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Guddan on zee one, Wednesday 19th October 2022 update

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Durga says you are family where are you going so early? You will know what truth is. Dadi says what truth? Durga says they should know why their daughter arranged all this.

She wanted to catch the culprit who kidnapped Revati. Guddan did you find the kidnapper? AJ says Durga.. She says I think the kidnapper is found. AJ I know ou wont say anything but I will. She says Kaushaliya. Everyone is dazed.

She says Kaushaliya is the kidnapper right AJ? Right Guddan? AJ didn’t tell me. I heard all this when he was telling you. For AJ it is difficult to accuse your mother he might let you go but Durga wont. So Kaushaliya tell us what truth is. Kaushaliya says yes it is me. Because of me Guddan is your mother in law and AJ’s wife. I did all this. but I couldn’t do

this alone. Perv is scarred. Kaushaliya says there is someone else too who helped me. He was equal partner in it. It was God. God helped me. Guddan had her marriage broken and I was so worried for her you can’t understand how a mother feels. I just wanted good for my daughter and God helped me. You said so wrong that I kidnapped Reavti. Did I say that Revati was kidnapped by me? Can I do this to my kids/ Durga says don’t lie. AJ says stop it. Durga might have some misconception. AJ says enough Durga. You heard what she said. No a single word more. If you haven’t done anything that would be truth. I am sorry on Durga’s behalf.

Bhushan says misunderstandings happen. I am glad you trust us. Kaushaliya says yes don’t say sorry. AJ leaves.

AJ calls Kaushaliya.. He says I want to talk to you. Turn around. AJ is outside.. Kaushliya says what happened? He says you thought you can fool me? Your daughters trust and love you. So I wrapped it there. But I know you kidnapped revati and got Guddan married to me.

Everyone will see your truth and your daughters too. I don’t wanna break her trust on you. Better stay out of this house or the hands that apologized you can send you behind bars.

Durga says AJ lied. He knows kaushaliya is a liar. But he did all this for Guddan. Saru says I think he is falling for Guddan.

Guddan says I don’t know dadi why AJ said all that. I think AJ still thinks that Kaushaliya did this. But I don’t know why was he pretending.

Saru gives Guddan a wall clock. She says your good days have started. Dadi says what do you mean? Durga says the three days are over. She can leave this house any time. Your mummy was accused by me I am sorry but that misunderstanding is gone too now. I even helped you but you couldn’t catch the kidnapper. You promised you will leave this house. Saru says you could go with your mummy as well. Dadi leaves in anger. Durga says help her with packing.

AJ wonders why Kaushaliya did all that. Dadi comes to him. She says listen.. You married Guddan because of Antra’s happiness. But wedding isn’t enough. You have to accept this relationship. Antra wont be happy with this. She wanted to fill your emptiness.

She didn’t just want you to have a wedding. You don’t even know what is happening downstairs. You ave to stop that. Guddan wont leave this house and you have to stop her. If you don’t I wont ever forgive you.

Guddan says dadi see the kind of DILs I have. They want to kick me out all the time. This is how MILs should be. I told you I am here for kidnapper. I know you think we don’t really have marriage. But now I will have a private relation with him. So that at least people dont’ listen in. Durga says you have to leave this house. AJ says right, Guddan has to leave this house. AJ says what? He says she wanted to catch the kidnapper but she couldn’t. But the truth is that she has to go. But not that easily. She can go after she pays us all that she has spent on this reception. She has to pay us back. Return it and then you can leave. Guddan says what.. Where will I return 10 lacs from here? He says here is the bill. Guddan sees the long bill.

He says you broke so many things in this house. Pay for them before you leave. You asked us for money. We can as from you too. Guddan reaizes what he is doing. She says okay until I return you every penny I wont leave this house.

Scene 2
AJ is cooking in the kitchen. Dadi says you did so good. She wont go now. AJ says for them it is difficult to understand so I used Guddan’s way of stopping her. Dadi says I thought you were doin this for me. But you did it from heart. Have you started liking her? You acted like a husband. e says I didn’t do all that for that. She si doing right. She never married for money. She was trap of someone’s conspiracy. I have to help her in that. DAdi says if you don’t consider her wife then why you save her every time? She is your wife. Your heart considers her wife. He says you are seeing what you want to. I only consider her your DIL. My wife was Antra.

