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Meet in love zee world, Friday 17th June 2022 update

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Meet walks to Meet Ahlawat and says, listen thankyou for taking permission from Babita for job and saving me from goons. Meet Ahlawat if it would have been someone I would have done same. Meet says I also came to says thanks as a person not as wife. Meet Ahlawat says welcome and break his button says wherever you go things start breaking and goes to cupboard try to open and break its handle and ask Meet for keys.

Meet in love zee world Series
Meet in love zee world Series

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Thursday 16 June 2022 update

Meet says I don’t know. Meet Ahlawat satart calling everyone. Meet ask him to stutch it ge says I don’t know how to do it. Meet says you will trouble everyone your whole life never learnt how to do. Ragini walks in and says you called. Meet Ahlawat says yes where is cupboard key and please fix this button to.

Ragini says I have work to do and you are married now ask your wife to do it I can give you needle and thread Ragini give to Meet and leaves. Meet Ahlawat says what are you looking at do it. Meet says I don’t know how to put thread in needle, Meet Ahlawat oh wow now, Meet says I have a solution, and brings stapler, Meet Ahlawat gets scared, Meet says I will staple it and the place will get covered by tie, now come, Meet Ahlawat says slowly,Meet trying to staple, but can’t because of her short height so stands on the bed and staples his shirt and says look, Ragini calls Meet, Meet and Meet Ahlawat start fighting on who she is calling, Meet Ahlawat fights and says she is calling me and leaves. Ragini says I meant her.

Ragini says Meet you have to cook sweet today as ritual, Meet Ahlawat and Meet start fighting over name, he leaves. Masoom says you should be worried, Ragini asks why, Masoom says Mom’s friends are coming who are cooking experts, and she already insulted her during Muh Dikhai, Meet says Ragini aunty I can’t cook. Ragini says I will help you don’t worry, I have to go out for some work, will do that and comr back. Masoom hides Ragini’s papers, Ragini leaves, Masoom says now chachi won’t come back soon, will need 4 hr more to come back.

Ragini calls Meet and tells her she will be late, Meet says okay I will see video and cook. Masoom and Chavi discuss that this will be disastrous day of Meet.
Meet in kitchen, Meet says its easy to do all other works , I wish cooking was so easy too, and starts looking for things, Duggu comes to help Meet with ingredients, Meet asks why are you here, Duggu says me and Mama are here to help, Meet says you have important meeting, Meet Ahlawat says Dad sent me here to help you. Meet Ahlawat says let me help open the jar and couldn’t, Meet opens it easily, Meet and Meet Ahlawat start fighting on who has attitude, Duggu scolds them and asks to focus on cooking.

Duggu starts giving instructions, Meet and Meet Ahlawat start working as per Duggu’s instructions. Masoom calls all Babita’s friend, Chavi says aunty said only her best friend why call others, Masoom says more people more insult and she will be out, Chavu says and I will marry Meet Ahlawat. Duggu says Mami you haven’t put on the gas, Meet Ahlawat says senseless woman, Meet puts on the gas and starts cooking, it starts burning, Meet Ahlawat says it said low gas, you kept it high.
Babita’s friends arrive, Duggu goes outm

Babita says Masoom I hope she doesn’t insult me today, Masoom says Chachi is helping her dont worry, all will be fine. Meet Ahlawat says to Meet because of you mom will be insulted.
Ragini walks in, Babita says where were you, Ragini says I had work in bank, Babita says God she is going to insult me now. Meet walks in with sweet. Babita is praised by her friends and call Meet magical, Babita very happy, Masoom gets angry and leaves. Masoom goes in kitchen to find some proof, she finds receipt in dustbin of a sweetshop and says now Meet will see some insult and all will know she is a liar and a cheat.

