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I’m On The Edge ZeeWorld, Saturday 3rd September 2022 update

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Adhi says to Devi that kill Maasa, she gave you so much pain, she kept making your life hell, kill her, I give you my swear.. Devi gets scared and shoots at Maasa.. Maasa dies.. it turns out to be Masa’s dream. She says I wont let this happen, I have to finish Devi forever, dont know where Devi have hidden Kesar.

I’m On The Edge
I’m On The Edge

Urmi comes to Adhi’s room and sees him sleeping, she smirks and sits beside him,, he caresses his hair and says you destroyed all my efforts and now sleeping here? she caresses his face and shakes him, she asks him to wake up, its late. Adhi wakes up and sees her close. He moves away and says Bhabhi you in my room? Urmi says you wanted someone else here? I came here to wake you up, she says drink this lemonade then you will understand. Adhi takes

it and has headache, he thinks I dont remember anything. Urmi says you dont remember anything? let me tell you, everyone must know about it, you danced with Devi yesterday, romanced with her, you kept her in your arms and even kissed her, you should have thought something, I didnt expect this shamelessness from you, she is not yours now, you cant keep 2-3 women for yourself or atleast hide other woman affair. Adhi says Kesar was there too? Urmi says Kesar and whole village saw it, dont know Kesar had to bear all that. Adhi says I will have to task forgiveness from Kesar Bhabhi, let me get ready. Urmi thinks that I am here for lemonade only but once Devi is gone from his mind then I will remove Kesar and make him mine, she leaves.
Devi says to Kesar that I gave you a chance to rectify your mistakes but you broke my trust again, I have had to bear a lot but now I will not give you any chance to cheat me. Kesar says enough, you are cheater, you are just selfish because you dont think about anything else than your love, me and my unborn baby curse you, I curse you that you will never get your love. Devi says atleast dont make your unborn baby part of this cheap act, you did all this antics, you followed others, did some acts on your foolish instincts, God have given me right to be Adhi’s wife and I will be his wife, I promise to never take your help to prove myself, I will not beg you to get what is my right, you might have cursed me using your baby but when this baby comes in world then Adhi and I will love him most as its parents. Kesar gets emotional. Devi turns to leave but emotionally looks at her, she leaves sadly. Kesar looks on.

Virat says to Devi that I cannot believe this, Kesar can do this? I thought everything will be fine and I will go home on time. Devi says is there something important at home? Virat says its my engagement, Devi says how could I forget? we promised each other to attend each others marriage, I am not a good friend, go and prepare for your engagement, you are so nice and I dont care about you. Virat says no, till Adhi becomes clear of doubts, I will handle Kesar, she can be anything but we have to worry about her unborn baby, dont worry. Devi says why people take friendship wrongly? friends are for life, thank you, he smiles and leaves with her, someone spies on them.

Scene 2
Devi comes to Adhi’s room in veil and sees it decorated with flowers and candles, she thinks why he has decorated it like this. Adhi comes there and says what is all this? Devi says you didnt do it? he says no, who did it? Devi looks on. Urmi comes there and says I have done it, I understood that this marriage night is what you wanted. Adhi says you think too much, please stop interfering in my life, I respect you but dont force me to insult you. Urmi acts like crying and says its not days for doing good, you romanced with Devi in holi so I thought to make Kesar happy and did this for her but now I am being insulted. Devi hugs her. Urmi thinks that Maasa told me to take off her veil infront of Adhi and I never not followed Maasa, Maasa hides and looks on. Urmi starts tugging on Devi’s veil, it starts slipping, Devi tries to hold it back, Adhi have back to them, Devi pulls it on her face before Adhi turns around. Devi says Urmi come with me, she takes her from there. Urmi leaves. Devi sees Maasa going from there. Devi thinks that they doubt me, I have to end this veil thing.

Kesar is sleeping in Virat’s house, Virat says its good I gave you sleeping pill so now you can rest here and I can prepare for my engagement, he closes door and leaves. Maasa comes there and recalls how she saw Virat saying to Devi that he will handle Kesar. In room, Kesar wakes up and says where I am? Maasa comes inside and says its Virat’s house. Kesar says you? She runs to her. Maasa says you are Heera’s favorite, I will never stop supporting you, I will always be by your side, Kesar gets happy hearing that.

Devi comes to Adhi’s room in veil. Adhi comes there and says Bhabhi, I am sorry about Urmi, she didnt do right. Devi says you said a lot to her in anger. Adhi says I am angry on myself I want to start new life with you, accept you as my wife but.. devi says but? Adhi says but Devi doesnt leave my mind, heart and thoughts, I become weak when she is infront of me. Devi says then you shouldnt think about starting life with me, how can you start life with Kesar when you have Devi in your heart and mind? Adhi gets miffed and leaves from there. Devi looks on. She takes off veil and sits on bed. She says this your love hidden in your anger that is stopping you to start new life with Kesar and I will win any war with this ove.