Guddan says how can he ask me for money? I will return him every single penny. He messed with Guddan. Guddan looks at the bill and says 10 lacs. Where will I get such huge amount from? I will one way or other. Guddan writes I can do. Durga comes and says yes you can do it in a minute. She gives 5 lacs and says I will give you the rest too.

GUddan says you made this poor person queen. How will I return you? Durga says no one will ask you for it. Take it and leave. Guddan says you leave no chance to kick me. I don’t need your favor. If you say you consider me family and are helping me then I can take it. Durga says you can’t imagine to earn an amount as big as 10 lacs. Guddan texts her I can do everything. She says I wont take this money. Don’t worry about me. Dadi comes there.

Guddan hears about a competition and that she can earn 1 lac if she wins. she says dadi I will participate. Dadi wises her luck.

Saru says she is so clever. Please do something Bua. Laxmi says I did everything but nothing works against her. Durga gives a cheque to Guddan. She says you will lose the competition and then you will need this cheque. You can’t win anything. Guddan leaves the cheque there. She says I will prove you wrong and show that Guddan can do anything.

Perv says to Kasuhaliya you called me here? He says these are revati’s medical report. She is pregnant. Revati coughs. Kaushliya says you blackened my face. Revati says what are you saying.. Kaushaliya says you are pregnant. Perv laughs. He says I was joking. Read whats in the envelope. It is card of my and revati’s wedding. We are getting married tomorrow. Perv says to revati aren’t you happy?? SHe says I am. Revati says I am coming in a while.

Guddan is preparing for the competition. Perv comes there. She sees thread n his wrist. She recalls kaushaliya ties it. She says where did you get this thread from? He says I saved a girl today so her mother gave me this. You act like police more than me. AJ sees him.
Perv says this family is messing with my head. He throws Guddan’s photo. AJ picks the photo. AJ comes to Perv and says what are you upto? I saw you with Guddan. Tell me what it is. He says nothing is wrong. He sees this glass? Fill it with water. Perv does. AJ says walk with it. Even a drop of water shouldn’t spill. AJ says stop now. He says very good. Now drink this water. Perv drinks it. He says if I find out that you did something you will lose your job and space in this house. Better focus on your wife’s health. Don’t dare be seen near Guddan and her family. He leaves. Prev breaks the glass in anger.

Guddan tries to cook but is messing up with everything. Saru and Laxmi come there and plan to scare her wit balloons. Revati tells Guddan how to cook. Perv comes there and puts a needle in pressure cooker. He says now that Guddan will suffer.

Perv says Guddan wont attend her sister’s wedding. I wont be her real husband but will have wedding night for real. Guddan comes to kitchen. AJ smells something burning.
Guddan comes and looks at the cooker. She says why is it not whistling. AJ comes and says why do I smell burned? Guddann says I am cooking. Don’t come in. Let me do my work. I will win competition and give you 1 lac rupees. He says let me check this cooker.

Guddan doesn’t let him in. the cooker is about to blast. AJ sees it. He runs in the kitchen and rushes her out. They both fall The cooker blasts in the kitchen. AJ picks her up.
AJ picks Guddan and takes her to the sofa. AJ’s hand is burned. Dadi comes. Durga says Guddan must have doe this. Look at AJ. AJ says enough. She isn’t responsible for everything. she is a member of family and your MIl. You can’t insult her all the time. I will show you who did this.

AJ brings the cooker lid and shows everyone the need in it. HE says Guddan add it to the whistle herself. so someone who wanted to harm her did it? Guddan says so that means someone did it. Dadi say who could do it. Perv says oh my God. This could risk anyone’s life. Dadi says go to catch the shopkeeper. AJ says dura accept your mistake first and apologize her. She says I am sorry.

Guddan says to AJ I am trying to learn the recipes. AJ says it was your mistake not to see it on time. Guddan says wow that is my mistake too now. I have learn my recipe. He says think about competition and not money.

She says I do things my way. He says okay let me sleep. Go to your place now. Guddan tries to learn the recipe. She says I have to win it.