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Mehek on zee one, Tuesday 30th August 2022 update

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Shaurya sees Mahek’s face from his car’s mirror. He comes out of car and sees caravan, he looks around for Mahek, he sees a woman and looks at her face but its not Mahek. Mahek has brought Neev out of caravan, she says to Neev that you know how I get worried about you, please dont run like this again, she takes him in house before Shaurya can see her.

Mehek Series
Mehek Series

Archie calls doctor and asks if we can find her identity with that information? Doctor says if her bone was joined using plate then it will come in X-ray. Archie thanks him and ends call. Archie’s father asks her how she will get her X-ray, Archie says I have a plan, I have to find out if she is Mahek or her doppelganger, till then she cant be seen infront of anyone.

Shaurya comes to her room and says dont know

if I really saw Mahek or it was my imagination, he recalls how he saw her face through mirror. He looks at her photo and says if I tell this anyone then they will call me mental, Mahek I never forgot you, and I can never.
Neev says to Mahek that you keep scolding me. Mahek says mothers worry about kids. Neev sees Zee TV’s new program. Mahek says girl of this show used to fight for her rights, she wanted to sing but her father was against it but her mother supported her and made her superstar. Neev says she is like you, you saved me from my cruel father, you are best mother, he hugs her.

Karona and Dolly comes back from mandir, Karona says we will go to mandir early from now on. They see Mandhar spitting and brushing teeth in pool. Dolly says I want to scold him so much. Karona says dont argue with this useless person. They leave. Mandhar asks Mahek to give him tea. Banwari says you are not exactly doing any work. Mandhar says my work is to cook, your work is to sing so do your work and let me do mine. Mahek brings tea for him. Neev is in room and playing with ball. his balls falls and goes under door to another room which is locked, that room is filled with Mahek and Shaurya’s pictures. Neev tries to open door but there is lock.

Archie and her father comes to Khanna house. Karona says Shaurya is upstairs. Archie says I want simple wedding but dad wants a good so he brought wedding planners, she introduces wedding planners, and says they want to meet people who are staying here to sing.
Mahek is in veil and at poolside with Mandhar, she gives him wallet. Shaurya is on balcony and sees them. Mandhar sees Shaurya looking towards Mahek, he comes to Mahek and says rules are same for you, you cant roam around like this, Mahek says I didnt ask you to forget your wallet, Mandhar asks her to not say rubbish and go inside, she leaves. Mandhar leaves too. Shaurya is at balcony and sees wedding planners leave, Karona comes there and says they are wedding planners, Shaurya says they are not needed, Karona says its your second wedding but Archie’s first so let her enjoy.

Neev is trying to open door which is locked. Mahek scolds him and says I have told you to study. Neev says my ball went inside that room, I want it. Mahek says you want to get beaten? you have to study, we are not in our house so dont snoop around, Neev nods and leaves. Archie comes there with wedding planners. Banwari says to her that we are not singer of your level but I will show you my instruments. Archie says its smelling good, what are you cooking? Banwari’s wife Julie says we are cooking sweets. Archie says I want to learn how to cook them. Archie sits beside Mahek. Mahek starts teaching her how to cook sweets. Archie sees hot pan which has oil in beside Mahek’s foot, she thinks its right to make my plan work, she moves her foot beside hot oil pan and kicks it, hot oil spills at Mahek’s foot and she screams. Neev sees Archie kicking oil and shouts for Maa. Neev says this woman have done this, she kicked oil pan and burned my mother’s foot. Archie says I didnt do anything, Julie says this kid is a little crazy. Archie says we should take her to hospital. Neev says I wont go anywhere with this bad woman.
Archie makes Mahek sit in her car and starts leaving for hospital. Neev shouts Maa.. he runs behind their car and says I am coming too but Archie drives away. Shaurya and family comes there. Shaurya asks what happened Neev? Neev says that bad woman burned my mom’s foot. Julie comes there and says sorry, my daughter in law’s foot got burned, Archie has taken her to hospital. Shaurya calls Archie. Archie says I am sorry, I am taking Neev’s mother to hospital, Shaurya says but why Neev is saying that you spilled oil on her foot? Archie says why would I do it? I am taking her to hospital. Shaurya hears Mahek’s grunts of pain on call. Archie says I will get her treated, you take care of Neev. She ends call. Neev cries for his mom. Shaurya says calm down, you mom will be fine. neev says I want to go to my mom. Shaurya looks on.

Doctor checks Mahek’s foot. He treats her foot. Mahek recalls flashbacks of lake but its blurred. He does X-ray of her foot as per instruction of Archie. He bandages her burned area. Mahek comes out of room, Banwari asks if she is fine? Archie says I will bring medicines.
Archie comes to doctor and says Mahek’s foot had plate because of accident, if this Vandana is Mahek then her X-ray will show that plate. Doctor says you are my friend so this thing shouldnt come out of this room. She says ofcourse. Doctor gives Archie Mahek’s foot X-ray, she takes it out and there is plate shadow in her foot X-ray, Archie fumes in anger and thinks her foot was joined using plate, it means she is Mahek only.

