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Netizens criticize the inconveniences families and friends of commuters face at the Lagos International Airport 

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Some netizens have taken to social media to lambaste Lagos International Airport, for the inconvenience it puts families and friends of travelers through.
Sharing their individual experience via the microblogging platform, x (twitter) with many of them promising not to use the airport again.

It all started when Nigerian blogger Noble Igwe posted a picture of people sitting outside of the Lagos International Airport accompanied with the caption “I really don’t understand the idea behind asking families that have come to pick people from the airport to stand on the road. It makes no sense and I don’t know it happens anywhere else in the world.”

The post caught the attention of many, with majority of them sharing their experience under the post while condemning the actions of the officials.

One of the tweep who is a Canadian Immigration Lawyer, Peter Ademu-Eteh while sharing is experiences mentioned that he would never use the Lagos international airport again because “I was sweating buckets once I got off the plane because the AC wouldn’t work. At least 3 lines for just looking at your passport (not to even get a stamp) That long trek was just super humiliating. Why won’t thugs, pickpockets and scammers find targets when you have to walk by them?”