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Once there was a king on zee world, Wednesday 22nd June 2022 update

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Rani comes out ready and leaves with Raaj on bike. They reach an old house. Anandi comes to outside and wonders where Raaj and Rani have gone, she notices the bed untouched. Raaj tells Rani this may seem a ghost house to her but this is his house and this is his reality. He drags her upstairs and points at a chair where his father read the news. He recalls his sister massaging oil on his head.

Once there was a king Series
Once there was a king Series

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Tuesday 21st June 2022 update

Anandi asks Suminda not to consider her wrong but Rani must have informed her before leaving. Suminda says she is married and is responsible for her husband now. What is it about to worry if they have gone together? Anandi tells Suminda there is something wrong, she was crazy in love with Raaj then why was there no curve over her bed. Suminda tells Anandi she has no right to worry about this matter.

She informs her manager on call that she is leaving for abroad and her meetings be rescheduled.

Raaj brings Rani inside to the hall where his family once had feasts at night. He tells Rani his father was a huge businessman, they were preparing for his sister’s marriage when everything got ruined. There was a scream and a mad girl comes there, Rani was frightened and asks Raaj to leave this place. Raaj tells Rani this is his elder sister, Sakshi. Sakshi tells Raaj today is her wedding and claps. Raaj assures she will get married today.

Sakshi cheers and dances saying she would dance. Raaj takes her inside to put bangles in her hands. Raaj brings her to dressing table where Sakshi watches the bangles and wears them carefully. Rani breaks into cry. Sakshi looks around for the rest of her jewelry, tears fell off Raaj’s eyes. Sakshi says Maa must have taken them, she wipes Raaj’s tears and asks him not to cry. Raaj tells her to take some rest else she would be tired when her Baraat is here. Sakshi says whenever she sleeps listening to him, Baraat leaves. Raaj promises to wake her up in time and gives her medicines.

Rani asks Raaj why he hid about his sister, where are his parents? Raaj clutches her arms tightly so that they hurt. He brings her to a room where his mother lay down coughing badly. He notices she had been trembling with fever. Rani offers help but Raaj forbids her touch anything. Raaj covers her with a quilt. Rani greets his Maa, she blesses him but Raaj interrupts saying she mustn’t bless her with what she has no more in faith. He tells his mother she is her daughter in law, his mother cheers. Raaj says before that, she is Suminda Chauhan’s daughter. Rani asks why they reacted this way because of her mother’s name.

Raaj brings Rani to a wall where there were blackened photos. He clears one of them where Suminda and Raaj’s mother stood together. He says Suminda is his biggest enemy that is his and Rani’s truth as well. He says it was Suminda who turned this house to ruins, she killed his father and turned his sister crazy. He recalls his mother begging to Suminda that they have come over roads but Suminda left. Rani wasn’t ready to accept.

Raaj drags Rani to terrace and breaks her bangles. He says this is the place where his sister broke her bangles because her fiancé denied marrying her. His father went to beg to him but he pushed him out of the house, calling him poor. His sister went crazy and his father died, his mother ceased to live. Then, he had decided to finish Suminda and her family. Raaj tells Rani whatever he did till today was planned, a game. He used Anandi, then trapped her in the web of his love. Rani slaps Raaj and grabs him by collar calling him a liar. She is sure he loves her, whatever he did for revenge but he loved her too. She insists they have been connected since ages. Raaj jerks her away saying he is only concerned by this age, he did this only to revenge her. He even doesn’t have any brother. He married her and this wedding is the destruction of her mother.

Raaj’s mother comes out and asks him to forget all about the past. If he remembers his father always wanted his children to be good humans, if he is a good son what is he doing. Raaj says he is his father’s son, and he can’t forget anything. He shows her the papers of Suminda’s destruction, which Rani signed during henna. These were property papers which she had named after him. Rani cries.

Rani was in a state of disbelief and asks if he has done this for her property. Raaj tells her not to insult his revenge at the name of greed. It’s important for her mother only. Raaj drags Rani away while her mother keeps on stopping him from behind. They arrive at a cliff where there was thunder storm. Rani offers Raaj to come to her home, her mother might have a explanation. She says she has seen love in his eyes for herself, Raaj asks if she doesn’t trust him? It begins to rain heavily. Raaj shuts Rani from speaking any further, he says if she can’t trust him she must not turn a fake story true. If she is the most precious thing for her mother, he has snatched her away.

He holds Rani saying her mother has lost her forever, she only belongs to him now. He denies loving her for a single moment, she is his enemy’s daughter. He questions if she can return everything his family has lost? Rani was speechless. Raaj says they can never be one. He takes Rani to the corner of the cliff. Rani insists Raja and Rani were and would always be together. Raaj pushes her off the cliff.

Raja hides the papers from rain and runs towards home. He tells Baba he has revenged Suminda Chauhan today, then calls his Maa and hugs her tightly. He looks towards the papers and was shocked to see the signatures had washed off. He cries and curses himself, as he couldn’t commit a huge mistake; he awaited this moment for whole of his life. Sakshi comes there upset that Raaj is crying. Raaj turns around, Maa sends Sakshi away saying he isn’t crying. Maa asks Raaj what has happened to Raaj, he always had love for humans they why he got hatred. Raaj says Suminda Chauhan killed her Raaj the day his father died. He will bring her to roads for sure.

