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This is Fate on zee world, Sunday 28th August 2022 update

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Sherlin mentions even she is a human and her tongue slipped, Prithvi explains that he lost the last hope to ruin the Luthra’s because of her, the constant coming asks them to talk in a low voice, Sherlin holding his collar says that she also lost everything because of him as now the Luthra’s would throw her out of the house after humiliating her, especially that Preeta she sits down crying when Prithvi exclaims nothing like this would ever happen, she questions how it will not happen when prithvi explains she should herself leave the Luthra house before they can throw her out, she is stunned when he shouts at her advising that she should leave otherwise she will also ruin him, Sherlin reaches the Luthra house, thinking how Prithvi asked her to leave the Luthra house herself before Rishab himself throws her out.

This is Fate Drama Series
This is Fate Drama Series

Rishab is walking with his luggage, Preeta running after him tries to question what has happened, even Rakhi and Karina try to stop him but he doesnot listen to anything even what Dadi tries to say, he walks straight out of the house without even listening to anything, Sherlin standing at the door wonders why did he leave the house, Preeta questions Sherlin saying she would know why he left the house with the luggage, she explains she asked her to see why he was tensed so asks her, Sherlin thinks this means that he has not told anything, Sherlin also replies he did not say anything to him, Preeta explains he only told her their was a problem in the London office and he has to leave, he seemed tensed but did not reveal anything, he left without even waiting for Karan, Sherlin leaves exclaiming that she doesnot know anything. Karina and Rakhi both exclaim this cannot be the case as something really serious has happened in his life, Dadi also mentions he might be facing a really big storm, Sonakshi reveals what if there has really been a serious issue at his London office, so he had to leave.

Sherlin reaches her room where she sees the wardrobe doesnot have any of his clothes, she smiles thinking he has really left but what happened because he should have thrown her out of the house but he himself left, she thinks he might have taken her words seriously because her tongue is really a poison as her words hurt the heart of a person, poor Rishab whose heart was broken that he left the house and did not even see her for a moment, Sherlin thinks now she would not have to act like a good daughter in law, she exclaims her life is sorted, Preeta stands behind the door which shocks Sherlin, Preeta explains she doesnot seem sad like a wife whose husband has left the house, Sherlin questions if Preeta has also become a psychiatrist as she is wrong, she is really sad with what has happened, Preeta asks her to make all the excuses because she is sure something happened between them both otherwise what would be the reason Rishab jee left the house in such a mood without even waiting for Karan, she will wait for him to arrive after which she will ask him to talk with Rishab jee and if they find out she has done anything wrong then will make sure she is removed from their lives.
Sherlin explains she knows it is hard for Preeta to trust her after what happened with them in the past but she has surely changed and now feels like she has really started to love Rishab but was not able to get it, she has not done anything wrong, Preeta leaves when Sherlin in anger exclaims why does Preeta keep coming after her because she feels irritated so someone should come to throw her out of the Luthra Mansion.

Dadi sitting with Rakhi asks her to not worry everything will be sorted, she must believe in Bhagwan, Rakhi replies she also trusts her son as he doesnot do anything without telling them so how did he leave the house, this time he just left after taking his bag after making an excuse that he has some office work but she feels there is something wrong that he left this house like this, she doesnot know what might have happened, she is really worried for her son, Karina asks Sonakshi what happened, she exclaims Rakhi really loves Rishab which can be seen in her eyes but she cannot reveal her love, Dadi replies they know she really loves Pihu but cannot reveal she is her real mother and should know she can shower all her love as they will not stop her, Rakhi ask why is she still crying, Sonakshi apologizes saying Rakhi might not like what she might say but Karina bua will realize it, Dadi asks her to say it clearly, Sonakshi explains Pihu is really young and needs the love of a mother, she cannot reveal her truth but feels Preeta is not able to give her undivided attention to Pihu even after being her mother, she feels Preeta is so pre occupied with the household chores that she is not able to shower her love, they have seen what happened the night of Diwali and also today when she woke up after the thunder, she feels Pihu really needs to take care of Pihu as she needs her the most and they should try to understand her worry as Preeta is not showing her attention, Karina sees Preeta coming so stops her saying that she should focus on taking care of Pihu if she has some spare time, Preeta asks if something has happened, Dadi questions if she would do anything after something happened, Karina warns Preeta to not worry about anyone else as they will take care of everything but if she cannot manage then should inform Sonakshi because she is the real mother of Pihu, Rakhi asks what is she saying but Karina stops her saying she will not say anything, Dadi advises Karina to go and take care of Kritika as she is her first duty while Rakhi should also go and be with Mahesh as he might get tensed after coming to know about Rishab. Dadi standing explains she knows Preeta is a really nice girl who gives everyone her attention but she doesnot care about herself, from now one she will take care of herself as that time would be of Pihu, Preeta asks Sonakshi if anything happened however, she leaves saying she doesnot know anything.

