother had become blind. It was very interesting. On their way in, the mother was leading the daughter by the hand. On their way out, the daughter was the one leading her mother.

I am praying for you: every arrow fired at you, in a dream or physically, whether you know about it or not, let those arrows backfire! in the name of Jesus! (a sevenfold Amen).

Some people complain that we are praying against our enemies. If it is wrong to pray against an enemy that wants you dead and that wishes you evil, then David should not have killed Goliath. Abraham should not have defended his nephew, Lot. God would not have sent Moses to deliver His people from Egypt if you do not have to fight your enemies. In fact, there would not even be any need for Nigeria to fight Boko Haram. You can as well go to Sambisa Forest and love them.

We should have allowed Haman to hang Mordecai just like that.

David should not have been fighting all the enemies of Israel. Elijah should not have been praying that God should send fire on his enemies. The Bible says, (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds;” “casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God). Why should Elisha have prayed that God should smite his enemies with blindness? Why did Daniel pray against those enemies who falsely accused him to be thrown into the lions’ den? This is a very serious matter.

There are arrows the enemies are firing now, and this is the crux of our prayer meeting today. Arrows of:



Unexplainable hatred.

Academic and career frustration.

‘Almost there’ syndrome.


Untimely death.

Vagabond life into children. Sometimes they just come home from the university and say “I am not studying again”.


Building but not living therein.

Marital distress.

Suicidal tendencies.

Addictions. As a matter of fact, it is as though the enemy has bombarded the whole world with arrows of drug addiction. Many young people, including women, are becoming addicted to hard drugs.

Gynaecological problems.


Chain problems.

Being disgraced out of breakthroughs.



Promotion failure.


Dream oppression.


Business failure.

Strange women into marriages.


Prayer paralysis.

Dead organs in the body. The enemy is firing these arrows all over the place.

Profit starvation into business.



Night feeding.

Closed doors.

Fruitless efforts.

Pockets with holes.

When people wake up, or are asleep, and find out that they are being choked on their bed, arrows have entered.

For some, they hear voices of people calling their names but they do not know who is speaking. The arrows have entered.

Sudden depression comes upon a happy person? Arrows have entered.

Some just fear needlessly. They are arrows.

We have seen many people at the deliverance ground. They said a wind just blew upon them, and they lost the use of their hands and legs.

Arrows of heavy head.

Arrows of feeling very cold in a hot room.

Arrows of sending physical idols to people.

Calling people’s names from sleep. All these things happen.

To keep quiet, and leave them alone is a closed destiny. Unfortunately, prayers have to be specific. General prayers do not work. You must know what you are attacking. So this morning, you need to:

Surrender your life to Jesus. That is the first important thing. Without that, the backfiring prayers will not be of any help.

Become a friend of God. So you smoke, drink, commit fornication, lie, and cheat? You need to repent today.


Every killer disease, fired against me, backfire! in the name of Jesus.

Strange odour from the grave, assigned against me, backfire! in the name of Jesus.

Dangerous sacrifices offered against me, backfire! in the name of Jesus.

Arrows that have gained access into my blood, you are liars: backfire! in the name of Jesus.

Arrows of the night, backfire! in the name of Jesus.

Arrows assigned to frustrate my efforts, backfire! in the name of Jesus.

Arrows, assigned to make me experience the battle of my parents, backfire! in the name of Jesus.

Arrows assigned to drag me backwards, you are liars, backfire! in the name of Jesus.

Arrows fired to block my joy, backfire! in the name of Jesus.

Arrows assigned to make me labour in vain, go back to your senders! in the name of Jesus.

Arrows to shoot down my star, backfire! in the name of Jesus.

Every charm sent against me, you are a liar, backfire! in the name of Jesus.

Arrows of envious enemies, fired against me, backfire! in the name of Jesus.

God bless you in Jesus name.

Flatimes Notice Board: Until you are born again, God ever abiding presence will never be with you. You must be born again to enjoy continuous victory. Please say the displayed prayer below in faith:

Lord Jesus, come into my life. I accept You as my Lord and Personal Saviour. I believe in my heart You died and rose from the dead to save me. Thank You Lord for saving me, in Jesus name Amen.

If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to [email protected], +234 (803) 078-0919 OR +234 (817) 363-1657.