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This is Fate on zee world, Wednesday 10 August 2022 update

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Preeta says she knew when she would reveal the truth, they will surely deny it so this is why she has taken a proof, she explains to Rishab jee that she made a recording of them both and hid the mobile because she knew if they will get it then will surely erase the proof, she leaves to get it, Sherlin is standing when Rishab once again questions Sherlin to reveal the truth asking if she has an affair with Prithvi, he warns her saying she knows that if he makes a relation he fulfils them but if she is not able to fulfil her commitments then should not do it, he once again questions when Sherlin refuses, Rishab also goes to Prithvi saying he will also come to him.

This is Fate Drama Series
This is Fate Drama Series

Karan at the event exclaims he is now managing the same event where he would once come as a guest, a waiter comes asking if he wants something to drink but Karan demands a beer saying that he is angry, Rishab is shocked to see the mobile, which has five missed calls of Karan, he calls Karan, Preeta goes into the room saying she was right to make the video of their proof because now Rishab jee would believe her, Karan exclaims he cannot handle the management of such events, Rishab tries to convince him but Karan is adamant, he realizes that something is worrying Rishab so asks if something is wrong, Rishab ends the call saying he has to take some decisions.

Sherlin asks Prithvi why did he not listen to her when she warned him regarding Preeta, she comes down with the video and starts searching the mobile for it but she is not able to find it, Sherlin asks what is she searching for when there is no video, Preeta exclaims she herself made a video and even reveals their was a video of them both, she turning to Prithvi and Sherlin exclaim that what the truth is cannot be shunned, Prithvi asks Preeta why is she blaming them, Sherlin comes to Preeta demanding her to show the proof if she made the video, Sherlin says that she should not come out with the dreams which she saw in the night, Preeta replies should she reveal what she saw then explains they both came down to their knees in the night begging her to not reveal the truth because it would ruin them all, she vows that she had made a video of them all, Sherlin demands Preeta to reveal the photo if she made it, Preeta replies she doesnot have the video because either Sherlin or Prithvi would have deleted it as they always erase the proof.

Prithvi claps exclaiming they can make a movie of what is happening and it would be a block buster, he questions what problem does Preeta have them with them both because she first blamed them and then said she has a proof but it went up in flames, he explains she is ending the relations amongst four people, he requests her to not do this, Preeta explains the proof can be destroyed but not the truth, she turning to Rishab jee asks him to believe her since she made the video, Sherlin demands her to talk with her, Sherlin explains that she knew Preeta did not like her since the start but this doesnot mean she should ruin her marriage, Prithvi also tries to blame Preeta saying it is enough when Rishab shouts exclaiming now it is enough, he asks them all to leave as he has no intention of learning about the truth, Preeta tries to talk with him however he asks her to be quiet, she leaves the hall, Rishab doesnot even listen to Sherlin.

Preeta goes to her room thinking how her video proof got deleted when she made it, Prithvi enters the room when she asks what is he doing here because she doesnot even want to see his face, Prithvi mentions how he forgot his charger then asks if she knows what happened with her mobile, he explains that when she was hiding her mobile in the wardrobe, he stayed back and then saw where she hid the mobile, after she left to meet Rishab he ruined everything with just a button.

Preeta replies the game has not ended as it would end when the truth comes out and she will be the one to end it, Prithvi asks why is she tyring to come in between the relation of him and Sherlin, she however asks him to leave but he says that she should let everything go on as it is otherwise if he comes to make things work like he feels then it would ruin everything, she warns him to not talk and leave, Prithvi asks her to not make him feel irritated otherwise he would get mad, Preeta vows to not rest until she reveals his true face, he asks what was she able to do when Preeta assures she will do it so asks him to leave.

Prithvi enters his room when Sherlin comes out from the curtain and hugs prithvi explaining how she thought they would be caught and felt everything will end, prithvi asks if she thought he would let them get caught when they have gone through so much to get to this position so she must not be worried because they both have come here to win so he will do whatever he can to win.

Prithvi explains that they both must not be seen together for the next few weeks, he explains how they should never cross paths in this house, he advises her to win the heart of Rishab to the extent that he believes she only loves her, she must also make him hate Preeta and make him feel that Preeta is trying to create a wall between them both, Sherlin assures it is nothing difficult for her as she will just make him believe this, Prithvi warns her to not make him fall into her trap so much that he has to fight with Rishab, Sherlin informs him that he can be assured as she just belongs to him, Sherlin exclaims she will now go to Rishab in her room. Prithvi thanks god for saving them once again.

Sherlin enters the room where Rishab is sitting in anger, she thanks him for trusting her mentioning how he said that he was away from her for two years and even before that would stay away from her but she feels he is like Bhagwan, she clarifies mentioning she feels he is like Bhagwan, she sitting down exclaims she doesnot have anyone else other than him, she is madly in love with him, she decided it after the first time she saw him, she has such a great destiny that she got married to him, she thinks they should forget everything and start a family with him, she asks why is he quiet and if he doesnot trust her, she questions if Preeta has created a wall between them both, he asks her to relax as there is nothing to worry about, he mentions how he trusts her hearing which Sherlin is relieved so asks if this means he believes her, he assures her of this, she starts walking in the room.

Rishab thinks if Sherlin knows the difference between her and Preeta is that she has to ask for trust when Preeta never asked for it even then he believes her because she always speaks the truth, he cannot do anything with proof so now would always keep an eye on her from now on.

Preeta is sitting with a long face, she is scared by Shristhi from behind who comes and hugs her, Shristhi exclaims she has done a great job, Preeta asks what has she done because no one else knows about this other then her, Shristhi asks what is the problem as she should then go and reveal it, Preeta questions how would she be able to prove it as she doesnot have any evidence, Preeta mentions she made a video but it got deleted, she curse the mobile saying how it just a useless tool as anyone can access it and erase whatever they desire.

