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Guddan on zee world, Sunday 6th November 2022 update

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Guddan says Saru should be given another chance to better herself like Angat. a house is like a body. We can’t cut a piece. Guddan says saru you have to apologize to everyone. I know you regret what you did. Saru begs everyone’s pardon. Guddan hugs her. SAru says thank you Guddan. Saru and Durga smirk at each other. Durga says in heart you couldn’t catch me Guddan.

Guddan sees a sim. She says whose sim is it? AJ says this is yours. It’s a post paid sim. Guddan says wow you care so much now? AJ says thank you for not letting saru go. You really value this family. Guddan says I know nothing is more important than family to you.
Dadi comes and says you two decided the best for Angat and Saru. You two have distance and that gave them way to

come in. You two should reduce this distance and accept this relationship entirely. I want answer to my questions in 24 hours. Dadi leaves.
AJ is asleep. Guddan says we have to find dadi’s question’s answer. Here’s a normal cycle of a marriage you meet and know each other and then get married. We have everything inverted. AJ helps her make a drawing. He says we can start from friendship. Guddan says so we are friends. She shakes hand with him. She says my condition is dont’ be mad at me. AJ says you shouldn’t do stupid things either now.

Scene 2
Gudan gives AJ a watch. He says why? She says you are my friend. this watch has a tracker. it is like my watch. I can know where you are. AJ says you are keeping an eye on me? Guddan says I am your wife too. Dadi says Guddan is right. You two are on the right path. Dadi leaves. AJ says she wont like us being friends only. Let’s keep it between us.
Angat says to AJ I want to work with you in restaurant. AJ says it would be great. Let’s go. Guddan says do breakfast first. AJ says I dont’ want to. Guddan says sould I tell dadi friendship thing? Dadi gets a call. She says what.. She sits down in tension. Guddan says what happened? Dadi says Shantani is coming. She is AJ’s aunt. Everyone says what.. Gudan says what’s wrong with her coming? Durga says she is a trouble. DAdi says everything would be according to her if she comes. Guddan says why are you so scared? Dadi says she was like MIL to me. Durga says you have to make a lot of stuff before she come in.

Dadi says get reaady too. Guddan says I have to make so many things? Guddan gets ready. Shantani comes. Dadi says where is Guddan.

Shantani comes. Dadi says we welcome you in this house. They all does her arti one by one. Shantani says your DILs don’t know how to do anything. Laxmi didn’t wash my feet right. Durga and saru dont’ know anything at all. This saru gave gangajal from right hand. She says you are responsible for all this bhabi. Guddan comes. She is scared. Shantani says your linience has made like this. I gave you the responsibility of this house. Guddan says bua jia.. Spend time here you will see the manners of this house. Dadi says this is AJ’s wife and my DIL.

Guddan does Shantani’s arti. Guddan says touch her feet DILs. She traveled so long and you couldn’t welcome her? Guddan says I am sorry on her behalf. Bua ji gives her blessings. SHe says you made me happy. You deserve this house. She says to dadi see her how she handles her DIL. I wanted to be part of AJ’s wedding but I couldn’t. She says to DILs learn from her. She knows MIL isn’t a friend. An MIL has to be strict.

Scene 2
Guddan says to DILs in the kitchen I am sorry for being so rude. We have to do this acting. Dadi says keep it up. Guddan says I can’t act for so long. Durga says she will be very angry if she finds out you are pretending.

Guddan takes juice for Shantani. AJ looks at her and laughs. Shantani comes and sits with aJ. Guddan says your breakfast. Shantani says AJ you have the best wife. No one could be better than her for this house.

Guddan comes to room. AJ laughs. Se says this isn’t easy. I can’t do this for long. She tries to fix her saree. AJ helps her with it. He ties it for her.

shantani says you must cook really well too. Dadi says yes Guddan will cook for you today. Guddan is scared. Durga says but she.. Shantani says you don’t have to speak when I am speaking to your MIL. She is young but she is your MIL. Don’t sit with her. when she sits on sofa, you sit on floor. Go sit. They sit on floor Guddan is dazed. Shantani says Guddan you sit on the sofa.

shantani says you have to massage your MIL’s feet. Guddan says let me cook first for you. Shantani says learn from her. she is so nice. Shantani goes to rest. Durga says you were making us do all this. Guddan says I can’t carry on this drama. SHe can’t treat you two like this. Laxmi says please guddan. She would be really mad.

Guddan comes to her room. She says I have become something I am not. I can’t do all this. She sits down in tears. AJ takes her to mirror. He says ask yourself, who yo are. He says people said you can’t do anything but you proved them wrong. You can do anything. Ask you heart for all the questions.

Scene 2
Guddan serves Shantani food. Shantani says this looks so good. She tastes it. Shantani says no one has cooked like this in ages. The roti is so good. Shantani says until you can’t cook you can’t do anything in the house. Guddan says this food is from AJ’s restaurant.

My thali is this. Everything is burned. Guddan says I can’t act anymore. I can’t cook. I am not what you think I am. I haven’t learned a lot of things. I am not like this perfect roti. I am like this half uncooked roti. I want to learn but I don’t know everything. I can’t mistreat my DILs. They aren’t less than me. My MIL is my friend. She isn’t supposed to be scary and so not my DILs. Shantani throws things in anger. She says you make your DIL friend? You made her act in front of me? Guddan says love is based on friendship. shatani says don’t teach me things.

An MIL has to run the house. You don’t know what relations are. You are youngest MIL in this city. Show what’s your worth. Or I will go only after taking your decision.

Durga says what you did is stupidity. Why did you have to tell her? She wont leave this house if you can’t take her challenge. Guddan says what she says is wrong. Dadi says but we can’t go against her. Laxmi says you did right. She is very angry but she doesn’t consider DILs humans. Guddan says dadi do you trust me? She says yes. Guddan says we are friends first and we are right.

Durga says to Shantnai I was always with you. I wanted to tell you everything. Dadi stopped me. Guddan has ruined all rules of this house. But you are back so I have hope now. Shantani says someone has senses in this house. I will fix her mindset.

Guddan says dadi I need your help. I can prove her that we can run a house by being nice to each other too. Laxmi and Dadi hold her hand.
AJ says all restaurnt are closed tomorrow due to boycott. Guddan says then sit home on peace. Dadi says he makes food for 500 orphan kids on this date. Guddan says I am here for you. You don’t have to worry. Shantani says you should prove yourself and one team would do things my way. My team is dyurga. Let’s see whose strategy wins. AJ says this is right.

Scene 2
Guddan comes to room in anger. She says you said this is right? He says I want you to prove yourself. Guddan says you put your trust in me. I will do it.
Guddan and laxmi start cooking. Revati comes and surprises Gudan with a cake.

Shantani says we will start at 8. Durga and saru will work the way I command. Laxmi cooks in speend.

Guddan says you dont’ have to worry. Cook with ease. Laxmi cook. Laxmi says I will win this competition.