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I do on zee world, Thursday 11th August 2022 update

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Shashi Kapoor points a gun at Sanam and tells everyone that she is Shashi Kapoor and she has only faced bad times in her life since childhood. Shashi says that since they have seen her face, she will have to kill all of them.

I DO on zee world
I DO on zee world

Shashi shoots Shaad’s father Aftab on the leg. Shashi calls a man and tells him to come so that they can open the safe and steal the documents. Shashi tries to kill Aftab but Sanam saves him and Sanam and everyone escapes from Shashi.

Saif tells New Sanam that he loves her and is the father of her baby but she says that he will have to get engaged to Nazia and remain under his control.

Aftab, Phoopo and Sanam are trapped in a room and Aftab’s leg is bleeding so Sanam requests Shashi to let them out of the room as Aftab is injured.

New Sanam informs Aahil that Nazia is pregnant so he gets shocked.

Shashi tells Sanam to allow her to enter the room and steal the file and she will spare all of their lives.

Sanam refuses to budge into shashi’s request. she gets frustrated and then eyes the cylinder vent. She gets an idea and drags the clylinder towards the fire vent. Inside, all are boggled as to what is she upto. Sanam tries to peep and see. They hear a commotion outside. shashi asks them to switch on the gas pipe, and then turn it on. The gas flows in the room. Shashi then asks them to turn it off. shashi says that she doesnt want to kill them, as she needs someone to open the door, and is juust trying to scare them. Inside, sanam wonders what is she upto, and how the excess gas would kill them. when people start coughing, shashi smiles as her plan works. however inside, sanam sees through her plan, and decides not to fall trap to shashi’s threats, and thinks that she shall wait it out, as shashi wants them to open the door. Shashi starts getting impatient when they dont open the door. She asks jannat to think about the old couple atleast if not herself, as they wont be able to bear this gas for long, and asks her to open the door. Sanam thinks that she would definitely have to do something. She asks aftab and wahida to shift near the bed, where the effect of the gas shall be less. Sanam then gives them blankets to wrap themselves, and covers herself with a burqa. she hrust herself while doing so, and shashi hears the noise, and thinks that maybe jannat got hurt, and now her win isnt far. Sanam inside eyes the matchstick, and alights a matchstick, and they are shocked as to what she is doing, since there’s gas all around, and warn her not to be foolish. But sanam ignores them. She throws the matchstick near the AC vent, and it starts going along the length of the pipe. Shashi sees this from outside, and rushes away from there, fearing an explosion, which happens the very next minute. Inside, sanam wonders if it was to any use. She says that she shall go out and check, while the old couple are scared. But ashe says that they have to warn shaad, and goes to aftab’s room, to check on the phone, so that she can place a call. She stealthily comes out and finfs them all down and unconscious, with the impact of the explosion. she walks past shashi on the floor, and movbes ahead, oblivious that shashi wakes up just then, with a splitting headache and a head injury. she resolves not to spare jannat.

Scene 2:
Location: Ahil’s residence
Ahil paces around nervously, and the minute saif walks in, he takes him by the collar and asks how dare he defile his sister. nazia and others ask him to calm down. He starts beating him. the new bride asks ahil to control himself. When he doesnt comply. She asks him to kill him then. She tries to point out the futility of it. She says that the only way out is to get saif and nazia married. Ahil is shocked and asks how is that possible, as they are leaving tomorrow. She says that they can have the engagement tonight. Nazia silently says that she agrees to this. he then turns to saif, who says that he doesnt accept this. Ahil is struck with shock. He says that he cant accept it without his parents’ consent. Ahil says that he isnt in the condition to make or express his wishes. He says that he shall himself talk to his mother and get them to agree. he storms out in anger.

Later, saif catches the new bride and asks what and why she did this. She tells him that she cant afford ahil knwoing that she is siring his child. saif like a puppy love, affected victim, he falls for the new bride who has just callously used him. she however asks him to get ready for the engagement with nazia, the ring for which also she shall choose. She leaves. he thinks that he shall get the ring and also make her only wear it.

In his room, ahil thinks that he feels suffocated here, and hence tomorrow onwards, he would live his life with freedom, while booking his flight tickets. She barges in wityh the ring for nazia, and finding him busy, asks whats he upto. He says that he was booking tickets and planning for their honeymoon. She comes and asks how much he cares for her, as tomorrow morning shall be a very happy one, and then caresses him, asking to see the travel plan. he finds that his tickets are done, and says that indeed its a happy morning for her. She smiles.

in the evening, the new bride explains to the selected guests having arrived for the party, that they are leaving for tomorrow hence couldnt give a grand celebration, but when they return, they shall throw a grand party. they start asking her about the groom, and she gets tensed. While getting ready, saif remembers the new bride’s betrayal, and thinks that he wont be trapped, as the whole world might go according to her, but he wont fear her. He eyes the ring, and thinks that since she is in his heart, she would only don this ring. He says that the child is his, and if it is exposed then so be it. A dressed naxia apologises for having hurt ahil, and expresses how much she loves saif. Ahil says that all he wants is her happiness, and he needs nothing more than that, and he shall do whatever it takes to make her happy. She stands beside the new bride.

Saif descends down the stairs, while nazia eyes him shyly. he comes down and confronts the new bride stoically. She asks him to come asnd perform the ring ceremony. he is determined in her resolve.

Shaad wonders where is sanam, if she wasnt taken by the immigration officers. When sanam calls shaad, he picks up and responds asking if they found anything, but before she can speak, she sees that shashi stands right behind her, with a pistol aimed at her forehead.

She stands speechless. shaad is tensed not to get a response. Shashi takes the phone and breaks it by throwing it asway. Shaad is tensed. he dials again. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.