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Open Heaven For Teens 27 July 2022: Purposeful Celebration

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Open Heaven For Teens 27 July 2022: Purposeful Celebration

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TOPIC: Purposeful Celebration [Open Heaven for Teens 27 July 2022]

MEMORISE: Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. Romans 12:15

Also Read: Open Heaven 27 July 2022 ā€“ Godā€™s Children Are Overcomers

READ: Psalms 90:12

12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Acts 27:1-44, Psalms 50-52


Humans are social beings that love relationships. We love to celebrate achievements, events and joyful moments. However, its expedient that your celebration should be moderate and purposeful so that it wont glorify the devil.

First, the manner of dressing and food or drinks served at your celebrations must be such as to give glory to God. For example, if you or your guests appear in scanty or revealing clothes and you serve alcohol at the event, be ready to have the devil as the Chairman of the day.

Whenever I celebrate my birthdays, I usually have two goals in mind which are to give to others and also win souls for Christ. Thus, after food and drinks are served, I take a few minutes to share the gospel of our Lord Jesus because in actual fact, each birthday is a reminder that we are getting older and closer to the end. You need to use every means to get the message of hope out and one of the best media is through your celebrations.


Use your celebrations to propagate the gospel from now.

HYMN: Now We Thank We All Our God

  1. Now thank we all our God
    with heart and hands and voices,
    Who wondrous things hath done,
    in whom His world rejoices;
    Who from our mothersā€™ arms
    hath blessed us on our way
    with countless gifts of love,
    and still is ours today.
  2. O may this bounteous God
    through all our life be near us,
    with ever joyful hearts
    and blessed peace to cheer us,
    to keep us in His grace,
    and guide us when perplexed,
    and free us from all ills
    of this world and the next.
  3. All praise and thanks to God
    the Father now be given,
    the Son and Him who reigns
    With them in highest heaven
    the One Eternal God,
    whom heaven and earth adore;
    for thus it was, is now,
    and shall be evermore.

Daily Devotional for Teenā€™s guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemerā€™s Ministries.