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This is Fate on zee world, Friday 12th August 2022 update

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Rishab explains he is innocent so will come it, it is just a formality which they have to fulfil and now he will come back, Rishab assures there is nothing to be worried about, Rishab calls Sameer asking him to take care of everyone as Karan will get frustrated and take his decisions in anger, Mahesh sits down holding his chest, they all rush to him and try to calm him down, Karan leaves in anger when Mahesh asks Preeta to go after him as he left in anger so might do something wrong.

This is Fate Drama Series
This is Fate Drama Series

Preeta stops Karan questioning where is he going, he explains he is going to the police station, Preeta asks what is he doing because the court is closed for two days and they might not be able to do anything, Preeta explains she has a plan and they will go to the hospital to find out the truth, she says that she has a plan.

Karan and Preeta enter the hospital, she asks him to not be angry and remain calm otherwise he would ruin everything, Karan in anger says that he will beat the person after he comes out of the jail and not now, Preeta requests him to not do anything of the sort as they are just going to talk with Sundeep to find the reason why he filed the case, Karan smiles saying they would question him to find out what kind of a person he is, Preeta requests him to control his anger otherwise he would make the matters worse, Karan agrees, she immediately pulls him behind the pillar, Karan smiling asks if this is her way to stop him then he doesnot have any problem, Preeta requests Karan to remove any such thoughts which he has because if she had to stop him then she would never have chosen this way, she brought him to the side because the police is standing outside the room, Karan goes out to see the police, Preeta once again pulls him asking if he saw, Karan says that they are not thieves and he has not even done anything wrong, Preeta explains they will not go and only she will be the one, Karan questions why can only she go inside when Preeta explains that it is because she is the doctor and if is stopped then can show them the license, Karan agrees saying he will take care of the outside matters while she can go in the room, Preeta agrees explaining she will go and change in the doctor scrubs, Prithvi tries to enter the room wearing the scrubs when he is stopped by the constable who tries to stop him saying he is not allowed, Prithvi asks then who would save the patient, explaining that he is in critical condition and if is not given the proper treatment in time then it might get difficult for them all, the constable allows Prithvi to go inside.

Karan receives a call from Sameer who explains that Mahesh has gotten ill, Karan advises him to call the doctor and leaves in panic.
Preeta tries to enter the room when she is stopped by the constable, Preeta questions then who would treat the patient, he explains a doctor already went inside, Preeta smiling menntions he would be her junior.

Prithvi goes to Sundeep and tries to act as if he is checking his pulse, Sundeep greets him when Prithvi takes off the mask, Sundeep gets worried seeing him but Prithvi asks him to stay quiet and questions how would he feel if someone gives him twenty lac rupees as then he would not need any medicine, Prithvi explains he desired toi get ten lacs from Rishab but he will give him twenty lacs however there is a condition Sundeep would only do what he desires, Prithvi hears someone talking from the outside so he immediately hides.

Preeta entering the room is shocked to see that the room is empty even when the constable said that someone was treating him, Preeta greets Sundeep asking how is he, Sundeep explains that there was no one inside, Preeta wonders then why did the constable say there was someone treating him, Preeta explains she is a doctor but not assigned to him and her name is Preeta Luthra, Sundeep starts screaming calling the constable but Preeta explains that she is trying to talk something that will benefit him, Sundeep sends the constable away, Preeta tries to explain that Rishab might not have intended to harm him, Sundeep explains then why did he hit him, Preeta assures it might be an accident, Preeta then questions what if she gives him fifty lacs, Prithvi gets worried hearing that she has offered him fifty lacs, he thinks it is the last chance.

Preeta walks out of the cabin, she calls Karan explaining how she talked with Sundeep and seeing his reaction it seems if they offer him money then he would take back his complaint, Karan thanks Preeta but she says that it is not the end as she just thinks but now a nurse came so she was forced to come out but she will go back in, Karan explains how he called Shristhi and she will arrive soon.
Prithvi wonders why the nurse has not left, he sees the opportunity and threatens Sundeep saying if he accepts the proposal of Preeta, he will kill him, Sundeep gets scared.