Masoom walks to everyone, Meet says I have to say something. ( Meet Ahlawat says to Meet, she has to lie to save mom from insult).
Meet says to everyone, I didn’t cook this I ordered it, Masoom shocked. Masoom scolds Meet for breaking the ritual. Meet says I tried but couldn’t cook, I got scared, Babita’s friends says Babita what all is this, if all daughter in laws start ordering soon our sons will go bankrupt. Meet says I ordered it from my money, I can’t cook but can earn and so I ordered it. Meet Ahlawat says aunty remember when your first got first salary, you threw lavish party and if we can enjoy that, why can’t we enjoy daughter in laws success, this sweet is from the daughter in laws hardwork, she didn’t change a ritual but just made little adjustment and her intentions were very pure and honest.

Precap: Raj says our daughter in law is going to work and so I have a surprise. Raj gets her a bike, Ragini says Meet break coconut, Meet does so. Babita says it’s a bad sign now we have to change her name to avoid these things
Kunal says to Manushi you must Meet in her room listing song. Meet Ahlawat wakes up says who is playing loud music, goes to Meet and says what are you doing. Meet says you wake up finally. Meet Ahlawat says its a bad morning and what wierd song you are listing. Meet says your alarm rang two three times you were not waking up and se now you are wokeup and iwas repairing your speaker was not working properly now its all fine. Servent enter room and says to Meet Raj has send this for you please wear it. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat see how important I have become in this house are you jelous of me. Meet Ahlawat says dad care for everyone but why am i talking to you. Meet says I don’t know. Meet Ahlawat says I’m getting late for office need to get ready. Meet rushes to bathroom. Meet Ahlawat shouts it’s my room, no worries I’ll go to another bathroom.

Manushi says to Kunal I’m very happy finally we are going to your house, who will stay long in hotel afterall after marriage husband’s house us my house too. Kunal thinks I never thought where we will go after hotel, where will I take her. Servant knocks on door and enter says here are your clothes. Manushi says now you brought my clothes you are kate give them. Servant says sorry ma’am police has come downstairs someone has swiped huge amount from someone else card thats why I was late. Kunal hear this and drop his trimmer. Manushi says thief come in such big hotels is this true Kunal. Kunal says strange baby. Manushi says wait I’ll bring money and ask do you know whoes card it was. Servant says ut wan in the name of Meet Ahlawat. Manushi and Kunal in shock and Manushi ask him to go. Manushi thinks Meet Ahlawat’s bad time is going on first I ran away and someone scratched his card. Kunal see card on floor and rushes towards Manushi and keep foot on card and says get ready fast we need to leave in 15minutes and reach suvna lake I thought of giving you surprise so thought of telling you I have planned camping for us. Manushi says how romantic and start packing. Kunal keeps the card in his wallet and think we need exit from backdoor or we will enter directly into jail.

Meet Ahlawat gets ready and sees Mset using mirror so rushes and stand infront of her to trouble. Meet switch on her phones camera and do make-up. They both give cold look to eachother while getting ready. Meet Ahlawat says to Meet I never saw someone so self obsessed that joining there hands in front of camera. Meet Ahlawat looks into her phone and sees she us praying to her father. Meet Ahlawat ask is there something special because you were praying your father. Meet everyone prays god but I start my day by praying my parents because they made us and there is no special day to take there blessings, now what happen aren’t you getting late for office and she leaves.

Kunal and Manushi in cab. Manushi asks where are we going. Kunal says I’m going to give you a big surprise and you will hug me tightly after seeing that, I think why this plan didn’t came in my mind earlier. Manushi thinks I’m so proud of my beauty because of which I made Kunal my boyfriend and after seeing this beauty my in laws will also accept me and then they will give me blessings, all the jewelery and honeymoon in Switzerland. Kunal says your surprise is near so please now close your eyes because its surprise and blindfold her. Manushi says how romantic. Kunal thinks surprise is for you but all of my problems will be solved from today your good day will start.

