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I do on zee world, Friday 12th August 2022 update

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Ahil and nazia are boggled, as saif comes and then dons the ring on the new bride, and she hurriedly takes it off, and gives it back to saif. they are all tensed. She tries to say that saif is just tensed that his parents dont know, and hence he is hesitant. She then signals him to go and give nazia the ring. Hr complies, while the new bride assures that ahil shall talk to his parents.

I do Series
I do Series

Scene 2:
Location: Shaad’s residence
shaad returns home tensedly, and asks shashi whats the matter, oblivious of her identitiy, while jannat and others are kept captive at gun point. He asks where is everyone, and why are the lights all off. shashi tries to divert him, so thaat he doesnt see his family in captivity. After shaad leaves, still uncertain though, she asks the man to get jannat and the family. once he gets them here, shashi fires the person himself, much to their scare and horror. They ask if she has gone mad. She says that they havent seen any of it. Before she can fire, shaad comes back and throws himself at shashi and the gun falls off from her hand. He says that he had told that doubting is his job, as he found it really easy to find the difference between truth and fake, pointing out the facts that gave her away. they enter into a fistfight, in which she finally gets her gun back. Shaad is shocked as shashi has her gun aimed at him, while all are shocked. She finally fires, much to everyone’s horror. Wahida comes in the way taking the bullet, while all are shocked. Shashi stands frustrated. Wahida collapses in shaad’s arms, and says that maybe by doing this, her crimes shall lessen, and asks shaad to kill her, as she killed misbah barbarously. Shaad eyes her venomously, while she stealthily tries to sneak out with the file. aftab goes after her, but she hits him on the head with a gun, and his head starts bleeding. shaad rushes to him, but he asks him to go after shashi, and not let her live, while shaad asks jannat to take care of him.

A chase ensues, and shaad calls up wazira to get to the location, with his team, as he has found shashi kapoor. After much running, shashi finally comes to a deadend. She eyes the huge height and then turns around to face shaad. Shaad remembers all the brutalities that shashi put his family through. She says thst he is the first ever to catch her, and that he wont be able to catch her, nor would she die by his bullet, as she has lived life on her terms and shall die too on those. Shaad asks shashi, atop the building rooftop, that her game is over now, and where shall she go, and that she should hand herself to the law. she says thar sge likes this chase of his, and loved every second. She says that in this game of life and death, she wont get him to catch her so easily.

Shashi takes a leap and jumps off the rooftop. people surround her, as she falls flat on her face, blood gushing out, and dead. Shaad is shocked as he views from above. Wazira arrives with her unit, who she asks to inspect the body, while she leaves to check on shaad. She tells him that shashi’s face is completely destroyed, and that she is finally dead, and his search is over. He is tensed. She then asks about jannat. he asks her to take the body to the hospital for a full report. He leaves.

Meanwhile, sanam tries to compose aftab, that the doctor is on the way and soon he shall be alright. But he continues to say that he severely misjudged her, and apologises for all that. he also apologises for not having taken care of his wife too, and asks her to be aware of shaad’s concern for her, as he has genuinely seen that shaad loves her. he makes her promise that she shall never leave shaad, and she finally complies, completely distraught. he tries to reach out to her, but collapses before that, and sanam is shocked, as he lies dead on the floor. She screams for shaad, but in vain. she looks at the two dead bodies lying on the floor, recounting their cold blooded murder and also misbah’s. she breaks down on the floor amidst the dead bodies. Shaad rushes in and is shocked to find sanam in between the dead bodies, dazed and shock struck. he is in terrible grief, as he finds his father dead too. He hugs aftab. she finally speaks up saying that shashi killed everyone, and that now she shall be next to be killed. He rushes to her and composes her saying, that he wont let anything happen to her, while she keeps screaming asking to be saved.

Shaad goes to the hospital to inspect the dead body, while the doctor says that the body is completely scarred and its highly difficult to identify it now. shaad is about to leave, when he sees the hand of the dead body. He sees that it has five fingers intact, meaning that this isnt shashi’s dead body. he says that the search isnt over yet, and that he shall continue his search and shall punish her for her deeds.

The doctor meanwhile tells shaad, as sanam sleeps, that she has been under tremendous trauma and stress, having seen so many deaths up close and personal, and that she wont be able to handle any other stress and suggests a change of place, since she was already traumatised and been under severe stress lately. he says that if she leaves, she would forget all this incident. he sits with sanam, and then gets up rethinking the doctor’s suggestion, thinking that a person gets the maximum relief in his native place, and hence he shall take jaant to india. Shaad gets two flights of tickets booked immediately for delhi. Sanam finally wakes up and is surprised to hear this.

Scene 2:
Location: Ahil’s and shaad’s residence
The new bride is super excited of her honeymoon trip with ahil, and asks ahil to rush along, as soon they shall be one, and noone shall be able to separate them, not even sanam’s memories. She hollers for him, and he comes out. She asks why hasnt he chanbged and where is his luggage. he asks whats the need, as they are going to Paris, and they shall purchase everything there only. She asks him to hurry and change, as she cant wait to go on this exciting trip. he thinks that he shall finally get his due freedom from her. They begin to drive in the car. She thinks that they are starting afresh and after this journey gets over, and destiny shall have to accept her decision. he thinks that she may try to keep him captive, but wont succeed, and after sometime, he shall be free from her, and if god wants, the lord shall unite him with sanam, as she is alive and thatsx the sole reason he still breathes.

meanwhile, sanam is tensed as she sits in the car, thinking that this new journey, shall bring new turns, and she shall accept this decision of destiny. Shaad wonders if he has started for finding jannat’s past or to search a new destiny for himself. he thinks that he has left everything on destiny, and he shall accept whatever decision it bears on her.