Shristhi mentions this is really great as now everything would be sorted, the nurse comes out when Preeta says now she will go back in, Shristhi asks if she can also come but Preeta stops her saying that she will go alone, Preeta goes to Sundeep, but he warns Preeta to not come back as he got in the accident and if she tries to offer him money then he will file another case.
The entire Luthra family is sitting in the hall when Kritika brings some food, she requests Nani to have something to eat but she refuses saying she will not have anything until Rishab comes back, Karan comes down the stairs, Rakhi asks about the health of Mahesh, karan mentions he is stable but not well, Sameer comes explaining that he got all the medicine except one, karan advises him to go and tell the doctor, Rakhi questions Karan of how he felt when Preeta was questioning Sundeep, does he think that he would accept the money. Sherlin standing thinks while she was practicing to act, she got the call of Prithvi, and he mentioned how he has made sure that Rishab would not be able to get the bail and will rot in the jail. Sherlin thinks this will not happen because if Prithvi said it then he would have done something.

Preeta enters the house with Shristhi, Sherlin thinks this is the chance so immediately goes out calling to Rishab, she then rushes to Preeta questioning why she not brought back Rishab even when she promised, she asks if Preeta has seen how everyone is feeling, why did she make such promises which she was not able to fulfil, Shristhi stops her saying that she is talking as if Preeta filed the complaint against Rishab, Sherlin apologizes saying she is not able to think clearly ever since Rishab went to jail, she sits down crying, Karina comes to help her.

Preeta goes to sit beside Dadi asking why she is not having any of her medicine, Dadi replies she will not eat anything until Rishab comes back, Preeta asks her to wonder how hurt Rishab jee would get when he comes to know she is not having the medicine because of him, Dadi replies even she feels hurt and starts weeping, Preeta wiping off her tears assures that she will be the one to bring back Rishab jee.

Preeta assures Dadi there is no need to take the medicine but she is sure that Rishab jee would come back very soon as she herself will bring her but after he will return the firs thing for which she will complain about is that Dadi did not take her medicines while he was gone, Dadi agrees to take the medicine asking Preeta to not blackmail her emotionally, Sherlin is crying when Karina asks her to go to her room and rest, Kritika also asks Dadi and Rakhi to go and rest.

Prithvi is about to enter when he sees Karan and Preeta in the hall, Preeta assures that she will do whatever she can to free Rishab jee, Karan assures he is with her but Shrishti mentions he is wrong as they all are with them, Sameer along with Shristhi hug them both, Prithvi exclaims they are wrong because he is not with them and it would be difficult to make them realize that the fight which they are fighting against him, they will always lose.

Rishab is sitting in the cell when the constable comes saying that his mother came to meet him, he eagerly gets up but is shocked to see Sarla, he explains that he got emotional when they told him his mother came to meet him, Sarla explains she is like a mother to him and knows Rakhi je did not come but she has always considered him as her son, she asks if he recalls the time when Shristhi was in jail, no one came to help them and even Preeta got tired but then Rishab came as an angel for them and when she said that she would not forget this, Rishab asks her not say this, he even kisses her hand, she requests him to not forget they all are with him and even has to say one thing that the difficulties which come tend to make them stronger so he must not be worried because she knows he will come out stronger, she apologizes for being late when he was in jail, she mentions that the children donot tell her anything otherwise she would have come early, Rishab exclaims it is nothing to worry about since she came now, Sarla assures he will come out since this is the prayer of both mothers, she mentions how she thought of going to meet Rakhi and Mahesh jee but then decided to meet her son first.