Preeta sees Karan coming so she hugs him, he asks what has happened when she replies she is worried about Rishab, he asks her to not be tensed since he is a mature guy and went to London because of some important meeting, Karan explains he talked with him and Preeta must not worry, Sonakshi thinks she for the first time has made a right decision because everyone believed her, soon she will be in the place of Preeta.

Sherlin goes to meet Prithvi, he apologizes saying he yelled at her without any reason because he knows she has done a lot for him as she got married to his enemy just for his sake, he asks her to hit him as he is feeling sorry, Sherlin exclaims she wants to say something but prithvi mentions he knows about her mother who always scolds her and her boyfriend who has taken her for granted, Prithvi asks if even her mother has thrown her out of the house, Sherlin explains she is still the daughter in law at the Luthra house because Rishab Luthra himself left the Luthra Mansion, Prithvi asks how did she manage to do it, Sherlin explains it was because of her tongue as she said awful things to him even exclaiming he is not man enough, and the best part is that no one knows about their secret.
Prithvi asks if she knows when Mahira ruined her life and she asked him to take his revenge and he had her thrown out of the house but now she must take the revenge of him from the person because of whom he is locked up in this jail, meaning Preeta, Sherlin gets mad.

Prithvi makes Sherlin swear that she will take his revenge, she will make sure Preeta is thrown out of the house and not just that but also the hearts of each and every family member, Sherlin exclaims she would have done this even if he had not said anything, she would make sure Preeta is thrown out of everyone’s life, she exclaims her love for him and he also does the same, Prithvi looks in anger.

Rakhi comes, Karina and Dadi both ask if Mahesh is fine and did she tell the truth, Rakhi replies that she told him the truth by explaining that Rishab has went to his business, Dadi asks if she has revealed the truth, Rakhi replies truth be told she did not had the courage to lie to him so when he went to attend the bathroom, she revealed everything standing on the other side of the door, she feels it is right that he got to know the truth, Preeta comes with the tea, they all sit down when Rakhi explains that her advice worked and she told Mahesh, Preeta replies it is because she knew if he found out by himself then would get really tensed and either way Rishab jee texted Karan, and they were just over thinking as nothing happened, Pihu comes asking Preeta if they can leave, Rakhi hugging her exclaims that she is looking really pretty so where is she going, Dadi calling her applies the tika, when she also asks her to apply it to Kiku however Karina mention that she will do it for her, they ask where is she going when Preeta explains that she is going to her friend’s birthday party, Preeta explains she is also going with her and will come back after dropping her, when the party will end Disha’s mother will call her so she will go to pick her, Karina advises Preeta to go with the driver, Rakhi exclaims that this little girl has completely changed the environment of the house, Sonakshi standing in the balcony thinks she would have to do something big today because she has the same relation even after being scolded. She cannot also trust Sherlin with anything.

Preeta reaches the venue with Pihu so asks her to come out, she hands her the gift, Pihu asks if she can keep it however Preeta replies it is for her friend, Disha’s mother comes out explaining she was waiting for her, Preeta requests her to take good care of Pihu since this is the first time she is going to any party and she must not let her go outside until she arrives, she assures Preeta that Pihu would be fine, they leave to go inside when Preeta calls Pihu to hug her, Disha’s mother assures her nothing wrong will happen as Pihu will be fine, they both then go inside after Pihu waves good bye to Preeta.

