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Meet in love zee world, Monday 15th August 2022 update

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Meet Ahlawat with Meet at pani puri stall. Meet Ahlawat says now this made with mineral water, hygiene and tasty and give to Meet says you should not compromise with health. Meet says one more and if you will love to compromise with Babita’s fashion show. Meet Ahlawat says let’s concentrate on eating then we will talk later. Meet says why did you ask Kavya for not doing fashion show tell me.

Meet in love zee world Series
Meet in love zee world Series

Meet Ahlawat thinks whatever I’m doing is for our relation and says what kind of question is this, say it that you are not liking I’m going with Manushi and I’ll tell my mom I cannot do fashion show because my wife has some doubts. Meet says why are you getting angry I don’t want you to leave fashion show. Meet Ahlawat says let it be you spoiled my mood and leave in auto. Meet says what happen to him.

Sunaina walks in Raj room. See Raj and Manushi in room already. Sunaina sit beside Raj says lawyer named Kushl has send a notice at our address did you ask him to send. Masum thinks dad is talking about the notice which I asked him to wrote that Sunaina need share in property. Raj says to Sunaina please answer me. Sunaina says yes I asked him to send notice. Raj says but why, why are you involving someone from outside, we can talk in person. Sunaina says there are some people in house who don’t understand anything that’s I took step of legal notice.

Manushi says if I get Meet Ahlawat then I’ll get money also with him which could be atleast 15-20 crore so instead on focusing on 1 crore I should target Meet Ahlawat and should one the competition of wife number one and see Meet Ahlawat coming out of auto and Meet on bike. Meet try to get inside but Manushi stops her says did you ruined your rose day, I saw you going with him on bike but returning alone, I’m sure you must have spoiled his romantic mood, you cannot keep him happy. Meet says I’m not the same sister who use to give things when you cry, now I’m a wife who will go to any stage to shave her relation, you didn’t change you are still greedy who don’t deserve a guy like Meet Ahlawat and one more thing you can try your best but remember one thing my husband will be mine forever, when I’ll open about your fast then everything will be ruin for you.

Raj says to Sunaina you must have talked to me first don’t you trust me. Sunaina says I trust you but till when I can wait for your support and trouble you. Masum says to Sunaina how much more you want to trouble our family and Dad. Sunaina says I don’t want to trouble anyone it’s all for self respect of me and my husband Tej. Masum says to Raj did you listen whats she is saying and says to Sunaina now go from here me and Dad want to talk about business. Sunaina try to say but Raj stops her and says Masum is right and she leave. Masum says to Raj I know you are hurt but you cannot keep quiet you have to answer her. Raj says yes we have to answer her but nobody should know about this. Masum says don’t worry.

Manushi remember what Meet said to her. Meet Ahlawat on phone says our Bunty is back from US then we will meet at his house only, what couple pairing but my wife is busy these days, I’m not giving any excuses okay I’ll bring her with me. Manushi help her to put on dress and says your mood is off can I do anything for you. Meet Ahlawat says no thankyou. Manushi says if you nees any help let me know I’ll feel good.

Raj in room remember what Sunaina said to her. Babita goes to room says check my designs they all are going to trend this time tell me how they look. Sunaina walks in says to Raj have your medicine it’s time here take it. Raj says thanks for reminding but I already had. Sunaina says but it’s me who give you medicine. Raj says that’s why I had already and till when I’ll keep troubling you, I have put reminder in phone you can go. Babita says what happen Raj you never talked to anyone like this is everything okay. Raj says yes, bring all the jewellery which we made and her in law’s send her from bank locker. Babita says why what happen. Raj says please do as I say, you only said a mother can go to any extent for his child’s happiness, so consider that it’s father turn now.

Meet walks in her room and ask Meet Ahlawat are you going out. Meet Ahlawat ignore her so she touches her haid. Meet Ahlawat shouts at her says what are you doing. Meet says what happen to you, angry on me since morning, I just said about Kavya. Meet Ahlawat says I’m not interested, I’m going out, I’ll be late while coming back. Meet says atleast tell where you are going. Meet Ahlawat says we married, I don’t have to ask for permission for everything why do I have to answer everything and stop acting like doubtful wife, if you have many doubts then use that energy into something creative so that you keep yourself busy from all nonsense and leaves. He seeing her from outside the door and thinks I’m sorry for the way I’m behaving you only then Manushi will feel overconfident and do any blunder while doing sit-ups outside. Meet says don’t know what happen to him I just asked him why did he stop Kavya from doing fashion show, if he did not do it can say no to me but what’s Kavya motive in taking Meet Ahlawat’s name, I cannot understand what’s the game and she hear the ringtone if Mee5 Ahlawat’s says says he left his phone here.

