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I do on zee world, Saturday 13th August 2022 update

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Sanam washes her face while the other two are busy. The new bride again asks the airhostess for the shopping locales, and shashi gets frustrated and walks out without responding. The new bride is angry at her, but doesnt say anything. As sanam wipes her face, the new bride senses something and turns around, but her face is covered then, and she goes back to her work. sanam meanwhile draws the veil back. The new bride leaves.

I do Series
I do Series

Outside ahil and shaad exchange greetings and then they begin to go. Ahil begins to go, when shaad asks about his wife, and he makes an excuse that she knows where is he going. Hwe asks shaad to tell her anyways when she comes out. He complies. The new bride comes out and begins to search for ahil. Shaad is busy in his own stuff, and she walks past, before he gets a chance to tell her.

Shashi comes back inside to escape the guards, and finds sanam in a veil and doesnt identify her. She is relieved.

The official meanwhile nabs ahil for having two tickets suspiciously. ahil clarifies and gives an excuse. before he can continue his interrogation, the officer gets info from his subordinate, that ahil’s alibi checks out, and that the other woman who they were doubting, is actually shashi, and also she has a bomb laden jacket, meant as a terrorist attempt. Ahil leaves, while he immediately gets to arranging the bomb squad, who rush to the washroom, to search for bombs. Meanwhile, Shaad gets in touch with indian officials. they tell shaad that she is here in an airhostess uniform, and wonder how to find her. Shaad says that we have to. Meanwhile, shashi takes off her coat and stealthily begins to move ahead. She is tensed to see the heightened security. Shaad then asks everyone to calm down. He asks them to block all exits rightaway. shashi spots shaad and others increasing secutiry and gets irritated.

When the new bride finds ahil, he desperately and nervously tries to give a clarification, while she smiels. She says that she forgives him, as she is very happy right now. he too smiles back. They notice the commotion and security check. She asks him to let be and takes him in the footwear shop. he is tensed wondering why is god testing him so much.

Scene 2:
Location: Footwear shop
The new bride is excited to see shoes, and then hollers for ahil, asking him if he wont come to his own sanam. meanwhile, sanam actually hears this and is boggled by a distant memory, of her time with him. She turns around in the direction of the door, and ahil walks in just then. While sanam gets busy with the helpers, the new bride stops ahil to get a particular shoe in a different size. While sanam is going through footwear in a shop, ahil comes and places his hand on the very piece that she has chosen too. He eyes her, through the burqa, while she too eyes him quizzically. He aplogises and asks her to take it if she needs it. She nods in a no. he leaves. Ahil comes back with a pair, and she says that its the wrong shoe size, which is actually sanam’s shoe size, and reprimands him that sanam is gone and in the past, and asks him to let sanam go from his heart and mind, or else. he asks what. she asks him to get the proper size rightaway and glares at him. he silently complies. he goes back and again aplogises to sanam for having taken her shoes, and says that they belonged to his sanam, and then gives it back to her. She takes it from his hands and thanks him. he turns around, but again instinctively feels something in the touch of the hands which received the shoes, and is boggled. He turns around, but she turns her face away just then.

Ahil instinctively turns around, but saanam turns away just then. he walks past. She eyes him tensedly. Shashi eyes shaad and wonders how did he reach here. the security personels ask the people to hurry up and streamline themselves. Sanam walks past in the veil too. the new bride meanwhile is eyeing the shoes. Shashi comes and puts the bomb laden jacket in one of the packets. The shopowner asks them to hurry and evacuate the campus, as there are rumous of a bomb floating around. He hands the new bride those packets, which contain the bomb too. She moves out. Ahil too waits in line. sanam comes past him, and stands in the adjacent line. he sees her and again greets her nicely, and she is tensed. They both turn to see a baby, crying, and their hands meet and old sparks revive, as they eye each other weirdly. The mother meanwhile comes and takes the baby away, leaving them alone. They both then get back to their lines. Shashi stealthily makes her escape, but a security lady guard follows her. She hides herself, and then tranquilizes the guard, and exchanges dresses with her. In the queue, the new bride asks ahil to come and join her, while he says that he shall wait by the other side of the gate. she complies. shashi too comes with the guard dressed as an airhostess in a wheelchair, while she is disguised as a security personnel. She eyes the new bride handling the bomb laden jacket, and is tensed. shashi gets clearance, but is tensed as the indian security official stops her along with shaad. She is shocked. Meanwhile, the bomb detector sets off the alarm, as it grazes past the new bride’s packet. he calls other guards too. the new bride is tensed. Shaad finds jannat in one of the lines. shashi is amused and smiles. the officials ask the new bride to come with them, for some interrogation. she is tensed and scared and asks ahil to wait for her, right here, while she just returns. they take her away.

