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I do on zee world, Sunday 19th June 2022 update

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Ahil finds sanam attending to her hand woundf, and is in a great deal of pain and is apalled, as he remembers the way sanam took care of him, when he needed her. He is about to come in, but then retreats and walks past. sanam finds him in the hallway, and calls out to him, but he pretends not to notice, and leaves, when actually he hides behind the pillar, distraught at their situation, after their new found love and emotions for each other. sanam is distraught too, and ahil is tensed seeing her cry. Ahil’s heart reaches out to her, but he feels helpless. He leaves finally.

I do Series
I do Series

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Saturday 18th June 2022 update

In the night, sanam comes to her room, to find ahil tensed, and tanveer waiting for her. She wonders if they got to know that she hid the papers. tanveer asks her to come isnide as they were waiting for her only. Sanam says to ahil that she just wanted to talk to him for a minute before they sign the papers and wanted to clarify everything. tanveer asks her to do so later, and that the property papers should be signed first, and says that she thought that this moment of happiness should be more memorable, so that everybody can join in the cheer. Sanam is shocked to find papers in her hand. Tanveer asks ahil to go along, while she just comes. ahil watchs sanam as he moves past her, and then resignedly walks out.

sanam is tensed. tanveer comes to her asking what happened, and if she got a shock, and if she actually thought she could defeat her, by taking advanmtage of her blindness. tanveer says that she has heightened smell instincts, and sensed her too. she asks her to come along to sign the papers along with her husband, Ahil, just like she wanted and tanveer decided to fulfill. She leaves saying that she is waiting for her. Sanam takes out the folder that she had hidden, and finds that there are blank pages of the notary inside. she is boggled and confused.

Downstairs, all sit down for signing the papers. sanam asks ahil if his hand is okay now and isnt paining. He doesnt reply. tanveer says that today is very important as with their signatures, the property shall go to its rightful owner, as Nawab Sahab wanted. tanveer thinks that once it happens, it wont be long before everything is in her name. All wait tensedly. Tanveer asks sanam to sign. Ahil and sanam eyes each other tensedly. Tanveer asks ahil if sanam signed the papers, and when ahil tensedly doesnt respond. tanveer asks sanam whats taking so long, as the lawyer too is waiting. Sanam finally takes out her bandaged injured hands from under her dupatta.

Sanam remembers ahil’s statements about how signing the paper would mean the end of their relationship. Ahil is shocked to see her hand bandaged. All others are surprised too. tanveer is tensed to know that Sanam has a bandage on. Ahil asks sanam what happened, and she says that a cat attackes her hand, very dangerous, and she tried her best to save herself, but still got hurt. she eyes tanveer smilingly, who is frustrated herself.

Scene 2:
Location: In the garden
The lady applauds razia for having fulfilled her final wish. The lady says that now she would fulfill her side of the promise. The lady tells razia that she would find seher at the same temple where she got this prashad from, today night. razia is pleased.

Scene 3:
Location: Rahat’s residence
As haya is texting sanam about her and rahat’s marriage, faiz comes and gives her some gifts. She says that she doesnt want them. faiz says that he should apologize but didnt get a chance, and thinks that she may have forgotten.

He says that he never knew everything would be correct soon, and didnty know that such things cant be forgotten easily, and she has a big heart that she forgave him so easily. She says that she should have told all this earlier, and that somewhere she too is at fault. faiz is boggled how. rahat comes in and hears them, where faiz asks whats that she should have told him earlier. haya is about to speak, when rahat stops faiz and calls out to him. haya silences. Rahat asks him whats he doing here, and then takes him aside, saying that this isnt right, and if he wants everything would be okay, he has to stay away fromk haya. faiz understands and apologises for this, and says that he wont give rahat a chance to complain again. rahat steps aside. haya is tensed, while faiz leaves, casting a glance at haya. haya has questioning eyes, while rahat looks at her.

Scene 4:
Location: Outside the temple
Razia is frustrated waiting outside the temple, for seher, and thinks that all this was a farce, and starts lamenting about the work that she is doing in vain. She is oblivious that just then, seher starts walking up the stairs, depressed and distraught herself. She accidentally steps on fer feet, and she is about to scold the woman, when razia is shocked to find herself confronted with seher, the person who she wanted to see. she is shocked beyond belief. Seher stands in front of the Lord, teary eyed and emotional.

She asks the lord why did this happen to her, adding that she always thought he gave her new life, new support and new hope, and asks what big crime did she commit, as she had noone ever. she says that for the first time, she felt that she had someone who could say that she was his, by meeting rehaan, and she felt she could be more than a thief. But she accuses that he didnt support her, and for the first time, she had a dream other than being rich, and had started dreaming of a different dream world, but he shattered all of it at once.

she says that she wanted to say everything to him, but the lord took it all away. she says that she may be bad but rehaan is a nice soul, and why did he have to go through all of this. she says that for the first time, she felt bad for rehaan that she was trying to steal him, and she did a nice thing for once, but the lord broke off Rehaan’s heart and faith too badly. She says that everyone was right that she is an orphan, and has been stealing, as she just wants money and nothing else, and hence she couldnt think of love and marriage and hence only she is to be blamed, that she thought that she could move on, forgetting about her past.

