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This is Fate on zee world, Saturday 30th July 2022 update

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Karan and Sameer are playing while Pihu is watching, Karina comes questioning what is going on as this is not a playground, karan and Sameer explains there is a severe competition going and whoever wins Pihu would give him a chocolate, karan drops the ball because he receives a call, Samer exclaims he has won but karan replies he got distracted by the call, they once again start when Sameer again wins.

This is Fate Drama Series
This is Fate Drama Series

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Friday 29th July 2022 update

Karan however snatches the chocolate and starts running not letting Sameer take it from him, Mahesh and Karina both joke on how they are just mad because they are always fighting, Dadi says she must not be like them both as they are really mad. Karan asks Sameer to give him the chocolate because he doesnot want his reputation to end in front of his daughter, Sameer asks Pihu where his gift is because karan took the chocolate, Pihu rushes to bring another chocolate.

Preeta is standing with the entire family when there si someone at the door, she opens the door to find the inspector standing there and he asks about Karan, Mr Harshvardhan comes back with them and they exclaims they have come to arrest karan, Preeta and everyone questions what is the reason but the inspector says they can talk at the police station however Preeta replies that she at first had a lot of respect for Mr Raichand but now it has ended so she feels sorry for him, he has come here blaming Karan without knowing the entire truth which she doesnot like, Karina exclaims she knew this would happen, Sherlin mentions that Preeta desired this as she is really nice so cared for Sonakshi. Mahesh asks Sherlin to stop talking because they should listen what Mr Raichand has to say, he says that he was trying to search for his daughter, but she is not answering his calls, he got her mobile tracked so found out she is in the Luthra house, he even tried contacting her but she did not answer it so this means that they have kidnapped her and even snatched her mobile.

Dadi says he should have first looked into this matter before blaming them, because they don’t have any relation with her so why would they keep her at their house, Mahesh questions then why is she here as they should have thrown her out of the house, Preeta replies he would have known if he listened to what they are trying to say, Mr Raichand questions why did they keep Sonakshi in their house, Karina replies he has brought the police so they would inform them, Karina reveals Sonakshi got in an accident in front of their house, they took her to the hospital and got her treated but were not able to reach him so Preeta thought of bringing her back till they reach him, he should be grateful to them but instead he is blaming them.

Mr Raichand questions why did they not inform her, Mahesh replies they tried but he was either not attending or his mobile was out of reach, Mr Raichand says that they even have the address of his house so why did they not send him a message, he asks the police to arrest Karan, Preeta questions why are they insisting on arresting him, Karina even questions what is the proof as they cannot take Karan with them, Sonakshi from behind mentions they all need to stop, Mr Raichand at once rushes to Sonakshi exclaiming she must not be worried because he is now there for her, Mr Raichand tries to blame it on the Luthra’s mentioning she is just saying this under the influence of the Luthra’s but Sonakshi replies she is not saying this because of any pressure, if she is scared of anyone it is her father who was never able to be a good father, Mr Raichand shouts at her questioning has she any idea how scared he got while searching for her, does she really think he would stoop so low to blame the Luthra’s for her, he has some respect in the society, She must not be worried about the Luthra’s, he would take her back with him however Sonakshi replies she doesnot want to go with him, Mr Raichand once again asks the inspector to arrest Karan, the inspector says Karan must come with them, Sonakshi tries to plead with the inspector who agrees and mentions he cannot arrest Karan when Sonakshi is claiming he has not done anything wrong, Mr Raichand once again kneels to Sonakshi exclaiming Karan has kidnapped her and Preeta wants to take her life, Sonakshi however says she cannot lie, Mr Raichand says that she has to either choose him or the Luthra’s, Sonakshi replies she cannot tell a lie for his sake, she would stand with the truth, Mr Raichand once again tries to pressurize her but then leaves in anger exclaiming if she wants to live with the Luthra’s then can but from now her relation has ended with him, Sonakshi starts calling crying for her father, exclaiming he was the only relation which she had left but now even he has broken all the relation from her, Preeta tries to calm her saying she must not be worried and if one door closes then another opens, she can stay with them until she gets better, Dadi agrees with Preeta but this shocks everyone else.

Shristhi is in the auto when she receives a call from Kritika, saying that she is calling her because Pihu wanted to talk with her, Kritika is about to reveal when Sameer comes asking who is she talking to, Shristhi questions if Sameer doesn’t know it is not good to speak in between two women, she asks for what happened when Kritika reveals how Sonakshi’s father came to their house, Shristhi is relieved that now Sonakshi would have left but Kritika reveals he came with the cops and was blaming Karan for kidnapping Sonakshi, they both ask Shristhi to come up with a plan but suddenly her network is not so good enough and the call ends, Shristhi gets mad but has to calm herself.

Dadi is in her room when Karina comes exclaiming she made a mistake however Dadi replies she only did what she thought was right and did not take the side of either Preeta or Sonakshi but helped her because she is the reason Karan is not in jail, she advises Karina to also forget such small things, Karina replies she should have said that Sonakshi should go back to her house or the hospital but not stay here, Dadi mentions she is her mother and Karina should learn to listen and respect her decisions as she knows how to handle the situations, Karina sitting with Dadi says that she is her mother but even then Karina feels she has made a mistake by allowing Sonakshi to stay in the house, Dadi says that the only reason she doesnot want Sonakshi to stay here is because she is not able to look at Sonakshi, she is guilty then Karina replies she would accept every orders of Dadi but still feels it is wrong, she leaves when Dadi exclaims Karina is really stubborn and feels only what she thinks is true.