Shashi meanwhile gets a new avatar and thinks that her next stop shall be india, and those who think that she is dead are mistaken, as she would now flourish with a new identity. in a new avatar, shashi coems to face, with her promise of revenge on people, and that she has cheated death, and now its destiny’s turn to accept the fate she lands to it.

Scene 3:
Location: Delhi International Airport
Shaad and sanam arrive from pakistan. A person comes and welcomes shaad, saying that wazira told about his visit, and hence came to greet them. Shaad introduces jannat. The officer apologises for his parents’ loss. shaad says that martyr’s deatrh shouldnt be grieved, rather it should be celebrated. The officer asks if he still believes that shashi is alive. He says that he doesnt feel rather he knows, as shashi is destined to be killed by him. The officer says that this time they wont spare her, as they have introduced international protocols. shaad says that sources told she is in india only. The officer says that she shall not be alive for long. Shaad is however oblivious that shashi, in her new avatr is taking the opposite escalator that very second.

Shashi passes by shaad and jannat, but they dont recognise her. The official asks them to rest for a couple of hours at the lounge, before the next domestic flight. Shaad says that they shall manage.

Meanwhile, the new bride is too excited at having reached the airport, and while she rants, he asks her to compose herself. She tries to find for a coolie at the airport for the luggage, behaving utterly rural, much to ahil’s frustration. he hopes that he has to get to the domestic airport, to take the flight to Dharamshala. As he sets foot inside the airport, Ahil notices an instinctive sanam’s presence at the airport, while a veiled sanam stands right ahead of him in line. He is boggled at this sudden feeling. he is tensed thinking that he senses sanam here. The new bride comes breaking his deja vu, and takes him away, while sanam is taken away by shaad in a different direction.

Shashi calls someone, who welcomes her in India, and she expresses her concern at the tight security. the man asks her to look in front and find a packet. she complies and takes it. the man asks her to open it. she complies then too and finds that its a bomb laden uniform. she is surprised. he asks her to don it, and ensure her way out. she thanks him profusely and cancels the call. shashi smiles victoriously. She enters one of the toilets, in the washroom.

At the counter, the flight attendant asks ahil for the tickets, and he presents them. She tells him that these are domestic tickets from Delhi to Dharamshala. he apologises and presents them the other tickets to Paris. She is boggled and wonders why are there two tickets for different destinations, on the same date. Before she can enquire furhter, he distracts her and asks her to give the boarding pass for Paris only. She then takes her boarding pass, asking for a window seat. She continues with her naivety, which irritates ahil, who steps in and clearing the confusion, takes her away. The flight receptionist then calls someone that there’s a very suspicious passenger travelling, and identifying ahil, she sends his entire info, to her superior. then a guard comes to the same indian officer, who had received shaad, about suspicious nature of ahil. He goes to check on him. Before he does so, he finds a match of shashi, in the form of afreen Khan, the alibi that she has taken. Sanam meanwhile excuses herself to go to the bathroom, as she is feeling uneasy. shaad says that he shall wait outside. Inside, sanam feels that after a long time, returning back to her native land, she instinctively feels that she is much closer to someone here, and feels a connection from the heart. Meanwhile, while shashi is changing inside, wearing the bomb suicide jacket, activating it too, jannat, oblivious of all this, stands outside waiting in line. Finally, before shashi opens, the next washroom opens up, and before shashi can come out, jannat enters just in time, in the other one. shashi begins to freshen up and give final touches to her makeup.

Outside, right behind shaad, ahil and the new bride arrive. ahil tries to get away from her, saying that she looks so streed up, and insists on sending her to the washroom to freshn up and look her best. She complies, while assuring him to stay here only, while she returns. he complies.

The new bride enters the washroom, and then eyes shashi, with her back towards her. the new bride then asks shashi, that she feels she has seen her somewhere. Shashi is shocked but composes herself saying that she is an airhostess and must have seen her. she notices the Pakistan tag on her bag and confirms if she is from there. Shashi says yes. Shashi wonders and doubts that she must be an intelligence agent from india, and that she cant risk her exposure at all.

Outside, shaad and ahil wait for their better halves. He asks time from shaad, and he tells pakistan time, and makes an estimate of Indian time. he is surprised to know that shaad is from pakistan. Shaad asks any special connection. Ahil says that he is connected from the heart, but it got lost somewhere in between.

Later, shashi tries to stealthily stab the new bride, while she is obliviously busy doing her makeup, in the washroom, but she stops when the new bride suddenly turns around and asks her for shopping sites in Paris. Shashi distracts her saying that her kajal is smeared up, and the new bride gets back to doing it right. Shashi is about to stab her again, when jannat comes out. both shashi and the new bride have their eyes turned away. shashi doesnt recognise her, as her face is turned away.

Sanam comes and washes her face, while shashi is dressed as an airhostess, pretends to be doing touch up. sanam is oblivious of the double danger she is engulfed in. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.