Seher says that from today, her life is only for stealing, as she knows that she is capable of just that, and that her life mission from now shall be to become a rich man, by thefts and fraud. She says that she doesnt want to love, and just be rich, and if her destiny is to be a thief, then so be it, and she knows that the lord has favoured her till now, and would do again too. razia comes and tells her that when a person takes the right path its never termed too late. she says that she too has a work from her, a work that only she can do. Seher is confused.

seher is boggled while razia says that after she does that work, her whole work shall change, and she wont have to work cheap. She asks who is razia. razia says that she is the Aladdin’s jinh and shall fulfill all her wishes for her to become rich. She says that she knows all about her, and wants work from her, and for that, she would get the money, that she hasnt even dreamt of. seher wards her off rebuking her and leaves. razia tells her that she may not believe it, but she is 100% genuine, and offers up upto 50 lakhs for this work, which makes seher turn around, asking who is she.

Razia says that she isnt giving her money for answering her questions. Seher thinks that she is bluffing. razia gives her the bangles, saying that they are at 5lakhs, and consider this an advance, and the remaining after the work is done. seher takes and says that if these are genuine then she would meet her here only tomorrow, or else she shouldnt think of showing her face ever again. Seher leaves. razia comments that this may be her last jewellery, but it would pay her off nicely.

Location: Ahil’s residence
The lawyer says that they shall have to wait till sanam’s hand gets better. tanveer is frustrated while sanam smiles. Ahil goes to see off the lawyer. sanam too begins to leave, when tanveer stops her, and compliments her on learning the game so easily, and asks her if she thinks that she can stop her from doing what she wants, by such an immature act. tanveer says that she wont be able to, as she is the master at this game.

Sanam says that this iant a game but life to her, and she cant let anyone play with it. she says that she is indebted to her, and she respects her for that, but when they are talking frank, she wants her to know, that she understands everything, and it may be ahil’s benefit or not, but she definitely benefits, having seen the desperation and till she doesnt get to the bottom of it, she wont sign the papers. She leaves, while tanveer is tensed and irritated. tanveer thinks that by tonight, she would get sanam to sign the papers, be she dead or alive, and that she wont ever know her truth. Sanam enters her roiom, and finds ahil, and they awkwardly face each other. Ahil eyes her bandage, and asks that her left hand was hurt, then why she didnt sign with the right hand. sanam says that she too felt that signing meant their relation shall end, which she doesnt want at all. Ahil remembers saying the same thing to her, and their intimate moments together, and then gets disturbed remembering tanveer’s words.

He says that she should have signed the papers, and then adds that its better that she doersnt start dreaming of a life together with him, as his life is complicated, and she would be hurt if she tries to interfere in it. He begins to leave, and the diary of his falls down on the floor. He is stopped by sanam, who asks what happened last evening, that separated them after having come so close. she says that she can see that he too wants to stay together, then whats the problem, and wants to know why is he detatching himself from her. He says that he wont understand nor does he want to argue with her on this matter. He leaves.

She turns around resignedly and finds ahil’s diary on the floor, and starts flipping through the pages, and is shocked at what she reads, in ahil’s childhood diary. She gets emotional as she goes through ahil’s childhood recount of ahil’s turmoil and trauma that he faced due to their parents fighting, and his father’s drunken state, and how he was neglected and terrified all the time. tears stream down her cheeks as she is apalled at ahil’s pain. she closes her eyes in emotions. She gets ahil’s call, and is about to receive the call, when tanveer cancels her call. Ahil wonders if sanam is mad at him for behaving like that. tanveer asks sanam to sign, and when she refuses, tanveer throws her on the bed, while sanam is shocked and asks whats the matter.

Ahil is tensed as to why is sanam cancelling the phone again and again. tanveer takes her by her face and says that she doesnt know her yet, and what she doesnt get, she snatches, and that she would get signatures from sanam anyhow. ahil is extremely tensed that sanam isnt picking the phone, and then sends a message, that in between them there’s something that hasnt and isnt able to be ended, hence he doesnt want it to end anymore. He says that he wants to say something to her, which he hasnt been able to, and asks her to meet at his old constructions site.

Tanveer, through Azhar’s parents, gags and suffocates Sanam by tying her in a plastic bag, while she pants for breath and muffledly screams for help. Ahil thinks that he cant bear this pain with her, and that he would tell her everything. They forcibly try to get sanam’s thumb impression, while ahil thinks that she should have reached by now, and asks if she is really upset. azhar’s parents ask her to give in or she shall die. Ahil keeps getting tensed.

Location: Rahat’s residence
rahat is tensed as he remembers his promise to haya and then to faiz, and the dilemma that he is in right now, and he stopped faiz from knowing the truth. faiz comes asking what were they talking, and why was faiz so happy, and why the gifts.

He asks her not to overhink. she asks how can she not, as faiz insulted her so much and gave her divorce and threw her out, and had he not been there, she would have been begging on the roiad. rahat says that faiz is guilty of his behaviour, and came to apologise. Haya says that she isnt angry at him, as he doesnt matter to her, and that she has only loved one man in her life and thats him, and says I LOVE YOU to him. she hugs him, while he is tensed.

Location: Ahil’s residence
Sanam keeps suffocating and panting for breath, finally almost dozing off to unconsciousness, while they keep trying to get her thumb impression, but she doesnt relent. ahil meanwhile keeps getting frustrated. Tanveer doesnt let go and continues to torture her, while sarcastically saying that they shall test her limit of tolerance.

meanwhile, a tensed ahil arrives and starts walking to his room, while tanveer warns sanam that they shall see if she signs or dies first, and if she dies, she would get her signatures as it is, and the whgole world shall know that ahil refused to accept her and she committed suicide. she asks sanam to open the clenched fist, while ahil progresses to his room.

As a knock on the door startles tanveer and scares azhar’s parents, sanam doses off into unconscious state, just when ahil arrives. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.

READ NEXT: I do, Monday 20th June 2022 update