Raaj comes to Rani’s place calling her around. Suminda and Anandi come there worried. Raaj says they had gone to the castle, Rani told him to wait there as she has a surprise for him; she didn’t return later. Suminda turns to ask Anandi what she has done to Rani. Suminda tells Raaj to send some men find Rani as she goes to inform police. Raaj thinks police will find the dead body of Rani. He comes to the room where there was Rani’s photo on a wall, he says I am sorry. She had no mistake in whatever happened. They both loved their families, it was a coincidence she was borne at Suminda. He says every time, God writes their story as a tragic one. The difference between these two lives of theirs is, justice for his parents is the most important thing for him. If it had gone as planned Suminda must be on roads, but his fate is never his side, he must begin the planning of his revenge again.

Some men spot the injured Rani near some trees. The men recognize the girl as Rani Chauhan whose news was published in the newspaper. Suminda gets a call about Rani. Suminda shouts Raaj’s name. In the room, Raaj repeats expecting Suminda would say Rani is no more. He runs to the hall. Suminda says Rani had an accident, she got a call that Rani’s condition is really weak. Raaj thinks what if Rani gets conscious. Anandi tells him to go. Raaj says he would reach their before them, they must bring the doctor.

Raaj comes to a hut where Rani lay with herbal medicine put over her face. The people leave him alone. Raaj calls Rani’s name and apologizes her, he realized after losing her what he had lost. He was helpless as he couldn’t be happy watching her live. He pulls the pillow from under her head, saying he has no other way. He says he won’t be able to revenge Rani if his truth is revealed. Before he could suffocate Rani, Suminda and Anandi come there. Suminda cries beside Rani, the men tell her they found her injured and brought her here. Raaj sits beside Rani, kisses her head and takes a chance to whisper to Rani that she must not tell anyone about him, else he must take another severe step against her.

Raaj comes outside the hut and thinks he can’t say what he wants to, and can also not do what he wish for. He can’t even hug Rani, what if she wakes up and share his truth with them. Suminda comes to him saying she can understand his condition, she cries that Rani has been really happy till yesterday; why are they being punished. Raja stares towards her thinking Suminda destroyed his family, now he would punish her and not God.

Someone announces Rani has woken up. They hurry towards her, Rani doesn’t recognize anyone there, she looks around confused and asks who they are. She denies recognizing them and even herself. Suminda was worried. The doctor says it feels she lost her memory, she is hurt deeply at head. She suggests them to take her home.

At home, Suminda and Anandi hold Rani while she looks around without recognizing the place around. She comes in, points towards Raaj and accuses him of pushing her from the cliff. He is a blo*dy murdered. Raaj hears Rani’s cry about not remembering anything and comes out of his daydreaming. Suminda takes her towards her wedding photos on the wall. She says this is her room, she must try to remember. Rani asks her to leave her alone for a while, she doesn’t understand what they have been saying.

Raaj comes from behind and says it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t remember anything, she might take rest. He holds her shoulders but she pushes him away. Raaj asks why is she afraid of him, how can she forget him. He tries to remind Rani that they are married, they have been lovers for ages. Rani was confused and asks him to leave her alone. He brings her a glass of water but she denies. Raaj turns to watch the property papers then asks her signatures on the papers. Rani asks what these are. Raaj says these are insurance papers. Rani takes a pen to sign but says she can’t. She doesn’t remember the name and signatures of hers and holds her head. Raaj says alright, she may sign these papers when she recalls everything gradually. He leaves her alone in the room.

Rani cries recalling the events in morning. Rani says she remember each and everything, she will remember it always. Raaj never thought about her and forgot their love so easily, he called her mom as their biggest enemy. She will find out about the truth of his hatred. She cries thinking about each moment they had spent together in love. She says his love fell weak in front of his desire for revenge. She will bring the reality of her mother, if she is the culprit she must share her part of truth.

The next morning, Rani was about to put sindoor then places it back. She vows not to fill her hairline until she unveils the complete truth. She comes to breakfast table. Anandi says she prepared her favorite dishes, like the chocolate pastry. Rani denies anything else. Raaj comes to join them on table.

Suminda offers him to sit together. Rani looks towards him, Raaj compliments if there is a feast. He then asks Suminda if she has taken her medicine. Rani chokes, he offers her a glass of water. Rani denies eating anything. Rani says she has been suffocating here, she wants to go out. Preiti offers to take her to her favorite spots, Anandi says she would go along them. Raaj says he would also go, Rani thinks she won’t be able to do what she wants to otherwise and says he can’t go. Anandi says he is her husband. Rani says she doesn’t feel a connection with him, she doesn’t even feel safer with him. She notices him and hands him a napkin to wipe his sweat. Suminda suggests she can cancel her meetings and come along. Rani qualifies they must not disturb their routines for her, she needs to be normal soon.

On the way, Rani asks Anandi to turn towards the cliff she had her accident, she wants to go there so that she might remember something there about her accident.

She hopes to get what she wants. On the way, there comes Raaj’s parent’s house. Rani thinks she would be able to unveil Raaj soon. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.

READ NEXT: Once there was a king, Thursday 23rd June 2022 update