Shristhi questions why does she need any proof as Rishab jee believes her without anything else, she asks Preeta to recall the time when she came to the Luthra house for the first time as the Psychotherapist, Rishab jee was the only one who believed her, he was always with her and even kept her secrets so she must not be worried, Preeta replies the problem is that Shelrin and Prithvi have made him realize that she is just lying, Preeta explains when one gets married it changes everything and she would always be an outsider, Shristhi questions if this means she would lose hope, Preeta mentions that their actions have even made her more adamant and she will surely find a way to prove how hideous people are them both. Shristhi whistles, Preeta questions why she is whistling, Shristhi replies it is because Preeta was really strong when they came to Mumbai but after her pregnancy incident, she changed but now Preeta is her same old self. Preeta asks Shristhi to know why she called her, she asks Shristhi to bring a device which can record anything, and no one can even delete it, Shristhi while smiling agrees to bring a device which will solve all of her problems.

Preeta is waiting when Karan comes, he asks where is Rishab, Preeta replies he was here but has gone somewhere, Karan decides to call him but realizes he left his mobile in the car, Karan leaves but then comes back to hug Preeta, he questions what happened, she says he hugged her so should be worried, Karan mentions he hugged her as she seemed worried, Preeta assures she is now fine, because of his hug, and is blessed to have such a great family and a life partner, Karan mentions it is because of her that this family is together.
Kritika comes with Dadi to the house, Dadi exclaims they got really tired because of the traffic, Preeta takes the bags from her, Kritika asks what happened as she seemed worried, Preeta replies it was just because she woke up so was tired, Dadi leaves for her room mentioning how she would come to Kritika’s room, she even asks Preeta to come and see her gifts because who else who see them.
Rishab secretly enters Kritika’s room with the gifts, he quickly places them all in the wardrobe thinking how he desires she should have the best birthday, he is about to walk out when he sees the ear ring in the jacket, Rishab recalls when he told Sherlin she lost one of her ear ring, he places it in his pocket and inspects the jacket to realize it belongs to Prithvi, he also comes to the room asking Rishab what happened, he questions if Rishab wants to blame him for something else, Rishab in anger takes him by the collar, he hears Kritika coming, she after entering the room exclaims how she knows she teased him a lot but she wants just a last favour, she requests him to ask the DJ to play the classical songs which she likes, Rishab assures everything would be just as she likes, he leaves when Kritika asks Prithvi if he also noticed that Rishab was tensed, Prithvi replies he is even more tensed, Kritika doesnot believe him as he is smiling, Prithvi mentions he has the ability to not show any tension, she asks if he is getting jealous of Rishab Bhai because she loves him more then Prithvi, he thinks that she can love anyone she wants, Dadi comes asking Kritika what happened because Rishab passed by her but did not even noticed her, Kritika mentions how she also let that he was a bit tensed but it would be because he was worried about her birthday, Dadi questions then why did she not change, Dadi advises her to change her clothes when she will come back after five minutes.

Rishab enters the room calling Sherlin, she questions what happened, he asks where is the ear ring when Sherlin replies that she found it and placed them safely, he taking out the ear ring asks if it belongs to her, she accepts when Rishab replies this is what he wanted to hear, he questions why did she lie to him, Sherlin mentions it is because she never wanted him to get tensed because of an ear ring, Rishab shouting says that he is talking about Prithvi, she is constantly lying to him of having a relation with Prithvi, Sherlin says that he is talking because Preeta filled his minds with wrong about their relation, Rishab assures it is not Preeta, Sherlin is the one who is responsible for it all, she asks why is he not trusting her just because of an ear ring, he asks if she wants to know where did he find it, she replies eh might have found it in the kitchen.

Rishab explains it was in the pocket of Prithvi, she gets stunned so he explains he went to Kritika’s room to place the gifts which is when he saw it in his blazers pocket, he questions how would she feel if she was in his place and his wife’s ear ring was in someone else’s pocket, Rishab says this is the end of their relation as he has had enough of her, he doesnot want to see her face in this house, she tries to stop him but he replies he will tell everyone he doesnot want to live with her, she will be dropped off to her mother’s house by his driver after which he doesnot want to see her face, Sherlin once again tries to convince him but he orders her to shut up saying that he has had enough, he is the proof and his family would believe him.

Rishab walks down when Preeta stops him, he explains that she is the only one whom he trusts the most in this house, she asks if Sherlin accepted the truth, Rishab questions since when do such people accept their lies but he found out and she broke his trust, he explains how he was about to go back to London but she forced him to stay back and then broke his trust, Rishab appreciates that she was the one who told him the truth otherwise he would not have believed anyone, Rishab requests her to not say anything to the family as he would himself be the one to reveal anything, he apologizes to her for shouting because he did not want to break the family of his sister but now would not let such liars live in their house because they always tend to break their trusts, Preeta explains how she tried that they mend the ways but was not successful, he assures how he would stand for his family and the business because they all need it but he might not be able to trust anyone ever again.

Rishab is about to leave when Karan comes asking where was he as he was alone and Rishab is a deceiver but Rishab says a lot of people are deceivers in the lives, Rishab hugs him when Karan mentions he would not go back, Rishab asks him to not be worried and stay here as he will handle everything, Karan asks him where is he going, Rishab explains he is going to the event, and leaves so karan questions what happened with him as he seemed tensed, he explains he would ask Rishab himself.

Karan leaves after asking about Pihu, Preeta thinks she only wanted the truth to come out but never thought that it would have such an effect on Rishab. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.