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I Will Arise And Go Forth By Dr. D.K Olukoya

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MFM Devotional

I Will Arise And Go Forth By Dr. D.K Olukoya

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One of the most popular scriptures is Psalm 68:1. One of the most popular songs is “Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered”.

Human beings on earth sing “let God arise”. We too shout “let God arise”. A very powerful prayer indeed. But strangely, in heaven, angels are not singing “let God arise”, they are singing “let men arise, and let God’s enemies be scattered! “.

There are enemies that will not scatter until you and I arise. The Bible says “arise and shine”. Until you arise, there will be no shining. The very strange truth is this: although God is the Almighty and has all powers in His hands and He can do all things, He is limited in many ways until humans arise.

So while we want God to arise, in heaven, they want men to arise. So while God is powerful, there are certain ways in our actions that we can limit His power in our lives.

I am praying for somebody here: whatsoever is in your thoughts, in your brain, in your hands, that is presently limiting Jehovah from helping you, may that thing be buried here this morning, in the name of Jesus.

At the tomb of Lazarus, Jesus first asked the people to roll away the stone. Jesus was not going to use divine power to roll away the stone. If men did not arise to play their part by rolling away that stone, Lazarus might have remained in that grave. If they decided to wait for each other, there would be no miracle. They were the ones that put the stone there, so Jesus asked them to roll it away. Elijah said “I hear the sound of abundance of rain”. He could hear the sound but there was no rain yet.

Also Read: Positioned For Deception By Dr. D.K Olukoya

Elijah did not just relax and say “well I have heard the sound, so the rain will come”. He prayed to convert the spiritual sound he heard in his ears to tangible manifestation. Because God told you that He will do certain things for you because you have a prophecy from the Lord, it does not mean you just go to bed and sleep. Between “it shall come to pass” and “it came to pass”, there is usually a human intervention. There is promise, there is prayer and there is performance. If there is no promise, and no prayer, there is no way there will be performance.

Please try and understand this very well. If Elijah had not risen, there might never have been manifestation of that which happened at that mountain. Although the prophecy was valid, if he did not arise and pray it to completion, it would have ended there.

I am praying for somebody here: power that gives up when miracles are around, may that power be scattered, in the name of Jesus.

There is always a limit to what God can do among men unless they allow.

[Can you raise up your right hand and declare this loud and clear]:I (mention your name) shall arise and shine by fire!

Listen, you may never arrive until you arise. It is better to fail attempting something than to die sitting down doing nothing. Even Jesus did not only pray, He also moved. The book of Acts told us “this is a chronicle of all that Jesus began both to do and to teach”.

God will not do for you what He has given you hands to do for yourself. There are so many miracles you will not see, not because God is yet to arise but because you are too lazy or scared to arise.

There are many miracles God wants to do that we may never see, not because God has not perfected it, but because you are too dirty, lazy or too complacent or too compromising to arise. Some do not want to look strange. They do not want to behave strange. They want to merge with the dirt they see. They believe “if you cannot beat them, join them”. And when you join your destiny with them, and then the judgment of the Almighty falls, it will not discriminate between you a Christian, and the others you have joined.

There are places of uncommon breakthroughs that you may never reach until you arise, and it is a very serious thing. Listen beloveth: it may take a battle to obtain what God has already said is yours. It will even take a greater battle to maintain the promise already obtained through the pains of battle. Prophecies should set you on your toes, not send you to bed. No devil will give up what he has kept in his cage for years. He will not release it easily. The devil is an obstinate stubborn fighter.

He will not give it up easily simply because God has said it is yours. You will need to fight and get it and keep fighting to keep it. It may take a battle to conceive a prophecy and further battles to birth and nurture that prophecy. What I am saying this morning may sound strange to you this morning, but the truth is that there are so many prophecies hanging on the heads of so many people here. There are so many prophecies that God has said to so many people here.

Some see those things in their dreams. Some feel it in their hearts. Some keep hearing it in their ears. But for some strange reasons, events that are happening seem to be running opposite to the dreams and visions. This is why I am telling you today: prophecies should set you on your toes and not send you to bed. There is no true enlargement or expansion that does not involve risks.

There is no true divine open door without adversaries at the door. It is not available. Once God opens that door, and your name is announced in heaven, and angels hear it, and demons hear it, they mount up warfare.