Karan is standing outside asking Preeta if she has checked her, he warns her to not be so attached with this girl as she is not so innocent, he doesn’t believe her because first she got in the accident and now her father came with the police to have him arrested, Preeta replies that he was saved because of Sonakshi but Karan replies they got in this position because of her, Preeta is however tensed about his behaviour when Karan warns her to not get so attached with her as he feels she is not the right girl.

Sherlin is standing in anger when Prithvi coming from behind gets worried seeing her, he scares her when she questions if he has gotten mad because they both would be in a lot of trouble if anyone sees them, Sherlin tries to leave but he says that he is Prithvi and takes each and every wrong step by looking around to see if anyone is watching, Sherlin tries to leave but Prithvi assures no one is seeing them, he questions why is she so mad at him, she replies she is thinking about something important so he must not tease her. Prithvi gets tensed wondering why is she still thinking about Sonakshi because not every women is evil like her and some are really nice, Sherlin replies if she starts looking form his point of view then would start flirting with everyone, he explains even then some women are not master planners like her and are really simple, Prithvi explains that she went out of the way to protect Karan and because of which her own father left her, Sherlin questions he should have taken her but why did he leave her, Prithvi replies she did not saw the love behind the fight, Sherlin mentions she is sure they both are planning a really big game. Prithvi explains she has a lot of relations who love her but they both give each other the love of all these relations, he mentions it is better for her if she accepts this and not everyone is such criminal minded as them both, she is just innocent, Sherlin once again explains she feels Sonakshi is innocent but Prithvi replies he doesnot want to hear anything, she must do only one thing and it is to live and let others live, he leaves in anger while Sherlin is worried.

Preeta is in the kitchen, Karan coming exclaims that their parents are too much as they both went to pick Pihu from the school, he questions why is Preeta worried who replies how she feels they are the reason Mr Harshvardhan left after breaking all of the relations with Sonakshi, Karan questions if she has gotten mad as they have nothing to do with it but Preeta replies she went against her father which angered him so he left, she is even feeling how she should not have gone after Preeta calling her which got her distracted and she got in the accident, karan questions why is she constantly blaming herself because it was an accident which is why they are called so, he doesnot want to hear such things, Sonakshi is in the room holding a ball while she is really angry. Preeta asks if Karan really thinks she did not have any fault in this matter, he agrees but she feels he was just saying it to calm her when karan replies that she has a good heart which is why she is tensed, she was the reason they let Sonakshi hug Pihu.

Sonakshi is day dreaming in the room when she gets distracted as a photo frame falls to the ground, karan explains how he feels that ever since Sonakshi came into this house there is a storm approaching, Karan questions why is she talking with such a sad face with him, he says how he feels she needs a hug so they both hug each other, the nurse enters the room questioning how did the photo frame break, Sonakshi replies it fell because of the wind so the nurse takes the photo frame out of the room, Karan says to Preeta how he wants her to remember when she questions what does he mean, he says he is talking about the hug which he can demand at any moment.

Sarla is in the house preparing the vegetables, Shristhi enters the house, Sarla questions where did she go, Shristhi replies she went to buy some things for the house and even some makeup which had ended, Sarla questions why does she need any sort of makeup as there is the herbal things in the house, Shristhi siting with Sarla explains she needs her advice in some matter so asks what does Sarla think of Sonakshi, hearing this Sarla gets mad and is about to leave but Shristhi says that she needs her advice, Sarla explains that as a mother she feels that every tear which she shed for the sake of Pihu was fake as she did not seem as a mother, Shristhi replies she has a bad news for her because Sonakshi is now living in the Luthra house because her father came and fought with her, so their sister Preeta said she can live with them in their own house, Sarla explains she doesnot know if she should praise Preeta or scold her as she never uses her brain but always uses her heart, she was not able to see that the tears of Sonakshi were fake, as when everyone was looking at them she saw the intentions in her eyes so knows something is wrong, she feels as if Sonakshi is really fake.

Karan and Preeta are in the room when Preeta says that Karan should have himself gone to pick Pihu from school, Karan replies that his parents insisted on going and he knew they would only go for the shopping afterwards, Preeta however shows him some attitude, they both get into an argument over who shows each other more attitude, karan exclaims he never shows anyone the attitude as all the babes and wives run around him, Preeta exclaims that he is now her husband, Karan replies she used to consider him as her husband before their wedding, Karan replies it was when he was surrounded by the women and she told them that he is her husband, Preeta replies she doesnot understand anything, they both are fighting when they hear the voice of Pihu so immediately run to her.
Pihu comes to greet both Karan and Preeta, Karan asks if she brought the balloon for her but Pihu replies it is for Preeta because Sonakshi asked her to thank Preeta, Pihu replies that everyone at the school was talking about Ganesh jee, Preeta replies it is because the event is coming and they are going to celebrate it with full zest and zeal. Pihu runs to the room but is about to hit herself when Preeta and Karan both ask if she is safe, Karan asks her to come inside as he is also hungry.

Sonakshi is on the wheelchair when she greets Sherlin who exclaims all of her days would be good because she was able to get close to karan, Sonakshi replies she did not do anything wrong and only tried to stand with Preeta as she stood by her side when everyone was against her, Sherlin forces her to reveal the truth but Sonakshi replies this is the truth and she would not say anything else as she is about to leave for abroad, Sonakshi tries to leave when she gets a call from he dad.

Sonakshi feeling tensed ends it wondering if anyone hears he talking with him. Sherlin standing at the back mentions she feels something is really wrong with this girl. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.