Raj calls where is everyone. Babita come and says what happen what’s big today. Raj saya you all remember how our son had first day of his job same way our daughter in law is going for job so its our duty to give her blessings too. Meet come down and sees everyone. Babita looks at Meet. Meet Ahlawat come down and touches feet of everyone elder then him. Ragini says saty happy but all of sudden. Meet Ahlawat says why all of you looking at me us there something special day to take blessings, kids can take blessings of there elders anytime. Raj says that’s right stay happy.

Masum says to Babita what combination your daughter in law is wearing. Meet says in delivery job we have to travel a lot and if I’ll wear saree then will stumble whole day that’s why I’m wearing this. Babita says clothes are been wear according to occasion and if you are comfortable in these clothes for your job then you can wear. Raj says to Meet I have planned a surprise for you. Meet ask what. Raj says go out then you will get to know.

Kunal and Manushi reach destination. Manushi says I’m so excited cannot wait. Kunal says I know how much you miss your house and unfolds her blindfold says wherr your big bunglow and where your small house and says surprise. Manushi sees the bungalow and gets shocked. Kunal thinks finally I’ll live in Manushi bunglow with full luxury without using someone else credit card.

Raj takes everyone out and says to Meet here is your surprise open curtain and you’ll see. Meet sees her dad’s bike and remember what she told about bike. Masum says so happy after getting old bike. Raj says this bike still beat heart, have fingerprint prints of someone on handle, some memories with this seat, this is not normal bike its his father’s bike, like same way Meet Ahlawat uses my car she also have emotional attachment with this bike and every bike is fail infront of this bike.

Meet says this is the best gift of my life come lets go for a ride. Raj says I have been on ride with you, you should take your mother in law for a ride. Babita looks at Raj. Raj says bad idea and says I eman to say take her whenever she want. Ragini says today we got an invaluable guest in our her so we need to do pooja of it and ask Meet to do it and ask Sunaina to bring plate. Meet says to Ragini I’ll do pooja but I don’t know how to do it. Ragini says no worries I’ll tell you just follow steps and ask Meet Ahlawat to shoot a video of this special moment. Ragini tells her what to do. Meet Ahlawat shoot video and he gets a message on his phone.

Kunal takes out luggage from car. Manushi asks why are we here my parents will not allow us they are angry let’s go to your house come lets go. Kunal says no my parents are more angry then your first we will meet your parents.

Security guard come. Kunal says your servant have good manners they come to us to pick our luggage and ask guard take this inside we will come. Security guard pick up luggage and throws it out. Kunal shouts at him says how dare you throw our luggage can’t you see I’m with house owner you cannot insult us. Manushi says come lets go I’ll tell you later. Kunal says wait I’ll talk to him. Security guard push. Kunal says how dare you push me she is your owners daughter, give her respect. Security guard says what owner I’m here for years and know everyone in this house and I never saw her. Kunal says what are you talking. Manushi saus come Kunal lets go from here. Security guard ask them to shift.

Ragini calls Meet Ahlawat to break coconut. Meet Ahlawat busy in his phone and Meet breaks the coconut everyone looks at Meet. Meet says I use to break coconut same way in my house, my mom use to say if ut breaks into half then it means good omen. Babita says not good its bad omen don’t you know girls do not break coconut. Meet says chachiji said to break coconut so I did and coconut dosent know who break it girl or boy. Babita says to Ragini what is this girl. Ragini said I told Meet Ahlawat. Meet says sorry it was a confusion.

Babita says what sorry this taks was to be done by my son and you took that from him, first you took all the happiness from him, her right to choose life partner. Raj says why are you serious it was just a confusion, she did it by mistake. Babita says to Raj so because of confusion she will not follow ritual properly, it is wrong and you know it so please don’t try to defend her,

We need to find a cure for this, we have to change her name. Meet in shock thinks my father gave me this name how can I give it away Its his last sign. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.

READ NEXT: Meet in love, Saturday 18th June 2022 update

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