That is why Paul said “For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries.” Many have turned back at the door, others have gone through. There are people here looking at me now who have so many blessings hanging on their heads that if they can recover one tenth (not even all, just one-tenth), their lives will be turned around completely. There are prophets here, prophetesses, billionaires, millionaires, those who have large things hanging here and there.

Will you not spend this morning to command the cloud of blessing upon your head to turn to rain?

For Peter to walk on water and meet Jesus, he had to take a risk. For every large and expansion, a risk is involved. Esther could not have saved her generation if she did not take a risk of “If I perish, I perish”.

True risk for God in the direction of God’s voice never destroys anyone but fear has limited and destroyed more than risks. Those risks have not harmed people more than the fear we have. What I am saying is this: you can never be destroyed by the risk that God asked you to take.

I am praying for someone here today: that cloud of prophecy hanging on your head, must break into rain upon your head, in the name of Jesus.


There is one thing known as reinventing yourself. That is, you repackage yourself to make your life more progressive. To reinvent is to change something so much that it appears new. It is never too late to become what God wants you to be. But the truth is this: no one can make you change. No one can stop you from changing if you want to change. No one truly knows how much you can change, until you start changing. Unfortunately, most people go to the grave with their music in their hearts. They go to the grave with their book in their brains, unwritten.

If you do not want to live in the past, if you do not want to be irrelevant to your generation, if you do not want to become a stunted person in growth, then you need to take steps to start reinventing yourself now.

Let these go from your life:

The pride.

The unteachable spirit.

Living in yesterday’s success.

Negative thinking.

The idea of coming to a church like this, and playing with sin. It is better to find another church, because the prayers we pray here, do not merge with sin. When you are calling fire on the covens of witchcraft, and there is witchcraft in your heart, it does not tally.

Discouragement and distraction.

Unproductive friends. And if you are still in the cage of fornication, adultery and all other vices, better repent before you are carted away.

So you need five things if you want to arise. You need:

A fresh encounter with God.

Increased prayer temperature.

Increased word temperature.

To be a reader. Read Christian books. Read books that will move you forward. Not only prayer books, buy books that will move your life forward. An average believer should at least read one book a month. The one who wants to fly high should read four to five books a month.

Go out of your way to be a blessing to others. As you are blessing others, blessings come your way. You will be an unhappy man or woman if everything you do in this life is for yourself.


Every power strengthening wickedness in my life, you are a liar, die! in the name of Jesus.

Thunder of God arise, waste my enemies, in the name of Jesus.

Powers that must die for my life to move forward, die, in the name of Jesus.

Every coven from the tree, troubling my destiny, dry up with the tree, and die, in the name of Jesus.

Powers assigned to donate my joy to the enemy, run mad and die, in the name of Jesus.

Messengers of darkness, bringing bad news to me, die suddenly, in the name of Jesus.

Powers ambushing blessings that are on the way to me, die, in the name of Jesus.

Altars tying down my testimonies, die in the name of Jesus.

Powers consulting witch doctors against me, what are you waiting for? Die in the name of Jesus.

Altars shouting my name, catch fire in the name of Jesus.

Powers assigned to use me as a sacrifice, die in the name of Jesus.

Arrows of arrow, locate the head of my Goliath, in the name of Jesus.

Whirlwind of God, gather my enemies together, and scatter them! in the name of Jesus.

Serpents gunning for my glory, die by fire, in the name of Jesus.

Every battle arranged into my life to mock me, die by fire, in the name of Jesus.

Every power diverting my journey to stagnancy, die in the name of Jesus.

Dark strangers, in the house of my life, die in the name of Jesus.

Dark powers operating in the day, dark powers operating at night, against my life, before I leave this place, die! in the name of Jesus.

God bless you in Jesus name.

Flatimes Notice Board: Until you are born again, God ever abiding presence will never be with you. You must be born again to enjoy continuous victory. Please say the displayed prayer below in faith:

Lord Jesus, come into my life. I accept You as my Lord and Personal Saviour. I believe in my heart You died and rose from the dead to save me. Thank You Lord for saving me, in Jesus name Amen.

If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to [email protected], +234 (803) 078-0919 OR +234 (817) 363-1657.