Dadi is massaging her knee as she is really suffering with pain, Preeta asks if it is aching, but Dadi assures that it will be fine however Preeta questions why is she not doing her therapy as this is why it is hurting then she advises her to not take any medicine but also wait for her while she will bring the hot water bag which will help her, Preeta leaves when Sonakshi sees the mobile of Preeta and then picking it up she leaves mentioning that now this will help her achieve her plan because when Pihu would not be brought back early she will call the house crying, Sonakshi takes the mobile of Preeta in her room answering the call of Roma who asks her to come and pick Pihu within half an hour as the party has ended, Sonakshi exclaims the technology is for the good use but people like her use it for their own benefit, she blocks the contact of Roma from the mobile of Preeta while saving her contact as Roma and then texts her that the party has ended but the children are enjoying so she can come after one hour, Sherlin seeing her asks what is she doing with the mobile of Preeta, however before Sonakshi can reply Karina calls Sherlin, Sonakshi seeing her immediately leaves.

Karina asks Sherlin where did she go as they were searching for her, Sherlin replies she went to talk with a friend of Rishab jee, as she doesnot know why he left, Karina exclaims she really cares for Rishab while he left without saying anything, she requests Sherlin to stay with her for sometime as she is feeling really tensed.

Sonakshi places the mobile in the room when she turns to leave however is stopped by Dadi who questions what is she doing here, Sonakshi asks that she was going to the kitchen so can she bring the juice for her however Dadi replies she is fine, she then leaves, Preeta brings the hot water bag asking Dadi to massage her knee, Dadi however says that she can do it herself, Preeta replies she will come and check within fifteen minutes, Preeta thinks she can therefore go to give the medicine to Mahesh papa, Dadi agrees, Preeta is walking when Sonakshi wonders why is she not checking her mobile, Preeta entering the room asks Mahesh if he has taken his medicine however he replies he has not because they fell down and before he could pick them up Pihu came, he then started playing with her so left the room, meanwhile Ganesh threw then in the bin, Preeta questions why is he not careful but then suggests that she will bring them on her way back after picking up Pihu from the party, Mahesh goes to attend the bathroom when Preeta sees the message, she thinks of first bringing the medicine.

Sonakshi standing in the hall thinks now her plan would be fulfilled. Roma is with the children and seeing them off as their parents come to pick them up, Pihu sees the car of Preeta however Roma doesnot let her go, Sonakshi calls her as Preeta asking Roma to let Pihu come as she will take her, Pihu is running towards the car but before she can reach the car some people take Pihu in a van, this really worries Sonakshi.

Mahesh sitting with everyone exclaims this is not right as both Rishab and Karan are his son, they should have at least discussed the matter with him but Dadi explains he is thinking too much however Karina also defends her brother mentioning she also believe she is saying the truth, Rakhi comes with the tea when Preeta stops him, he asks why cannot he have the tea she exclaims he can have it but must take the medicine, Mahesh mentions she is a daughter for him so he no longer needs his son, Karina in frustration asks him to never talk like this as Preeta is his daughter in law, Mahesh however replies he had considered her as his daughter even before her marriage, Preeta once again asks him to have the medicine, he requests her to not scold him in front of everyone but Preeta replies who else is here because they are all a family, he is sitting with his mother, sister and wife, she forces him to have the medicine while Dadi is smiling, Sonakshi enters the house and seems really worried, Karan also comes seeing whom Mahesh says that he will talk with him after some time, Karan asks where is Pihu, Preeta replies she has gone to the party of Disha, karan exclaims that it has ended however Preeta says that she will show him the message of Roma which worries Sonakshi, she thinks she has made the biggest mistake of her life as Pihu got kidnapped.

A gangster is waiting for his friend to arrive, Vicky enters greeting them all, he then sits Infront of the computer explaining he will do something that will make sure that their voice is not revealed and also that no one would be able to find them, he wonders where is the girl when their women accomplice brings Pihu mentioning she is still unconscious, he asks Vicky to shoot her which worries everyone, he then reveals he meant take her photos.

Preeta assures she saw the text and will read it to them, karan mentions she might have made a mistake however Preeta is sure she saw it.

Sonakshi thinks she has deleted the message and sent a new one which reads that Preeta should come on time, since she opened it then Preeta cannot find it. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.