FBI is a crime-thriller show that follows the lives of officers who work at the New York branch of the FBI, solving various cases. They are tasked with keeping the city clean and sniffing out the bad guys everyday.
If you’ve been following this one over the weeks, you may be curious to find out when the next episode is being released. Well, wonder no more!
Here is everything you need to know about FBI Season 5 episode 7 including its release date, time and where you can watch this.
FBI is available to watch on the CBS network, as well as streaming online too. This is an exclusive original series, with the service also available to those in the US online via the CBS All Access site. That costs $5.99 per month with “limited” adverts. For an ad-free you’re looking at that increasing to $9.99.
FBI Season 5 Episode 7 will be released on Tuesday November 15th at 8pm(ET). However for those in the UK and internationally, there’s no official release date for this one yet.
FBI Season 5 should drop with subtitles available whilst watching on catch-up. Episode 7 is expected to be roughly 45 minutes long, which is consistent with the time-frame for the rest of the series.
Although CBS haven’t officially announced the number of episodes, normally the season has 21- 22 episodes that run for about 40-45 minutes. It is likely that season 5 will also deliver the same. We’ll be sure to update this section though when CBS makes an official announcement.
The team deal with the kidnapping of a young boy and Nina was acting strangely. It turns out that she is pregnant, unsure whether she will keep the baby or not.
Yes, there is. Maggie will be returning to the team following her medical leave. This time, the team will be investigating two homicides. Check out the trailer below: