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Everything Calls for Salvation – Season 1 Episode 7 Recap, Review & Ending Explained

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“Welcome to the ship of the crazy” dear readers, we’ve made it to the finale of Everything Calls For Salvation! Episode 7 begins with Dani awakening to Mario’s voice echoing outside, calling him down. This is, of course, all a dream given we know Mario is in intensive care.

Does Mario survive the fall?

It’s Gianlu’s final day, and it seems there’s no more extensions for his stay now. The General arrives to see him off, as Gianlu leaves the place not with his flamboyant dress sense, but with a dull green top and a sad look.

Dani hurries after them though and gives a heartfelt plea to the General about how amazing Gianluca actually is. He specifically mentions how he lit the place up. And just like that, Dani leans forward and kisses Gianlu square on the lips. It’s a beautiful gesture and a nice way to see him off.

Dani heads in to see the good doctor, who’s still recovering from what happened last episode. Cimaroli reveals the grim news that Mario passed away in the early morning. As for Giorgio, he’s been transferred to a psychiatric ward in prison. Before Dani can even process the news, he learns he’s being discharged but will have to undergo psychotherapy for major depression in the weeks to follow.

Do Nina and Dani exchange numbers?

Dani catches up with Nina before he leaves, who reveals that he really likes her. Nina admits that when she’s with him things seem to make a lot more sense for her. Dani suggests they keep in touch, and leaves her his number so they can reconnect when she gets out. Dani goes on to admit that he’s realized there’s only a tiny amount of madness inside this ward and infact, the real madness is out in the world. It’s a lovely way to nod back to the main themes in this show, and something we’ve seen play out across the 7 episodes.

Before Dani leaves, Mario happens to have left him a book and outside, lo and behold, is the bird who’s returned to the nest. Dani sees this as a sign and says goodbye to Madonnina and Alessandrio. There’s a really beautiful moment inhere where the pair hug, as Dani leaves the building after smuggling some cigarettes over to Madonnina.

What happens at Mario’s funeral?

Dani returns home to the family again, where he receives a message from Nina. The pair begin messaging, with Dani revealing that he’ll be heading to Mario’s funeral so if she wants to hang out, that’s where he’ll be. Gianlu is there too, and Dani steps up and reads out a poem he’s written, speaking passionately about how Mario was a true brother to him and that true madness is to never give up or kneel down. It touches Dr Mancino deeply too, and he speaks to Dani outside, telling him they should talk soon and commending him for a wonderful poem.

After the service, Dani suggests to Gianlu to go out to the Seashell Club. Given Gianlu originally said his dream was to go to a club and find the man of his dreams, it’s a nice way of honouring his friend.

While Gianlu finds a new friend on the dancefloor who they start dancing with, Nina shows up. As she gets close to Dani, she asks whether he has “something little to give him”. Dani realizes this is in reference to the drugs and takes her inside a toilet cubicle and gives her a piece of his mind. Their blazing argument eventually ends with Dani leaving the party alone while Nina stews in the bathroom.

How does Everything Calls For Salvation end?

Nina messages Dan later that night and tells him to check his messages. She leaves a video message for her followers revealing where she’s been in the last 7 days and how she tried to commit suicide. It’s a really brave sentiment and something that Dani immediately looks on with a new light, especially when Nina says she’s going to sign off social media for a while.

The next scene is highly symbolic. We’ve seen in the past that Dani has been reluctant to take a leap of faith and he happens to head up to the top of the diving board with Nina, holding hands with her the whole time. While we don’t see them jump, the implication is there that they do, ready to “leap” into the next stage of their life.

The Episode Review

Everything Calls for Salvation bows out with a beautifully symbolic and heartfelt finale, one that reinforces that idea of what we deem to be madness. The whole show has felt like a natural extension to One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, with Dani realizing that the true madness is not inside the psychiatric ward but infact out in the real world.

The show has done well across its runtime to accurately reflect the stigma against mental health too, and it’s telling that the best characters in the show are those with presumably the worst conditions.

Learning more about each of the men and women inside the ward has been the real highlight of this show and in the end, Gianlu is presumed to have followed his dreams, although how his father is likely to react to that is anyone’s guess.

With all that in mind though, this has been a really solid show and a definite surprise dark horse to emerge in 2022. A wonderful ending to a wonderful show.