Rishab asks if she would do a favour, he requests her to go and inform his parents that he is fine because he knows even Rakhi would not have slept, Mahesh tries to be strong but is actually very emotional, Sarla says how could they be tensed when Rishab is so strong, the family would be tensed but would have gathered the courage to stand up, Rishab calls her Maa, mentioning the constable spoke the truth calling her as Maa since the worry in her eyes can be seen, Sarla assures that he must not be worried since those people who are nice can never be in any problem for a longer time, Rishab explains she spoke the truth about saying he has two mothers, she mentions now she must go to meet Mahesh and Rakhi jee, Sarla assures that he would come out very soon with their prayers, Rishab mentions he never wanted her to come and meet him in this condition but is glad she came, Sarla asks him to come out very soon, then come to have the ladoo which she makes, Rishab explains that he spoke the truth on the laptop, Rishab wonders how strange life is because had Sherlin not given him the tension he would not have drunk the alcohol to come in cell.

Sherlin along with prithvi is enjoying in the terrace mentioning how they used to meet secretly but now can do it freely, Prithvi exclaims she must not be so happy with just the small win which they got, Sherlin replies she doesnot want to live with tension, prithvi exclaims he says they should not live but fly, Sherlin asks if the man is his but Prithvi exclaims if he had anything to do with it all then why would he go to the hospital, Prithvi explains he is not saying he did not know him because Sundeep came to the office once and was just talking about his money, he at that moment recognized him that he was hungry and greedy, she knows how such people are really good for them. Sherlin asks then how much he demanded, Prithvi replies he first scared him a lot by threatening him to not take the money of Preeta, but he is a cheap person and showed it all.

Prithvi thinks when he went to Sundeep once again, he explained the only reason he refused Preeta was because there are now two parties and whoever sets the higher mark will get what they desire, he explains Preeta offered him fifty lacs so questions what can he give him, Prithvi tries to threaten him but Sundeep threatened him saying that he had the contact of Karan so can call him now, prithvi snatching the mobile says he will give him sixty lacs, Sherlin coughs asking why did he offer sixty lacs when he doesnot have any money, Prithvi explains his hopes are high because had he not convinced Sundeep, he would have taken the offer of Preeta jee which would make their end because then Rishab would have been freed, if Sundeep tries to do act smart they will have him killed, Sherlin smiles agreeing when Prithvi advises her to act as a good wife, they both drink on it.

Preeta is with Sameer and Shristhi, Rishab is brought in shackles when Sameer immediately hugs Rishab, Preeta apologies saying they were not able to convince Sundeep when Rishab questions why did she go to meet him, Shristhi assures Preeta did not go there as Preeta Karan Luthra but went their as a doctor and no one noticed her, Rishab explains it is a risk and they should take the method of law, Sameer questions what happened when the same law took him in custody, Rishab asks Preeta to teach something to Sameer but Preeta also agrees with Sameer mentioning how she talked with Sundeep, she realized he is doing this all because of a plan and he has a desire to take revenge from him, she even thought he was not that hurt but is just pretending.

Sundeep is lying when a women walks in, he asks Sumita if she came mentioning he thought she did not have time for him, she in anger replies he thinks only his mother has time for him, she questions if he can walk, Sundeep questions if the constable is outside, he stands to walk when Sumita questions then why is he lying on the hospital bed, Sundeep replies that he will get a lot of money.
Rishab explains that it would have been better if he had not drunk that night because had it not happened that night they would not be in this position, Rishab explains Sarla came to meet him and he felt really nice, Shristhi gets worried saying now she will be scolded, Sameer is constantly asking Rishab to speak the truth but Rishab says that it was just the tension from office, Sameer leaves mentioning that he would also not come now because Karan also believes the same.

Rishab sits down when Shristhi asks him to reveal the truth, Rishab explains that she knows it all because of her bond with Preeta but he cannot share it all with Karan because he takes the decisions in anger and might even kill both Prithvi and Sherlin for all that has happened, he just wants to handle it all by himself, the constable comes saying the time for meeting has ended.

Rishab asks if everyone is fine, Preeta assures she will take care of everyone, Rishab mentions he cannot worry while she is in the house. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.