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Anupama on starlife, Friday 26th August 2022 update

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Baa gets surprised on seeing herself in the middle of the engagement hall and asks what is this misbehavior? Samar says you are misbehaving while deciding not to attend your grandson’s engagement. Baa says you are mannerless, I don’t want to come. Toshu says that’s why we brought you with the bed. Baa says I will go. Samar jokes that she has to walk through his dead body to go out. Baa says she will play music on his ear. Samar says ok, but don’t go. Toshu and Pakhi ask her not to go.

anupama series
anupama series

Baa asks Anupama if she has done this. Anupama says no, I just gave an idea. Dolly says yes. Baa asks them to give her a chance to get ready for her grandson’s engagement. Dolly says we have done all the arrangements. Later Baa comes ready to the engagement. Nandini says nobody will see me now. Baa jokes that Samar couldn’t keep his eye off her. Nandini feels shy. Pakhi tells that they are playing the shy game. Anupama tells baa that her anger is sweet too, atleast she came for Samar and Nandini. Kavya says everything is fine. Vanraj says if others had come then it would be good. Toshu teases Samar. Baa says the first ring puja will be done and then dance. Advaith comes there and says I got late. Baa says it’s ok, you might take much time to wash your hair. Advaith tells that he came due to fear. Anupama goes and talks to him. Kavya asks Vanraj if he is jealous. Vanraj looks at them and says why will I? He goes and greets Adi. Kavya says men will be men.

Anupama tells that I saw on TV that when someone engagements happen, they beat the spoon on the glass and say something. Baa asks her to start her lecture. Anupama tells that she has given lengthy lectures, but will say a small thing today. She tells poetry and says she sat all night and wrote. She asks Samar and Nandini not to forget that they are in love, but not to forget that they are in the family, family becomes the shore when there is a problem in love. She says Kanha ji stays in true love and the love blossoms when you have trust in your life partner. She says life partner is all the family and not just one. Nandini thinks of her conversation with Samar and insisting him to tell his family what he read in her diary. Samar replying her that they can’t give stress to mummy. She gets up thinking about it. Anupama asks Vanraj to say something. Vanraj blesses Nandini and Samar for their new beginning. Anupama begins dancing while the song plays. Pakhi says he heard music playing in mummy’s house, she was practicing Anupama dances with everyone. She then dances with Vanraj, Samar and Pakhi. Banno song plays.

Adi captures the dance moments in his mobile. Kavya joins everyone. Advaith compliments Anupama for her dance. Anupama says she can dance all day. Nandini tells Samar that she is very stressed and insists to tell Anupama atleast. Samar asks her to understand Anupama’s happiness. Toshu and Pakhi begin dancing. Samar joins them and dances. Dil da maamla plays. Anupama drags Adi to dance. Adi dances. Nandini feels bad about hiding truth from them. She takes Anupama to side. Anupama asks what happened? Nandini says I want to tell you something, tells about her secret which she should have told them before. Anupama asks her to tell. Nandini says Samar knows about it. She says we wanted to tell you, but kept silent due to your illness and then divorce. Anupama asks her to tell what is bothering her. Nandini takes her outside. Anupama asks her to say.

Nandini tells that I can’t become what you are, neither I can become Anupama nor I can become a mother. Everyone is still dancing inside. Nandini tells that when she was in US, she met with an accident while saving a small girl. The car skid and the steering ring get inside her stomach, doctors had to do her surgery in emergency and take out her uterus, tells that she can’t become a mother. Anupama is shocked. Nandini says she always wanted to tell her, but was silent due to her illness and relation. She says whatever you decide, we will agree. She asks will you make me as your bahu even now, knowing that I can’t become a mother. Baa overhears their conversation and walks inside upset. Nandini says sorry to Anupama and asks her to say something. Anupama asks her to be quiet. Baa walks inside and sees Vanraj feeding sweets to Samar. Pakhi asks Baa to come and have sweets. Samar tries to make her eat sweets, but Baa throws the sweets down. Vanraj asks if everything is fine. Baa tells that nothing is fine, his mother has hidden a big fact from us, that his would be wife Nandini can’t become a mother. Kavya asks what? Baa says you are her Maasi, you must have known.

Anupama asks Nandini if she has written her own destiny and asks why is she blaming herself. She asks her to tell truth to everyone. Nandini is fearful. Anupama asks her not to be scared. Kavya tells that she knows about her Didi and Nandini’s accident but didn’t know about this and swears on Vanraj. Baa threatens to slap her. Samar says Kavya is saying right. Kavya says I really don’t know and feels pity on Nandini. Baa asks why your Nandini wantsto make us helpless. Vanraj says how dare Anupama to hide from us. Samar tells that Mummy wasn’t aware of it, Nandini might have told now. Vanraj asks him to mind his tongue and stop defending his mother. Anupama comes there with Nandini and asks him to control his anger.