meanwhile, the announcement for boarding of flights to Paris and Dharamshala at different terminals. he proceeds towards the dharamshala terminus, wherein ahead of him, walks sanam along with shaad.
Scene 2:
Location: Ahil’s residence
The new bride is furious that ahil left without her, and how she was embaraassed and mortified in front of everyone. latif points out that razaak also isntg seen, and they get into a rant, while the new bride asks them to shut up. Gazalla tries to soothe down the new bride who is visibly upset, that ahil is nowhere nor his phone is reachable. She says that she doesnt understand how ahil ran away like this, as she is a magician after all. she gets angry and says that she isnt. Gazalla asks her to try it once more, as maybe the phone is on now. the new bride is shocked and enraged.

Ahil gets the new bride’s phone, whi calls him insistently, and he cancels it, and throws the phone away, in the hills of dharamshala. the taxi fella with him, asks why he threw the expensive phone, and ahil responds that it wasnt a phone but someone’s life trapped in it, and he didnt need it. The punjabi fella tells him that he knows the perfect place to find rest and peace of mind, and ahil has come to the exact right place. Meanwhile, the new bride thinks that she wont lament and ahil is mistaken if he thinks that she shall, and instead she shall spend away all of ahil’s money, while he is on the run from her. she then calls saif, and lures him seductively into coming over, for a dinner outside. saif is reluctant andf angry at her, but tensedly complies nevertheless.

Saif arrives and finds a gift, an expensive Rolex watch, along with a letter, saying that these gifts shall trail his way to her room, and she wants him to discard one piece of clothing with every gift, so that when he meets her, he is just the way she wants him to be. He finds a limited edition French perfume next, then a nother gift. when he reaches her, he is in a vest, and romanticises her with poetry. she says that she has one last gift and asks him to open his hand. She presents him with a key of his new imported car. He hugs her overwhelmingly. she then closes the door, and asks if he remembers the rules of the game. She then comes close to him, and throws him on the bed, as they eye each other luringly. Just then, the doorbell rings, and when it does insistently, she begins to leave, saying that she would be back in a minute. She leaves. He eyes her evilly.

Scene 2:
Location: Hotel, Dharamshala
Shaad and sanam check in a hotel, and as they proceed towards their room, ahil checkes in just then, along with the punjabi fella. he looks around, and he too is given the same traditional drink, that sanam and shaad were offered. Obliviously, he places his glass right next to sanam’s glass. He is about to fill the details, when he thinks that he cant give his real name. he then fills out a fake name, Sahil Qureshi. He takes a sip, from sanam’s glass accidentally. Its pointed out that its someone else’s glass. The punjabi fella says that its a ritual, that if the same two people drink from one glass, they get married. But ahil wards it away saying that he already is, and the manager says that the lady too was. he then asks the attendant, to take ahil to the adjacent room. He pauses for a moment, and then walks in, just when sanam too walks out instinctively. She too eyes the adjacent ahil’s room, and is curious to see who is there, but isnt able to see him, as the attendant stands in the way. Then before she can see further, shaad comes and asks why is she standing outside, and then takes her in. Ahil meanwhile closes the door. she tells shaad that she feels her past is around her in the present, and that someone close to her is very near to her. Ghe gets tensed, and then says that when one is restless for their loved ones, they start hallucinating, but they have to be real, and the reality is him. he asks her not to think much. She says that she is okay, and then expreses the request to go to the market. he asks her to change and then they shall leave. She complies, but is still tensed.

Scene 3:
Location: Dharamshala market
Sanam chooses a black scarf for him, but he says that he has many of those. they move onto another section. As sanam walks around in the shop, ahil enters too just then.

At a souk, sanam and ahil are oblivious of the other’s presence, while ahil is picking up the exact same scarf to her liking. he is boggled instinctively. Sanam meanwhile is boggled too. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.