Meet Ahlawat and Manushi in car. Manushi thinks I think so I’m dreaming he is introducing me as her wife infront of his friends. Meet Ahlawat says to her you are looking pretty today. Manushi says thanks and thinks finally my magic is working on you and says to him why did you bring your dad’s car. Meet Ahlawat says yes because my car went for repair and this car matches your standard, you deserve better and thinks on Meet will sit in front seat of my car not you Manushi. He says to her I always feel like trapped but now it feels kike I’m free and lite, we know I’m married and lying but are we doing something wrong. Manushi says relax it’s okay to lie sometimes because at that time we are more honest about our feelings so relax don’t take stress, you must have heard when you are happy you can make everyone happy. Meet Ahlawat thinks I have to bring you in confidence so that you start thinking I still love you. Manushi start doing makeup. Meet Ahlawat see her and take a sharp turn says I’m so sorry Manushi brekar came suddenly are you fine did you hurt. Manushi says relax I’m fine. Meet Ahlawat get’s phone says Meet is calling and put it on speaker. Meet says you took my phone by mistake so come back and take your phone, your friend is calling. Meet Ahlawat says okay I’ll come back you can give my phone and disconnects. Meet Ahlawat says to her I have to get my phone because my friends are calling and if some told that you are coming with me instead of my wife then it will be a big issue, how I’ll take you home. Manushi says don’t worry I’ll wait for you over here. Meet Ahlawat says are you sure. Manushi says yes and he drops her and leave.

Meet Ahlawat outside. Meet come out and sit in car thinks I can smell ladies perfume. Meet Ahlawat says here is your phone now give mine. Meet says if you want your then you have to give fees for that, you have smile and leave. Meet Ahlawat try to snatch his phone, Meet resist and see lipbalm thinks first I smell ladies perfume and now lipbalm this means some girl was sitting with him.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat on car, Meet smells ladies perfume, and lipstick. Manushi says oh I forgot my lipgloss on car and calls Babita and says my lip gloss fell in car please take care that Meet doesn’t see, Babita says I will manage.

Meet Ahlawat says I will be back, Meet shows him lipstick and says whenever you feel you want her, tell ke without hesitation and I will leave you happily for your happiness, Babita hears them talk, Meet says to Meet Ahlawat, make sure the girl keeps your family happy too along with your family. Meet Ahlawat thinks this is what I want to show Mom that you are my happiness and end this game.

Babita walks to them and says you two here and my gloss is here, I was looking for it everywhere and Meet please keep it on my dressing table, Meet says okay and leaves. Meet Ahlawat stops Babita and says Meet always thinks about us and you still think she has tricked us. Babita says I never said Meet is bad, she is selfish and Manushi is good at heart, and best for you and looks after our family too, she got Tej back and she is your first love, and good you thought of giving her a chance, now go she is waiting for you.
Meey Ahlawat says I cant hurt Meet but to show Manushi’s true face I have to do this.

Doctor tells Amma, Anubha is fine and Meet Ahlawat is taking care of fees don’t worry. Meet sees Dadi, Dadi looks at her and thinks I hope she hasn’t heart, doctor leaves. Meet asks why is he here, are you fine. Dadi says your mother in unwell. Meet starts making juice.
Anubha walks out and asks Meet what are you doing here, Meet says here is your juice have it, Anubha says I saw you I am fine. Meet says come let me give you massage, Anubha says forget that is all good between you and Meet Ahlawat, Meet tells her about gloss incident and says I shouldn’t have doubt him, I have trust on him but when I said I will leave, I felt so bad like what will I do if he asks me to leave, I didn’t do it on purpose trust me, Anubha starts laughing and says this is because you are in love and you have accepted him and so the thought if losing him scares you.

Meet walking on street thinking about Anubha saying that Meet loves Meet Ahlawat, says his happiness is mine, and sadness hurts me most, and may be this is love. Meet says mummy you are right, Meet Ahlawat is my life and I love him. Meet imagines Meet Ahlawat everywhere, she imagines him vegetable seller, then in a car and walking to her and give her boquet, and dancing with him.
Lakhan and Ram see Meet very happy and dancing, ask her what is it, why is she so happy, Meet says I am in love with Meet Ahlawat.

Meet walks in and sees Meet Ahlawat and thinks she is imagining again and pulls his cheeks, and realises he is present, Meet Ahlawat asks what was this and where are you going, Meet imagines Anubha walk to her and say tell him you are in love, you have gone mad in his love, Meet makes stupid excuses in front of Meet Ahlawat, Meet Ahlawat says I. already having an head ache and you talking nonsense and leaves.

Meet walks to Meet Ahlawat with tea, Meet Ahlawat says tea now, Meet says I promised you, you will always get tea whenever you need it, Meet Ahlawat says I don’t feel like, Meet says please, Meet Ahlawat takes a sip and feels better, Meet massages his head, while he has tea and apologises, Meet Ahlawat asks why, Meet says I doubted on you seeing lip gloss, but it was Babita Aunty’s, I shouldn’t have done this and have faith that you will never do wrong. Meet Ahlawat says if there was really a girl, Meet says you so funny, and I have trust, you will never do anything wrong with me and no one can break this trust.

Meet thinks and I will also bring Manushi’s true colours. Meet Ahlawat thinks because of your trust, I can now bring Manushi’s true colours out and you get the love you deserve. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.