Archie is shocked to see Xray and says how Vandana can be Mahek?
Neev comes to Shaurya and says he lost his ball and its in room which is locked. Shaurya comes to that room and opens it but before Neev or Julie can see photos of Mahek and Shaurya in room, phone rings, they both goes to pick it up, its Mahek and she asks about Neev, they are busy talking to her on phone so Shaurya goes in room and takes Neev’s ball. Shaurya comes out of room with ball and gives it to Neev, Mahek and Shaurya’s picture falls out of room after he closes door, Shaurya doesnt see it. Neev thanks him, Shaurya smiles and leaves.
Mahek comes to her room, she winces in pain. Neev makes her put her foot on table and gives her medicine, he says dadu said you had to eat it even if its bitter, she

takes it and says okay doctor. Julie comes there and says he was crying but owner of this house, that man kept consoling him, Neev says be brought my ball out of room too, what do you like most? she says Neev, he says I am not a thing. ,,
Mahek says it must be expanive, Julie nods and leaves with Neev asking Mahek to rest.
Archie is dirving rashly in anger, she recalls meeting Mahek now and how she got to know that its real Mahek, she thinks how could be alive? I hit her head and threw her in lake, whose deadbody was found near lake and if she is not Mahek then why she is not speaking up? I have to find out who is who and what she wants.
Mahek wakes up and says room is cleaned everyday but spiders make web everyday. She starts cleaning and brooming room. Mahek finds photo near locked door. She takes it and is shocked to see that its Mahek and Shaurya’s photo, she is shocked to see herself holding hands with Shaurya, she gets dizzry recalling blurry flashbacks. She tries to control herself and thinks how can I be in this photo? if Mandhar finds out then he will think I am wrong, God what is happening. Mahek comes out of room and in garden. She finds Shaurya near car and on call. She looks at photo and then at him, she is suddenly pushed away from there. Shaurya feels something and looks around but doesnt find her. Shaurya thinks why I felt that Mahek called out to me? he gets my call and leaves.
Archie has pulled Mahek away from Shaurya and asks what happened? why she was running? Mahek shows her and Shaurya’s photo and says how can this happen? you must know everything, I never met that Mister before then how I have photo with him? how can I be with him? tell me the truth? Archie is tensed.

Jeevan shouts at Kanta and says I am talking to you, answer me, she ignores him. Jeevan says is this even madness or something else? they are at food truck. Ravi says we can talk at home. Shaurya arrives at his hotel and sees Jeevan and Kanta fighting, he thinks it must be something serious.

Archie cries and says to Mahek that you will be shocked, she asks what? Archie says fate has done joke on us, this is Mahek in photo, its Shaurya’s first wife and she died.
Nehal calls Shaurya. Shaurya asks why Jeevan and Kanta are fighting? Nehal says Mohit is transferring to Delhi from Dubai but Kanta want to shift there, she wants to leave Delhi with family, you stay away from this matter.

Mahek says to Archie that she looks like me. Archie says yes, I was shocked to see you that night at diwali, I wanted to tell you but I was shocked, I was shocked but think what will happen to Shaurya? he will be so shocked. Mahek says is exactly like me. Archie says only face wise, she was ambitious, she used to love cooking food, she won competition, she worked in business and wanted a person like Shaurya, she wanted to grow career, you are totally different from Mahek, you want to be Mandhar’s wife only, you have family and kid and you want to be with them, Mahek was not like you, Mahek has left him, Shaurya cant see you, he will breakdown seeing your face, I am Shaurya’s doctor, Shaurya brokedown after Mahek’s death and he will breakdown again if he sees you.

Shaurya comes to Kanta and says you have made life here, you have worked for years to build family here, you cant leave Delhi and go abroad. Kanta says you dont have any right to say anything, I want to leave this place because I cant see you forgetting Mahek and marrying someone else, I might have small heart but I cant see you building new life with your new wife forgetting Mahek, I cant see it.

Mahek says to Archie that dont worry I wont come infront of that mister(Shaurya), I dont remember much after I had accident one year back so I get jittery but I will be fine soon, I have family that will take care of me. Archie says Mahek left one year back and wounds of whole family will open up if they see your face, Mahek says dont worry, I promise I will never come infront of that mister(Shaurya). Archie smiles.

Shaurya says to Kanta that you wont leave anywhere, this is your city, you have lived here for life, you wont go anywhere so I will leave this city and wont ever comeback, I promise I will pack up my life here and leave in few days and will never comeback, he leaves. Kanta looks on.

Mahek says to Archie that dont worry and just focus on your wedding. Archie says Mahek and you had one thing in common, you both think about others’ happiness before yourself, your heart is very nice, Mahek nods and limps away to her room. Archie glares at her. Archie says for my love, I have act fast again, I have to marry Shaurya very soon and send these people to their village.

Priest says to Karona and family that Shaurya and Archie have to marry in 3 days as there is no good time after that until seven months. Dolly says but how can wedding happen in 3 days? Archie says there must be someway. She pinches Arvind, Arvind gets hint and says we can arrange wedding in 3 days when we have money. Karona says its so early and what about Shaurya?

Shaurya comes there and says I am okay to marry in three days, Archie smirks and thinks this is what I wanted, Shaurya will be mine in three days. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.