Scene 3
Maasa says to Kesar that Devi cheated us, I wanted to make you be wife of Adhi but Devi couldnt see your happiness, she thought you are innocent and will follow her anywhere but no. Kesar says but she is married to Adhi now, what can we do? Maasa says you are too innocent, truth is not what happens, truth will be what I tell, dont worry, she gives her phone and says keep it hidden from Virat, Kesar nods, Maasa says till I dont find way to bring you back in Adhi’s life, you will have to stay here but dont worry, I promise you to make your life blessed one. Kesar touches her feet. Maasa says Devi have very less time in palace, she will never return once she leaves palace, I promise you that, she hugs Kesar.

In morning, Maasa is in thoughts and looks around. Courier boy comes and asks for Adhi. Adhi comes there and takes letter from courier man. He is stunned to see it, he sees card of Devi and Virat’s marriage and tears it in anger. Maasa asks what happened? what was it? She takes it and says its wedding invitation? Adhi says its Devi’s wedding card. Maasa says she must be marrying her city friend and even invited you. Adhi is in tears. Maasa says I know your pain, I heard that these city people can make and break relations easily and now we are seeing it, you married your widow sister in law and this Devi? she is marrying her city boy, first she hurt you and now she is probing it, she doesnt have any character, I never thought she will be like this, you cant expect loyalty from her, Adhi leaves in anger. Maasa smirks and says now Adhi will not be trapped by her.

Adhi comes to his room, Devi is there in veil. Adhi starts throwing things, Devi gets tensed. She asks what happened? you are worried? Adhi says Devi is marrying that Virat. Devi thinks what? what is he saying? Adhi says I cant forget her memories and she? she is marrying that city boy, if she wanted to marry him then why she wanted to meet me? why she wanted to say that there is nothing with her and Virat’s relation. Devi says who told you that? Adhi says to provoke my wounds, she sent me wedding invitation, I cant believe it, he leaves in anger. Maasa comes there and says what happened? Devi tries to leave but Maasa stops her and says this veil is not needed, she takes off her veil, Devi gets shocked. Maasa says only you know that marriage thing is not truth but what can you do about it? you have done a lot behind my back but see what I did? just made Adhi doubt your character which you cant break, you can do anything but Adhi will shoot you if he sees your face. She leaves. Devi is tensed and worried.

Adhi is drunk. He sees Devi laughing everywhere around him. She says you can’t forget me ever. He screams. He realizes he was imaging. He drinks more.
Adhi comes to room. He hugs Devi adn says why did she do this. He cries and says why did Devi do this. He sees her face but he is drunk. He says devi.. He says why I see you everywhere. I really love you. You made me a human. Why did you levae me. I really need you. He hugs her. They come close and sleep together.

Devi wakes up next to Adhi. she smiles. Devi caresses his face. She says you made me your wife but when I was posing as Kesar and you were drunk. You will think you spent your night with Kesar. Devi covers her face. Adhi wakes up. he says I am sorry. I didn’t know I was drunk. I thought devi

was with me. Please pardon me. Devi says in heart you thought in your drunk time that it was me. I have to tell you truth.
DEvi comes downstairs. Masa says this day is good. You need to take your ghunghat off. Devi takes her ghughat off and says I have prepared.
Adhi comes. Masa says we will go to temple first I and devi beffore taking her ghunghat off.
devi and Masa go to temple. Masa asks pandit ji to reach house. He leaves. Masa says to Devi have you prepared? Devi says I am Adhi’s wife I will get my right. I don’t give up. Masa says we will see. Masa says your game is over devi. you will be out of Adhi’s life forever. Some thugs kidnap devi. Devi says Masa stop them don’t do this but they take Devi with them.
Devi wakes up in a store. She is locked there. She says Masa did something again. Please help me God. I know you will help me God. An earthquake comes and the door opens. Devi comes out and sees that Masa has Kesar in the hall. Kesar sits in the ghunghat and says don’t be scared. Devi won’t come back. She will be locked there. Adhi is only yours. Kesar is scared. Urmi and Bansuri wonder why Kesar is worried. Kesar says what if Adhi gets to know that there was devi in ghughat all these days then? Urmi and Bansuri hear it. Urmi says it that was so then where was Kesar? And where is Kesar?

Scene 2
Virat comes to Kesar’s room. She isn’t there. he calls Devi. She doesn’t pick. He says where is devi?
Devi runs from the detention. The thugs run after her to look for her. Devi hides behind a gate. Adhi is driviing. He says I should be thinking about Kesar not devi. Devi sees Adhi and says Adhi.. He stops the car and looks in the street. Devi hides.

She tries to call Adhi’s name but thugs are in the same street. Devi comes out. Thug puts hand on her mouth. Adi leaves. Devi hits the thugs with a rod. They run. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.