Anupama supports Nanini. Kavya asks Nandini how can she hide such a big issue. Anu says nobody will question Nandini. Vanraj says she is right, she should be questioned, Ms Anupama not Shah anymore; asks why didn’t she inform them such a big issue. Baa and Dolly back him. Anu says even stopped clock shows right time twice a day, but she is always wrong for Vanraj; she didn’t know that Nandini cannot become a mother, but now she knows as Nandini informed her; Nandindi could have hidden it, but she did right by informing it before marriage. Baa yells she means Nandini is right and they are wrong. Anu says she didn’t mean Baa is wrong. Baa asks if she should perform Nandini’s aarti then. Anu says its not a small issue or small pain, Mr Shah is always unable to understand other’s pain, but as a woman, she, Baa, and Dolly can understand Nandini’s pain; they re all angry on Nandini and Samar, but she is proud of them as Nandini didn’t hide the truth and Samar didn’t leave her after finding the truth; she is proud of Samar’s upbringing and if Vanraj is not, he should as his so called incompetent son has grown so big that he has to raise his neck in proud; Vanraj cannot understand a woman’s pain like always. Vanraj says its a question of hiding truth, he accepted Nandini and Samar’s alliance even after knowing Nandini is elder than Samar. Baa reacts hearing that. Anu says they cannot change the fact. Baa yells that with her repeated dialogue, she has ruined their family and now wants to bring such a bahu now; even if Samar or Anu doesn’t mind, she minds. Anu asks why. Baa says Anu divorced and washed off her hands, but she wants to become a great grandmother and is worried about proliferating her family. Anu asks if family’s proliferation is important or children’s happiness. Vanraj shouts if she is out of her mind, kids don’t want the importance of children, but when they grow up like him, her, and Baa, they will realize how important children are. Anu says there are many couples in the world who don’t want children. He says we are talking about us. She says we are talking about our son. He says Samar is a kid and will later realize that he is wrong. Anu says there is nothing wrong in it and they can even adopt a child. Baa says one becomes a mother by giving birth and not adoption. Anu says one doesn’t become a mother by giving birth or adoption, but by heart and mother is one who has motherhood in her heart. Baa says there won’t be Nandini’s own children. Anu says Kanhaji was not Yashoda maiya’s own child. Vanraj they were god, but we are humans who need to proliferate.

Nandini asks Vanraj not to fight with Anu because of her. Samar asks what is wrong if Nandini cannot become a mother, what if the accident would have happened after marriage, why are they making such a big issue for children. Nandini asks Kavya why she is not supporting her while she decided not to have a baby, if she doesn’t want to support her niece to be in Vanraj and Baa’s good books. Kavya tries to justify. Nandini says its pointless to expect anything from her as she is Kavya and not Anupama who stands for others and is not selfish like Kavya. Baa says aunt and niece can fight later, they should talk about this issue now. Samar asks what is Bapuji’s father’s name. Baa replies. He asks his grandfather’s name. Baa replies. He asks his great grandfather’s name. Baa asks if he is mad, how can she remember. He says she doesn’t know whose family wants to proliferate. Vanraj shouts Samar.

Advaith asks them to relax and says he knows he should interfere between their family, but he wants to say that with advanced medical treatment, Nandini and Samar can become parents, so this time is to enjoy and not fight. Vanraj warns him not to interfere in his family issues. Advaith apologizes and leaves. Samar confronts him that he should have respected at least Dr. Adi. Vanraj shouts just shut up. Toshu asks Vanraj to calm down and Samar to keep silent. Samar asks how can he as he hasn’t taken up a responsibility of family’s proliferation, he is still 22 years old and and is discussing about children as if his child will made a difference in the country’s huge population. Toshu shouts what did he explain him in room. Vanraj shouts why will he understand. Anu asks why is he stretching the issue, he always thinks he is right and others wrong. Vanraj shouts she and her son are wrong. Baa shouts to stop and throws engagement ring and shagun coin thali in front of Anu and says whatever Anu says Nandini cannot become her family’s bahu and this engagement and alliance are canceled as Nandini cannot become a mother. Vanraj say its even his decision and if Samar wants to become a hero and elope and marry like his brother, he will not step in this house and if he marries Nandini, his relationship will end with his family and he would be only Anu’s son. Baa shouts this issue ends here.

Anu picks engagement ring and shagun coin and says this issue will not end like this. Baa asks if she will disobey her. Vanraj says Baa’s words are final. Anu says being a mother, she cannot reject other’s daughter just because she cannot become a mother; if that was the case, world would have remembered Devaki maa and not Yashoda maiya like her son’s family proliferation is important for Baa, her son’s happiness is important to her and hence according to her, this engagement should happen. Vanraj says always her decision will not work and as a father, he will not accept this engangement. Baa says her son’s decision matters to her and not outsider’s. Baa is hurt hearing that while Kavya smirks. Baa says she should remember that she is just Anupama and not a Shah, so she doesn’t have any right to interfere in their issues. Vanraj shouts Baa is right, Anu is not a Shah anymore, but Samar is still a Shah. Anu says now she realized why a woman is afraid of divorce in their society, she is afraid of a change post divorce as not only her relationship but her bonding also ends, she also loses a right on her children; she lived a good mother, good wife, good bahu’s life for 25 years and now within 25 hours of divorce, she is shown her place; anyways its a question of her children and she requests not to vent out their anger on her children, they should take a decision carefully as it will ruin children’s lives. Baa says even her whole day’s lecture will not change her decision. Vanraj says even his.

Anu asks what about Kavya. Kavya says Baa is elder and let her decide. Nandini says nobody has to decide anything, if they don’t want this engagement, then it will not; even if she is married to Samar, her relationship would be with whole family and she needs elder’s love and blessings; she wants to follow each relationship and cannot go against their happiness. She apologizes Anu and Samar. Samar says even he doesn’t want to, he wants to engagement with family’s approval or else no. Anu says she is proud of her children; they can end their relationship but not love and Mr Shah knows well about it. Vanraj smirks and says she left her husband and house, bud didn’t stop her drama. He asks Samar if he wants to stay with his mother or family.

Samar says his family is wherever his mummy is. Vanraj says this function and drama ends here and walks away with his family. Anu apologizes Samar and Nandini for the drama today and promises that their engagement will happen with family’s approval. They both hug her emotionally. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.